Avenged Sevenfold

Anything new after their little break from the last show?


I didn't create this. I take no credit.


So you don't have to visit the site: "Avenged Sevenfold debuted with Life is But a Dream..., with a total of 36,000 album units sold. The units sold include 28,000 sales in sales formats such as CD, LP, and paid digital downloads. It ranks at No. 13 on Billboard 200, No. 5 on Album Sales, No. 2 on Current Hard Music, No. 2 on Current Alternative, No. 2 Vinyl Albums, and No. 3 on Current Rock. While impressive for 2023, the numbers can't compare with past sales, with Hail to the King (2013) being their best-seller, selling over 159,000 copies and The Stage (2016) selling over 76,000 copies. Compared to Avenged Sevenfold's past first-week sales: Life is But a Dream… (2023) - 36,000* / 28,000 The Stage (2016) - 76,000* / 72,000 Hail to the King (2013) - 159,000 Nightmare (2010) - 163,000 Avenged Sevenfold (2007) - 94,000 City of Evil (2005) - 30,000 Waking the Fallen (2003) - 3000 Sounding the Seventh Trumpet (2001) - 300 *Total Activity "


I honestly don't know what to think about this technology. It's pretty bad though lol


“This is the most guitar-centric record, by far. It’s all fucking guitar and it’s all fucking crazy. But we really wanted to not just into a fucking bridge where get into some clean or fucking halftime shit or just bringing the chorus back in a different way. “It was like ‘How do fuck do we make these soundscapes, these riffs, these things that will sound like Avenged, but how do we make them fresh? And how do you hear guitar for the first time for guys who have been playing guitar their whole lives? How do we have them hear it for the very first time with brand new ears or eyes?”


“Cosmic” as interpreted by GPT4: "Cosmic" by Avenged Sevenfold appears to present themes of love, loss, time, and the cyclical nature of life, possibly even touching upon concepts of reincarnation or life beyond death. Let's break it down: [Verse 1] The opening verse introduces the concept of endings ('fade - from all that was before we shut another door') but also hints at the continuity of relationships beyond these endings ('but not a last goodbye'). The repeated battle or struggle that 'we'll never win' might represent the ongoing cycle of life and death. The lines 'we loved so many times and in so many lives' could suggest the concept of souls meeting in different lives, consistent with the idea of reincarnation. [Guitar Solo] The solo serves as an emotional bridge, possibly reflecting on the memories, love, and loss mentioned in the first verse. [Verse 2] This verse seems to illustrate different points in history, possibly depicting the cyclical journey of souls across time. 'Dancing in the wind as roses born again' might symbolize rebirth or renewal, while 'before the dawn of man in castles made of sand' could represent the soul's existence even before human civilization. 'Writing in the caves as fire lights the way' could refer to the early stages of human society, while 'mask of royal glow don in pharaoh's clothes' might represent the soul's journey through a royal life in ancient Egypt. 'Rings of dust and ice weightless in the night' could depict a cosmic perspective, suggesting a transcendence beyond Earthly existence. [Outro] The outro repeats the verse about the soul's journey through time and history, reinforcing the themes of love, loss, and reincarnation. The ending lines echo the first verse, reinforcing the concepts of ongoing struggle and the cyclical nature of existence. Overall, "Cosmic" can be interpreted as a reflection on the cyclical journey of the soul through time and space, suggesting themes of love, loss, and potential reincarnation. The lyrics encourage a cosmic perspective, highlighting the continuity and connections between past, present, and future.


