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The [openSUSE Project]( has an official space on [Hugging Face](, which is a popular platform offering a range of open-source Artificial Intelligence models, tools and resources. The new namespace can be found at []( Hugging Face is known for facilitating developers and researchers in working with advanced AI applications that include natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision. Having the openSUSE namespace provides community-driven development toward creating, sharing and improving AI models and datasets. One dataset has already been added. The first dataset is [openSUSE Cavil](, which is a tool designed for license compliance, identification and legal reviews. By leveraging the rich AI models and datasets available through the Hugging Face platform, openSUSE Cavil can offer a more advanced and accurate detection of license issues and compliance. To get involved with the openSUSE Project on Hugging Face, individuals can sign up for an account. The registration process is straightforward and requires only basic information. Once registered, users can explore the openSUSE and view a collection of AI models and datasets created and shared by the community. Contributors are encouraged to share their AI models and datasets. Hugging Face offers tools and tutorials to assist with uploading and managing these contributions. Community members can work together on improving existing models or developing new ones. High-quality documentation and tutorials are vital for the success of the project. Community members can contribute by writing guides, creating video tutorials, or translating existing resources to broaden their accessibility. Users gain access to cutting-edge AI models and a collaborative environment where they can learn and expand their skills. Contributions to the project support the advancement of AI research and development within the open-source ecosystem. For more information and to participate, visit []( #### More Information about openSUSE: #### **Official** * [openSUSE News]( * [openSUSE Mailing List]( * [openSUSE Wiki]( **Fediverse** * []( * [](


My first real attempt at ricing. Working with Hyprland. Color palette inspiration from Kripton-GTK with Gruvbox-Dark icon set. [\#unixporn]( [#shareyourdesktop]( [#linux](


I want to run openvpn every time I log on, but currently I run `sudo openvpn --config <myconfig> --auth-user-pass <user/pass>` every time. Is there a way to make it run that automatically and not need my password? I could make it launch a terminal and run a script but is there a way that would not require me to type my password every time? Can I maybe give myself permissions to whatever openvpn needs so it doesn't need sudo? How do I find out what those permissions are? Is this the right place to ask? I'm running KDE/Plasma 6 on Manjaro should that matter edit: Thanks all! I'm going to try the systemd option, if I can't get that working I'll fall back to the cronjob option, and failing that changing openvpn to not need a password for sudo and launching a script at kde statup.

Linux jwr1 8mo ago 100%
KDE MegaRelease 6

The KDE community proudly presents Plasma 6, Frameworks 6 and Gear 24.02


Just wanted to drop there here, in case anybody finds it useful. I started doing some blogging, mostly with the intention of archiving how in the hell I've done things on Linux, in the past, so I know where to find them the next time I need to do them. There will probably be other stuff there, with time, some of it not linux related, but I'll tag the relevant stuff, so it's easier to find.


windows has built it monitor calibration, anything like it for Linux? basically to adjust gamma and rgb balabce


Tails 6.0 anonymous OS is now available for public testing ahead of the official release on February 27th based on Debian 12 Bookworm.


I use equalizerAPO on windows currently, is there something similar for Linux?


This posting is intended to function not only as a tutorial but, also, as a review and commentary on my ‘long-term’ use of spectrwm as my primary window manager (long-term, meaning at least one month of daily use). [\#Linux]( [#spectrwm]( [#Tutorial]( [#Review]( [#Debian]( [#ArchLinux]( [#OpenBSD]( [#Technology]( [](


A critical vulnerability (CVE-2023-40547) has been found in the shim bootloader, leaving millions of Linux systems vulnerable to attack.


cross-posted from:


