All Cops Are Bastards



>Any use of force by police, especially deadly force, was entirely unprovoked. During her conversation with police, Massey got up to move a pot of boiling water off of the stove. Sean Grayson, the white racist cop who killed her, falsely claimed that she “came at him with boiling water”. > >This was a blatant lie, as the bodycam shows her place the boiling water on the counter as instructed, and she was shot a split second later. Police continued to yell “drop the pot” after she had already done so. > >Grayson, who killed her, also did not turn his bodycam on until after the killing occurred, so the only footage available is the angle from the other cop that was present. The two cops then stood around while she lay bleeding on the floor, refusing to render medical aid. > >The police can be heard on the footage saying, “I’m not even gonna waste my medical stuff on her.” Not one bit of remorse or concern for her was shown by any member of the sheriff’s department in the half hour that followed the killing. > >Grayson was fired and indicted on charges of murder by the Illinois grand jury, but this can hardly be considered justice. He had previous DUI convictions and has worked for at least six different police departments just since 2020. > >If this were an issue of “bad apples” and not a whole rotten racist system, Grayson would never have been given a badge and gun in the first place. These killings would not be a daily occur[e]nce. Yet thousands of Black people, including those with disabilities like Massey, meet the same fate at the hands of the police. > >Police in the U.S. treat Black people with the same dehumanization and ruthlessness that the [Imperialist] Occupation Forces subject Palestinians to. Both U.S. and [neocolonial] police as well as military forces operate as colonial occupying armies in colonized communities. Both commit unfathomable acts of violence on camera for the world to see, with little to no accountability. > >Indictment is not enough. Justice can only look like a wholesale dismantling of the racist police and prison system as a bare minimum.


>Cohen was covering a spontaneous protest that took place outside Likud headquarters [on Saturday night]( after the conclusion of the scheduled rallies on Kaplan Street and Hostages' Square. A crowd of several hundred demonstrators gathered in the street, encircling a large metal box in which a fire burned underneath the words "No home." Police eventually used horses and physical force to disperse the crowd. > >[…] > >In addition to several violent arrests, protesters have sustained injuries from police-mounted horses and water cannons. Journalists and medical personnel have been subject to the same treatment as well, despite their protected status. > >The past couple of weeks have seen the arrest of one doctor as he was administering medical treatment to a demonstrator, and another who suffered an eye injury as a result of a direct hit from a water cannon. Last week, [Haaretz photographer Itai Ron was arrested]( while taking photos of the protest. > >On Sunday, [Herzlianism’s] Public Defender's Office condemned what it called "widespread" excessive use of force by [neocolonial] police against protesters and called for the department of the Justice Ministry responsible for investigating police misconduct to address the issue. > >The office released a statement saying that the violence evident in footage taken during anti-government protests "wounds the body and soul and tramples human rights," and that it "harms every part of [this] society and results in loss of trust in law enforcement."


[Neocolonial police terrorizing a Jewish man in a wheelchair.]( [Neocolocial officer pushes a Jewish elder to the ground.]( [He suffered a bloody face.]( [Neocolonial police push a Jew towards a fence.]( [Police forcing a Jewish man to lie down on the ground.]( [Police raiding the Mea Shearim Jewish neighborhood, physically abusing Jews and intimidating nearby witnesses.]( [Photograph of an officer literally dragging around a Jew.]( [Another.]( And yes, in most of these videos you can hear the witnesses yelling ‘Nazi!’ at their oppressors. A couple of years ago it would have been startling to hear anybody—especially a Jew—liken Zionism’s neocolony to the Third Reich, but I think that the extermination campaign has really broken the taboo now.


Truly unfortunate. I propose an additional $50 million funding in police training will prevent such mishaps in the future.