“We Love You” as interpreted by GPT4: "We Love You" by Avenged Sevenfold seems to explore themes of ambition, society's obsession with materialism, success, and the toll it can take on an individual. Here's a potential interpretation: [Intro] The song begins with an idyllic scene, seemingly depicting a person who's just starting their journey - 'you've come so far' - and the world is full of promise and opportunities. [Refrain] The refrain appears to portray societal pressures and demands – the desire for more power, money, sexual appeal, and other worldly pleasures. The repeated phrase 'build' in various contexts could symbolize the idea of constructing one's life or status, in alignment with societal expectations. [Chorus] The chorus seems to convey societal admiration for those who strive to fit these expectations - 'you're one in a million and you know it shows.' 'And we love you' can be read as society's approval of those who conform to its standards. 'Unto the mud' might be a metaphorical phrase implying that even as someone is admired and loved for their success, they could still be dragged down or mired by the very expectations placed upon them. [Verse 1] The verse describes a ruthless struggle to reach the top, stepping over others if necessary ('Race to scale the body stack/Lay foot to face atop broken back'). 'A failure here is a failure earned' might suggest that in this competitive environment, any failure is seen as deserving. 'Do unto the top/ Do unto the end/ Do unto the mud' seems to outline the trajectory from striving to reach the top, realizing the end of one's journey, and finally, potentially, a downfall. [Refrain] The refrain repeats, further emphasizing the societal pressures and relentless pursuit of more - more power, pace, money, taste, etc. [Verse 2] The second verse continues to commend the individual for their striving and perseverance ('Look at the way that you choose/ You know you'll never lose'). The line 'And all that you are/ It was all you deserved anyway' might be seen as a critique of societal norms that often equate one's worth with their achievements. [Outro] The repeated phrase 'And we love you' in the outro can be seen as an ironic twist - an echo of society's love for those who fit its ideals, regardless of the personal toll it may take. Overall, the song seems to be a critique of society's relentless pursuit of success and the dehumanizing pressure that can come with it. It raises questions about the cost of striving for ever-increasing standards of success and the potential personal toll such pursuit can take.


“Nobody” as interpreted by GPT4: "Nobody" by Avenged Sevenfold seems to delve into themes of self-transcendence, identity, existentialism, and possibly the concept of death or the afterlife. Again, lyrics can be interpreted in many ways, but here is one possible analysis: [Verse 1] The first verse introduces a journey, perhaps a spiritual one. 'Riding in the shadows' and 'floating like a feather through space and time outside a dream' suggests a state of transcendent consciousness or a metaphysical exploration. 'Pirouette with divinity' suggests a connection or dance with the divine. The line 'I am all as I am none' could reference the concept of the ego dissolution often spoken about in spiritual and philosophical contexts, indicating the loss of individual identity and the experience of oneness. [Pre-Chorus & Chorus] The protagonist is 'shedding weight' and 'coming undone', which can suggest the process of ego death or the letting go of earthly attachments. The repeated phrase 'I am the sun' could represent the idea of becoming a source of life or energy, an integral part of the universe. In the chorus, the phrases 'I'm a God, I'm awake' and 'I'm alive, I'm the dead' suggest a state of higher consciousness, bridging life and death, illustrating the idea of omnipresence or being a part of everything. [Bridge] The bridge suggests an encounter with death ('I walk with death in final exhalation') and ascension ('A thousand floors ascend into the ether'). The 'lunatic enchanted by the reaper' might symbolize someone who is not afraid of death but rather fascinated by it. The phrase 'tear the fabric worn to cover my eyes and see' could signify enlightenment or the removal of illusions. [Refrain] 'Nobody' might represent the ultimate state of non-existence or the dissolution of the self, often discussed in Buddhist philosophies. [Verse 2] The second verse further explores the concept of eternal existence and the cyclic nature of life and death ('All I ever was, has been and always will be'). It seems to emphasize a constant state of flux and transformation. [Post-Chorus] The post-chorus again delves into existential themes, speaking about the fleeting nature of existence ('A narrow moment when we find ourselves') and the relinquishment of earthly identity ('Letting go as you lose your name'). Overall, "Nobody" seems to explore the themes of self-transcendence, existentialism, and the cyclical nature of life and death. It presents a spiritual journey where the protagonist goes through an ego death, ascends into higher consciousness, and ultimately becomes one with the universe.