This is what it looks like: HDMI 60 Hz and I switch from TTY1 (with Cinnamon) to TTY2 - it takes 7 seconds. HDMI 60 Hz return from TTY2 to TTY1 - **takes 1 second**. DisplayPort 60 Hz and I switch from TTY1 (with Cinnamon) to TTY2 - it takes 6 seconds. DisplayPort 60 Hz return from TTY2 to TTY1 - **takes 6 seconds**!. On HDMI, the return takes only a second. And that's how it should always be, right? Yet every other case lasts 6-7 seconds. That's a ridiculously long time, and there's no reason for it to take that long, is there? In turn, at higher refresh rates, even HDMI recovery takes 6-7 seconds. This is also surprising behavior. As if the system/drivers(?) only supported HDMI 60 Hz exactly, but not completely, because switching to TTY2 still takes too long. What can I do with this? Is it only possible to count on driver updates to improve things? Monitor Gigabyte M32QC Curved 31,5" GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 8GB ASRock A620MHDV/M.2+ AMD RYZEN 5 7500F AM5 Kingston Fury Beast Black 16GB DDR5 (KF556C40BB-16)


Dziwny bug, związany z HDMI/DisplayPort i częstotliwością odświeżania i przełączaniem między TTY. Tak to wygląda: HDMI 60 Hz i przełączam z TTY1(z Cinnamon), na TTY2 - trwa 7 sekund. HDMI 60 Hz powrót z TTY2 na TTY1 - **trwa 1 sekundę**. DisplayPort 60 Hz i przełączam z TTY1(z Cinnamon), na TTY2 - trwa 6 sekund. DisplayPort 60 Hz powrót z TTY2 na TTY1 - **trwa 6 sekund**!. Na HDMI powrót trwa tylko sekundę. I tak powinno być zawsze, nie? A jednak każdy inny przypadek trwa 6-7 sekund. To absurdalnie długo, i chyba nie ma żadnego powodu, żeby tyle to trwało? Z kolei przy wyższych częstotliwościach odświeżania, już nawet HDMI powrót trwa 6-7 sekund. To też jest zaskakujące zachowanie. Jakby system/sterowniki(?) obsługiwały tylko dokładnie HDMI 60 Hz, ale też nie do końca, bo przełączenie na TTY2 nadal trwa za długo. Co mogę z tym zrobić? Czy tylko można liczyć na aktualizacje sterowników, żeby coś się poprawiło? Monitor Gigabyte M32QC Curved 31,5" GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 8 GB ASRock A620MHDV/M.2+ AMD RYZEN 5 7500F AM5 Kingston Fury Beast Black 16GB DDR5 (KF556C40BB-16) [\#nvidia]( [#linux]( [#archlinux](


I run a web server (lighttpd) to serve a few pages to the world. I've installed the nordvpn client and when I run it two expected things happen: 1. I lose my SSH connection to the machine, and 2. My website becomes inaccessible to the public Is it possible to run the VPN and still maintain the SSH connection on the local net and the web server connection on the internet?


I'm using [#MXLinux]( on [#LiveUSB]( and tried to rollback it to previous remaster. However, I had updated the kernel to newer version before. In effect, the OS "didn't finish up booting", or, rather threw (as I saw after Alt-F1) an (uncritical) error about new kernel unavailable and booted up to CLI. To recover from this, I used the same `live-kernel-updater`, but rolled back the kernel version instead of updating. This recovered the system. This should be helpful also for [#Antix]( users as both distros share their LiveUSB utilities. [\#linux](


Happy Holidays! This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Stable Diffusion and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Micro This Micro That Ubports Touch : OTA-3 Review : Kubuntu 23.10 and Linux Lite 6. Ubuntu Games : Tiny Life


Xorg – Wayland Transition Thoughts… []( [\_logo.png]( [\#linux](


The shell history is cluttered with useless commands if stuff like tokens are included. Shell variables allow to exclude such content from the history.


[]( > > > Due to an issue in ext4 with data corruption in kernel 6.1.64-1, we are pausing the 12.3 image release for today while we attend to fixes. Please do not update any systems at this time, we urge caution for users with UnattendedUpgrades configured. Please see bug# 1057843: []( > >


Just bought a pc laptop and want to dual boot Linux. Windows will be for some games, Linux for everything else. Would this be the right place to ask for advice?