>Workers World spoke with encampment participant Nada Anusi, one of the students arrested May 10, who said: “On Friday morning, at about 5:30 am, we were woken from our sleep by the police with only two minutes left to gather our things and leave. While we anticipated a raid, especially in the early morning when community support and publicity there would be minimal, we did not want to leave the camp we built. > >“The Ben Franklin statue [on UPenn Campus Green] became a site of resistance for students and campers. We all stood proud and strong as we watched hundreds of police storm the campus with wooden batons and riot gear. We knew what we were up against, and we were ready to face it, but the disproportionality of over 100 cops to 33 protesters was a disgusting view from the top of Ben Franklin.” > >Anusi explained: “We were pulled off the statue by the cops, held tightly, zip tied and warned not to resist. Some of us were thrown onto the ground and dragged away, with bruised and dislocated shoulders. I was double-cuffed, patted down three times, shoved around, and violated in many ways. Despite that, the most upsetting part was watching UPenn police and the Philadelphia Police Department work together with the administration to take an entire encampment and shove it down a compactor. > >“So much that was built, and from scratch, was destroyed. It was very wasteful. Very disturbing and an eerie reflection of what goes on at other encampments. For a minute, I imagined what it was like to be in Occupied Palestine and watch my family home get demolished with all the memories and life I put into it still there. It is not exactly comparable. I have a home to go to. But this was a place for me, as a Palestinian, to truly feel in community with those struggling alongside me. > >Anusi concluded: “I participated in this encampment because I reached a point where my entire life is re-centered [on] Gaza. I live and breathe for Palestine and if that means I have to make all the noise in the world and continue to build while they destroy, then so be it. It is the least I can do. As an academic, the university serves as a proxy for my class struggle, for this anti-colonial struggle. More than 40,000 [people] martyred with all [their] universities destroyed, and it is about time we recognize our privilege in the belly of the beast and continue our global uprising.”


>Even before they had finished with their mass arrests at Columbia, the cops sent significant numbers a mile or so north to CCNY. When they had what they considered enough force, they started to sweep the CCNY campus, arresting 179 people both on and off the campus. (Columbia Spectator, May 1) According to a May 1 morning press release posted to the CUNY “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” Instagram, the New York Police Department sweep resulted in multiple injuries. > >“Police broke the ankle of an undergraduate student, broke the teeth of two protesters, attacked and burned many students, faculty and at least one journalist with pepper spray at close range, and beat many more with batons,” the news site City News reported. > >When students, heartsick over genocide occurring before their eyes, confront established state policy, they get treated with the same police brutality, similar to their counterparts in Gaza.


>Annelise Orleck, a 65-year-old Jewish professor at Dartmouth University, was floored twice by aggressive police officers who took away her phone while she was standing with pro-Palestinian student activists. > >[Orleck told reporters she felt unsafe on campus as a Jewish person but not because of her students, 'because police lifted me up and body slammed me, then arrested me'. She has now been banned from the Dartmouth campus, where she has worked for 34 years, under the terms of her bail conditions.]( …wow. [Interview with the victim.](


>Within minutes, the Berlin police stormed the conference and forced the 250 attendees to disband. The police shut off the building’s electricity and demanded that the organizers stop livestreaming on their phones. Protests erupted in the surrounding streets, and riot police blocked and encircled the protest with vehicles. Many demonstrators were arrested. > >The German state’s actions in suppressing this event and the subsequent protests have a precedent and represent an alarming trend in Germany and indeed in many [neo]imperialist states which use various instruments of state power to quash pro-Palestinian voices. > >German authorities, as a pretext to justify their overreach, accuse activists like those connected with the Palestine Congress of being “antisemitic.” While German history dating from the […] Third Reich and prior antisemitism justifies the existence of laws against Nazi-type hate speech, the German state has distorted this justification and turned it into repression directed at anyone criticizing the repressive actions of [Zionism’s] state, even when these actions reach the level of genocide. > >In the current confrontation, the Berlin police claimed that their raid on the Palestine Congress was due to such concerns of antisemitism. (Middle East Monitor) > >German media resolutely parroted the state’s narrative. The truth is, as Dr. Abu Sitta said, that Germany is complicit in the genocide in Gaza and will not hesitate to obfuscate the truth and dispel dissidents to protect its interests as a capitalist [neo]imperialist régime that unwaveringly supports the […] occupation.


