Pacific Northwest

I came across this blog post -- considering that fire season is coming up (or already started in some places) and the PNW's track record, figured some folks may find this useful. This is a pretty cheap air filter that is easy to construct with minimal tools and works better than putting filters onto a box fan.


>The 12-person jury found PacifiCorp negligent on all major counts, including gross negligence, for causing the Santiam, Echo Mountain, 242 and South Obenchain fires. The seven-week class action trial against Oregon’s second-largest utility was held at Multnomah County Courthouse.


Hi all, figured I would get this community started in the hopes others would be interested in joining. Where are you from? What do you love about Oregon, Washington, BC? I am Olympia-based now but have also lived in Seattle and Spokane. I so appreciate the laid-back culture and the closeness to nature even within urban environments here in Western Washington.