“Mattel” as interpreted by GPT4: "Mattel" by Avenged Sevenfold seems to be a critique of a superficial, artificial society. Here's a possible interpretation: In the first verse, the speaker describes themselves as a doll or a toy, with "vinyl skin," "plastic bones," and "cast button eyes." This could be a metaphor for how the speaker feels inauthentic or artificial, possibly because they're trying to conform to society's expectations or standards. The line "But there's nobody home" suggests a lack of personal identity or feeling of emptiness inside. The imagery of "toy yellow birds upon the rooftops" and "LED beams from the sky being held on a string" further emphasize the artificial nature of this world. The phrase "While boredom tears me apart at the seams" suggests dissatisfaction or a sense of stagnation. The chorus, "Now I know this might sound crazy / But I've smelled the plastic daisies / And it seems we've found ourselves in hell," seems to express a realization of the falseness of their surroundings and a longing for something real. The "plastic daisies" represent artificial beauty, and the declaration of being in "hell" could be a metaphor for the dissatisfaction and disillusionment the speaker feels in this artificial environment. In the second verse, the speaker talks about the monotony of life ("Day after day it all plays over, dedicated loop, same year after year") and the insincerity of social interactions ("Please attend, all model citizens, R.S.V.P. if we can count you in, empty as we play pretend"). The bridge and breakdown ("Living feign in porcelain and just smart enough to know nothing at all" / "Pull my string and make me cry" / "Advertisement, moral scrawl, a semblance of choice when there's no choice at all" / "Out of stock 'The end is nigh'") seem to further critique society's artificiality, consumerism, and lack of true freedom or choice. Again, it's important to remember that song lyrics are often open to interpretation, and the exact meaning might only be fully known by the songwriter. Different listeners may perceive different meanings based on their own experiences and perspectives.


ChatGPT4 Interprets Life is But a Dream... Part 1 - "Game Over" I thought it would be interesting to see what GPT4 had to say about the album since both The Stage, and Life is But a Dream address these concepts in their lyrics. Okay, “Game Over” as interpreted by GPT4: The lyrics of “Game Over” by Avenged Sevenfold seem to be a narrative of a person’s life journey from birth to death, touching on various phases of life and feelings. As with many songs, it’s open to interpretation. [Verse 1] The song opens with the stages of a child’s growth, starting from infancy to childhood, as depicted by the words “open, blurry, nurture, loving,” leading to “crawling, walking, fleeting, glory”. The references to a ‘brother, stranger, bloody, ally, teacher, recess, buddy’ could suggest various relationships experienced throughout early life. The ‘secret, toothless, fairy, pillow’ could refer to the innocence of childhood fantasies such as the tooth fairy. The ordinary and extraordinary elements show a mix of everyday activities and special events. [Chorus] The repeated phrase ‘as it may’ could imply the inevitability and acceptance of the passage of time. The line ‘Days are fine and come on time/ But years leave with nothing to find’ might suggest how quickly time passes, with days seeming insignificant but years accumulating into substantial changes. [Verse 2] The second verse might depict teenage years and young adulthood with references to high school, hormones, gaining a driving license, and having a first-time lover. There’s a sense of new experiences, opportunities, and pitfalls that come with freedom. The ‘questions, doubtful, wedding, family’ could be about the later stages of adulthood where people often marry and have children. [Bridge] The bridge suggests a critical self-reflection, where the protagonist feels out of place or dissatisfied with their current life, expressing a sense of disconnection and loss of will, hinting at a depressive state. [Outro] The song takes a tragic turn in the outro, possibly suggesting suicide (‘Toss a rope over the branch and fall into the night’). The phrase ‘Can’t you see life is but a dream anyway’ might express a sense of disillusionment or existential angst. Overall, the song appears to reflect on the passage of life, its joys and sorrows, relationships, milestones, and the feelings of disillusionment and existential crisis one might face. It presents a poignant exploration of life’s journey, ending on a tragic note. However, individual interpretations might vary based on personal experiences and perspectives.


Make sure to watch from YouTube, otherwise it won't show directly from lemmy. This is probably one of the oldest/best quality recordings from this time period. Here is the comment from the original uploader that actually did the professional filming: "Hey there. So i was My Chemical Romance's videographer and they opened the show up that day. I had worked for a band called Mushroomhead in the early 2000's and A7X were on their tour as an opener so I had gotten to know them from those days a bit. They asked me to help film for the Unholy Confessions video and told me to film The Rev's angle. Problem was, that I ended up on the road with MCR and never got Avenged this footage! So it was sitting in my files for years and I finally found it and felt it deserved to be on here for all to see. I appreciate all of the compliments, it was a very fun show to film and am proud of the joy its bringing to so many people almost 20 years later. 🖤🦇 Filmed with full permission from the band, management, label & venue. Filmed By: Brad Nolan Instagram: @Brad_Nolan"


The entire album of Life is but a Dream is amazing lyrically. "Nobody" has probably my favorite lyrics, but I want to know the inverse. I'm not talking about the music itself. Purely the lyrical writing.