>Palestinian protesters seem to be bearing the brunt of police crackdowns on protests in Germany — “We Jews are just getting arrested, the Palestinians are being beaten,” Hefets says. One example was the brutal [arrest]( of a hijab-wearing protester at a sit-in in Berlin central station this past weekend, which was captured on video and posted to social media channels. > >But Hefets believes her group of Jewish activists is also being specifically targeted at demonstrations because of its Jewish identity. > >Last week, [Jewish Voice’s bank account was frozen]( ahead of mid-April’s Palastina Kongres (Palestine Congress) — for “regulatory reasons”, according to the state-owned Berliner Sparkasse bank. The group’s account has been frozen before, in 2019, because of its support for the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. > >“They [Jewish protesters] get in the way of the narrative of Jews being protected by Germans against Muslims — but when you see Jews marching, then you see it’s not needed,” says Hefets. > >Her case was one of the reasons that Germany’s ranking was dropped to “narrowed” in the Civicus Monitor, an annual ranking that measures civic freedoms to protest. > >[…] > >Palestinian activist Ola Alzayat attended a protest in February and explains that, being pregnant, she took special care to stay out of trouble. > >Suddenly, “somebody grabbed my face from behind. I didn’t know what was going on”, she says. > >It was the police. In a video of the incident which has been seen by Al Jazeera, a visibly pregnant Alzayat can be seen being dragged away by the neck, with her keffiyeh pulled from her neck to her face. She is screaming: “I’m pregnant, please, please!” > >Alzayat says that officers slapped her face when she tried to move, leaving her with bruising. They initially accused her of trying to “prevent an arrest”, later adding another accusation of hitting police officers with a flag, even though she claims not to have even had a flag with her. > >She says she was carried by five officers and put into a police car, from which she saw her husband being arrested as well. Though the charge of preventing an arrest was dropped, she says investigations continue over the allegations that she assaulted a police officer.


>OAKLAND, Calif. — A former correctional officer at a federal California women’s prison known for numerous misconduct allegations was sentenced to six years in prison for sexually abusing five inmates, federal officials announced Wednesday. > >Nakie Nunley, who supervised inmates at the Federal Correctional Institution, Dublin, becomes the seventh correctional officer sentenced to prison for sexually abusing inmates, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. A 2022 investigation by The Associated Press revealed a cultural of rampant sexual abuse and cover-up at the prison.


>The Free Jerusalem movement, an […] anti-occupation group, says [that neocolonial] police have detained five people and [assaulted others]( who were “protesting against the criminal attack on Gaza”. > >In a post on X, the group posted footage of [neocolonial] forces grabbing, shoving, and forcibly restraining several demonstrators in Jerusalem’s Paris Square.


They even used the ‘leg on neck’ technique on him. Disturbing. (Although the OP described them as ‘IOF stormtroopers’, judging by the outfits they seem to be riot police rather than soldiers. I can understand the confusion, though.) ETA: [Mirror](, which includes a clip of IOF terrorists bullying a Palestinian child.


>Since 9/11, many U.S. police departments, including Philadelphia’s, have been routinely trained by [neocolonial] “security experts.” > >Miko Peled’s article “Deadly exchange: America’s racist policing has roots in Israel” was published May 29, 2020, by MintPress News shortly after the Minnesota police suffocation death of George Floyd went viral. Peled is an author and human rights activist born in Jerusalem. > >Peled described this training as a “collaboration between the two racist states who see no problem in executing and watching the slow agonizing death of Black and Brown people. Officer Derek Chauvin, who casually placed his knee on George Floyd’s neck [for 9 minutes], could have easily been [a neocolonial] soldier or police officer holding down a Palestinian.” > >Peled describes the training sessions [under Zionism] where police delegations from the U.S. met with [neocolonial] military, police and intelligences agencies: “They are given ‘opportunities’ to learn about what [Zionism’s régime] calls counterterrorism but is in fact no more than ‘refining methods of racial profiling.’” > >He also noted: “The training [that the neocolony] offers includes methods to control the media. […] The [neocolonial] methods taught include how to use the media as an arm of the government and ‘reframe coverage of state violence.’” > >Eventually, the massive Black Lives Matter protests in response to Floyd’s murder sparked backlash against the Anti-Defamation League, one of the key facilitators of police exchanges between the U.S. and [its neocolony]. Facing sustained pressure from the Deadly Exchange campaign and Jewish Voice for Peace, the ADL temporarily disrupted the program after it was forced to acknowledge that “its exchange program helped militarize U.S. police and harm communities of color.” (The Guardian, March 17, 2022) > >Whatever the ADL said in public, it is unlikely that these training programs ever stopped. The U.S. and [its neocolony] are clearly united in an all-out war, not just against Palestinians, but now spreading throughout the West Asia and Northeast Africa regions. The trainings are likely to intensify, with their impact felt, not just in Gaza or Jenin, but in Black and Brown neighborhoods in Philadelphia and cities across the U.S.