Thank you all who have supported my channel so far. I finally got 360 subscribers. Which to many is not a big feat. Considering all I’ve been through I’m lucky to be around to make videos at all. I got my first affiliate offer in my email today. I’m sure thousands of these are sent out every day but this put a big smile on my face. I’m not going to accept their offer but I’m happy to have even been considered as all. Come check me out if you haven’t already. I do mostly Linux, gaming and open source application show cases! []( [\#linux](


The 6 Most Popular Plasma 6 Logos We selected the 6 most ❤ed logos from the original thread and made a poll to determine which is the most popular. The three most voted options will be passed on to the Plasma developers for their consideration. Please note that this poll is non-binding and changing the logo will depend on the willingness of the Plasma devs. They will have the final say. Either way, the change is unlikely to happen in time for Plasma 6.0, as the project is currently in Fe...


Wine has become a highly optimized and useful piece of software for those that live in Linux, but occasionally need to walk on the Windows side. In case you’d wondered, there’s a simila…


I am using Manjaro GNOME. I wanted to use automatic1111, but it wasn't recognising my graphics card (NVIDIA 1660 ti) and wasn't proceeding to the next stage of installation (the terminal kept crashing when it got to a certain point), so Bing said that switching from wayland to x11 might fix it. I changed the /etc/gdm/custom.conf file to # GDM configuration storage [daemon] AutomaticLoginEnable=False # Uncomment the line below to force the login screen to use Xorg WaylandEnable=false [security] [xdmcp] [chooser] [debug] # Uncomment the line below to turn on debugging #Enable=true and ran **sudo systemctl restart gdm** When I did that, automatic1111 started working, in a sense (it still wouldn't detect the models or loras I'd put in the models folder), but other stuff broke, in that swiping with three fingers no longer switched workspaces, the Ctrl-C Ctrl-V shortcuts stopped working, and Blender would crash upon opening. For those reasons, I wanted to switch back to wayland from x11, or even getting those features working with x11, I didn't mind, but the former seemed easier. I re-commented the line in the above file and ran **sudo systemctl restart gdm** again, but running **echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE** returned x11 rather than wayland. The settings icon next to my username doesn't let me switch between wayland and x11, but only GNOME and GNOME Classic. Can you please help, if you can, with my predicament?


Linux kernel 6.5 reached end of life and all users are now recommended to upgrade their system to Linux kernel 6.6 LTS as soon as possible.


With currently reviewing the HP Z6 G5 A workstation powered by the new 96-core AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 7995WX Zen 4 processor, one of the areas I was curious about was how well HP's tuned Microsoft Windows 11 compares to that of Linux.


It has taken a while to develop this release but we are still here and despite life throwing in extra challenges for each of our team members the past months, we are proud to present you our Galileo ISO with significant changes...


Sometimes you want a command to be automatically executed as soon as a certain file changes. There is a small tool called entr, which helps with that.


GNOME is by far the biggest target of harassment in the FOSS space but it's by no means unique to GNOME this happens to basically every project with any noticiable level of usage Full Episode: [](


Probably the big news is that we released the Plasma 6 Alpha today! What does that mean? Well, go read this blog post by David Edmundson to find out! In a nutshell, you should try out the Plasma 6 Alpha out using one of these distros (or by building it yourself using kdesrc-build) if you’re an adventurous person who has a backup and wants to help make the final release better by reporting bugs or even fixing them. It really does help!


We’re pleased to bring you Fedora Linux 39, our complete, community-built operating system. And stop by our virtual release party! It's free!


"Why does ACPI exist" - - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate, wait no let me start again.


I'm developing my own library for I/O purposes in D, and so far I managed to make my window to open up, but when I close it, I get an error like this: ``` X connection to :0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). ``` I cannot find anything related to this, and most guides instead recommend me to use some preexisting library for the same purposes, except they often come with very serious caveats (SDL2's audio didn't work for me at all, SFML and a lot of other libraries use the older DirectInput library instead of something newer, etc).


OpenTTD is one of my favorite Linux Mint applications. Not only is it absolutely free to play but it’s pretty straightforward to get into. Let’s take a look together if you haven’t checked it out before! [OpenTTD (Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe) - Linux Mint]( [\#linux](


Quite often I want to execute the same command for multiple files. It is quite easy to achieve that using the fish shell, once you get the hang of it.