>Berlin: Pensioner sustains life-threatening injuries after being involved in the Luxemburg-Liebknecht demonstration. A conversation with Alexander Klein >Because we were busy with the treatment, I repeatedly asked the police officers standing around us to call an emergency doctor. But they refused because they said they didn't have time. Instead we were pushed, our rescue packs kicked and thrown around. Ultimately, a parliamentary observer called the emergency doctor. The police then refused to let him cross Frankfurter Allee. If the police had called the emergency doctor right away, we wouldn't have lost 20 important minutes! >But otherwise you won't be prevented from treating patients at demonstrations? >In some cases we are even prevented from even providing medical protection for gatherings. On November 18th we were searched in Eisenach for over an hour. The police even wanted to look into my underwear. We were not allowed to take protective helmets or scissors with us to the rally. The police repeatedly deny that we are rescue workers and try to classify us as demo participants, even though there are a number of court rulings to the contrary. In 2022, we were in court in Hamburg four times for this reason - and were acquitted four times.


I was at the Demonstration yesterday and a few blocks in front of where we were the Police arrested someone who chanted "From the River to the Sea" in the International Block and then got hit with flag Poles. Then Police knocked out a 65 year old man, and arrested 15 others some ended up in Hospitals.


>On Wednesday, the police refused to approve a Jewish-Arab demonstration that was scheduled to take place at Habima Square in Tel Aviv on Thursday. It was organized by Standing Together and Women Wage Peace. These organizations appealed to the commander of the police's Tel Aviv district, Maj, Gen. Peretz Amar, asking him to approve the scheduled march and demonstration, even though such a demonstration does not require a permit. > >The High Court of Justice issued a temporary injunction against Ben-Gvir on Wednesday determining that he had attempted to stop a demonstration by Hadash in Tel Aviv, even though he was prohibited from intervening in concrete decisions relating to the freedom to protest or demonstrate. Following the police's refusal to permit the demonstration, these organizations will submit a similar request next week. > >"A police force that refuses to allow a [Jewish-Arab peace march]( is a political police force, protecting a minister who fears peace and prefers unending war," said Alon Lee-Green, co-national director at Standing Together. "If the police fears for our wellbeing, let them do their job and protect our march and rally." > >Women Making Peace said that "refusing to approve the rally at Habima Square is unreasonable, and violates our right to make our voice heard in the public sphere in favor of a political solution. Thus far, the police have provided no reasons for their refusal. Suspicion arises that these are instructions from above. Only two weeks ago, a similar rally was held there, which concluded without a single problem." It feels like the neocolony is getting closer to civil war.


:::spoiler Paul Treanor was right. >[Propertarians] say [that] they favour political freedom. But even to simply enforce the outcome of the market, the apparatus of a state would be necessary — an army to prevent invasions, a police force to suppress internal revolt, a judicial system. Most [propertarians] go much further: they want a [propertarian] *régime*. Some of them have written complete and detailed constitutions. But like any state, a [propertarian] state will have to enforce its constitution — otherwise it will be no more than a suggested constitution. > >Even if the state is founded on the planet Mars (as some [propertarians] suggest), someone else with different ideas will probably arrive sometime. The [propertarian] constitutions might work in a freshly established [propertarian] colony, inhabited only by committed [propertarians]. But sooner or later there will be an opposition, perhaps resolutely hostile to the founding principles. States, which fail to enforce their own political system against opposition to the state itself, ultimately collapse or disappear. If [propertarian] states want to survive in such circumstances, they will use political repression against their internal opponents. > >In the case of [propertarianism] within existing states, the position is much clearer. There is no question of a fresh start with a fresh population. The [so‐called] Libertarian Party of the United States, for instance, seeks to impose [propertarianism] on the United States. It is an imposition, and can not be anything else. Unless they are prepared to accept the division of the country, they will have to deal with millions of anti‐[propertarians], who reject the régime entirely. They might call the riot police the Liberty Police, they might call the prisons Liberty Camps, but it's still not 'political freedom'. ([Source.]( ::: \ (Spotted [here](


[Photograph of the banner.]( ETA: [They did it again.](


Timothy Murray lost his father earlier this year and had been asking his principal for counseling when she called in the police


>Unlike many other detainees who shared celebratory photos of a breached wall or civilians on a military jeep, on the morning of October 7, Mr. Hawashleh simply wrote Sabah al-Kheir (“Good Morning” in Arabic) at 8:10 a.m. He later claimed that he was sleeping in the desert and didn’t even hear any news. > >![]( > >Despite the complete innocence of his text, he was detained on October 28 on suspicion of “publishing words praising or encouraging acts of terrorism and identifying with a terrorist organization!” In order to add “context,” the police related to another post from October 15, where Hawashleh shared an old holy Islamic text from the “Hadith.” As could be expected, the hadith, which is attributed to the prophet Muhammad said nothing about Israel or Hamas.


I know that this video is three years old, but I had to share this anyway because it astounds me that anybody would try this.


[More samples.]( Related: [Police officers kicking around candles symbolizing thousands of exterminated Palestinians.](


cross-posted from: > >A paedophile police officer who recorded himself sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl on her mobile phone after grooming her online has been jailed for more than six years. PC Luke Horner, 24, who is also an ex-soldier, travelled over an hour from his home to Rushden, Northamptonshire to attack the 13-year-old girl he had met on social media. > > > >He went on to sexually assault the victim while off-duty by engaging in penetrative sexual activity, which he recorded video footage of on her mobile on June 11. The girl’s horrified mother later found the film on her daughter’s phone and called police who arrested the Thames Valley Police (TVP) officer.


cross-posted from: > >FAIRBURY, Ill. (WMBD) — The Illinois State Police announced a Fairbury police officer was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a person on Thursday. > > > >Carter Meister, 23, of Forrest, a nearby Livingston County town, has been charged in Livingston County Circuit Court with four counts of criminal sexual assault and four counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. > > > >The charges, filed Friday, allege the victim was between the ages of 13 and 17 and that he was in a supervisory role over the victim. It wasn’t immediately clear from online court records whether there was more than one victim.


>A number of American cities have elected prosecutors who promised progressive law enforcement, focusing as much on police accountability as being tough on crime. In St. Louis, that prosecutor was Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, who was elected in 2016 following the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in the suburb of Ferguson. Gardner came into office pledging to reduce mass incarceration and promote rehabilitation over punishment. > >But from San Francisco to Philadelphia, prosecutors like Gardner have faced pushback from the police and, in several cities, from their own courtroom assistants. Politicians and voters have tried to remove some of these prosecutors from office — and, in a number of cities, they have been successful. > >Murphey’s resistance to Gardner — Chigurupati’s boss when Vincent’s case went to trial — was unusual and, perhaps, extreme. By his own account, he was willing to help murder suspects walk free to make a point, even if he arrested them and believed that they should be behind bars.


cross-posted from: > >A Kent Police Constable, Thomas Hill, has been sentenced to six months in prison for misconduct in public office. > > > >The 35-year-old officer engaged in an inappropriate sexual relationship with a woman he initially met during his professional duties.


cross-posted from: > Joel Justice Womochil went by “@ictbaddad” on the social media platform now known as X, with a profile picture of “Pedobear,” prosecutors say.