
Talmud is evil. I denounce it.


Outrageous as it was for the FBI to try to monitor, surveil, and investigate American citizens based on their religion, it appears to have been a coordinated effort — an effort that Wray lied to Congress about. The FBI has become a tool of the permanent regime in Washington, which will tolerate no resistance to their ideology — an ideology best understood as pagan morality. Abortion, gender ideology, and the thinly-veiled racism of critical race theory in particular are considered sacred by the regime. Traditional Catholics — or “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” in FBI parlance — oppose these things and will never accept them. Unlike supposedly “devout” Catholic Democrat politicians, including President Joe Biden and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Latin Mass-attending Catholics oppose abortion, gay marriage, transgenderism, and racism in the guise of CRT. They oppose these things not because they’re on the political right but because they accept the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage and homosexuality, as well as the doctrine of imago Dei, that all people are created in God’s image, regardless of race or sex, and therefore all are equal in the eyes of God. This doctrine, by the way, is one of the pillars of Western civilization, without which our entire system of constitutional self-government would collapse. It’s precisely this doctrine that so offends the FBI and the regime it serves. Dividing people according to immutable and unchosen characteristics such as race or sex is what the political left wants to do. It’s what drives the left’s obsession with skin color and so-called gender identity. Instead of a republic of free and equal citizens, the regime wants a collection of favored and disfavored groups to rule over, pitting them against one another while doling out rewards and punishments based on alleged guilt and grievance.


School's leadership seems to have abided by district policies calling for educators to spend most of their time on "targeted student populations" - as part of a district policy seen by National Review which calls for decentralizing "whiteness" in schools and using the hiring process to create a staff that is "free of blockers and resistors."


She added, “Come and kill him for me [redacted] I promise I’ll help you hide the body Bring all 4 of your guns.” After the teacher, whose identity is being protected by both KDFW and The Dallas Morning News, went viral, she bragged her job as a teacher was “safe.” “They told me to delete the post but my job is safe since I did not directly wish harm on ALL white people,” the teacher tweeted. “They laughed and told me to watch what I say and I’ll be good to go! Being a great teacher pays off very well when they know your true self!”


Best Buy is partnering with McKinsey & Company on a Management Training Program. The program is not open to white applicants. “Candidates must meet the [racial] requirements below”


“The idea of unconscious bias states that one acts on those biases, and there’s no evidence of this happening in the medical community,”


When I was a Democrat, the only Republicans I knew of were on my television, and they were never shown in a positive light. They were illustrated by the mainstream media apparatus as buffoons with idiotic ideas who were callously individualistic, and, of course, bigots. When I was introduced to politics, I was told there were two parties: The Democrats are "for Blacks" and the Republicans are racists. But here's the thing: I had no personal example of a Republican whom I could point to who could challenge this simplistic perception. This political theory was backed up by what seemed like the facts on the ground. No Republican took the time to disabuse me or anyone in my community of our perception.


When this “reverse Robin Hood” mindset is applied to race, poor black families in Baltimore are used to explain why African Americans who vacation on Martha’s Vineyard need racial preferences to get into Ivy League schools.


The curriculum itself contradicts two of the allegations NBC sourced to AHA, and the third criticizes a part of the curriculum that doesn’t exist yet. Two “1776 Curriculum” units relevant to the period of the Great Migration, when African Americans moved en masse from the South to northern cities, are yet to be released.


This refusal would feed into a nasty, flawed, and disgusting view of black American history that ultimately degrades the contributions of blacks in early American society. It’s hard to see how black Americans would be better served by such an erroneous approach. African American history is the story of a resilient people that persevered through even the most unimaginable and challenging circumstances — and that is exactly how it should be taught.


“Our district will no longer participate in any attempt to divide us by race or advance the notion that we are not created equal,” the new district administrator said. “As the former head of the Central Florida Urban League, a civil rights organization, I can say definitively that our community thrives only when we work together despite our differences.” The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District said the previous district tended to award contracts “based on racially and gender driven goals.”


The standards are clear in teaching that, despite their enslavement, blacks developed skills that “in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit” — not that slavery was beneficial to them. It’s worth mentioning that the College Board’s African American studies course includes similar teachings. But these facts didn’t stop Republicans like Scott from advancing Harris’ false narrative about the subject. When asked about it late last week, Scott embraced the lie and used it to attack fellow 2024 primary contender Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.


Sounds like the Judge is imposing racial segregation > One of the major changes prepared by the ALCU keeps all of Coconut Grove and Flagami in their respective districts. Both areas had been split up under the city’s plan. Both sections have high percentages of Hispanic residents, including Flagami with nearly 94%. > Predominately black neighborhoods of Overtown and Liberty City are also staying together in District 5.


The party has consistently called for the eradication of all white South Africans, though this fact often goes completely ignored by the western media.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/525988 > > “The Air Force officer corps is currently 77% white: getting it down to 67%, a reduction of 10%, would require serious effort to purge white officers and bar the doors to any new ones. > > Reducing the number of white men in the officer corps to a minority, 43%, would cripple the service and wipe out generations of talent: especially when 86% of pilots are white men. > > What do you do with those 86% of white male pilots?”


Given the facts behind the SCOTUS case, does ACEP and its policy bodies then agree with discrimination against Asian Americans and agree with denying them entrance to institutions of higher learning? This means ACEP is joining together with the AMA and other medical organizations to be not only anti-white, but also anti-Asian. If this is the case, then ACEP is not exactly being inclusive, as the statement claims.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/424115 > Now prosecute Black Lives Matters for fund raising fraud.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/372191 > Other than a slight underrepresentation of black officers, the Navy is at or exceeds the national demographic of racial diversity. > > This begs the question, what is all the fuss about diversity? The Navy is diverse! There is no need to become even more diverse than the Navy already is. > > Millions of dollars and precious time are being devoted to a problem that is outside of the Navy’s ability to control. > > Nay, you say…. what about the shortfall in black officers? What about it? The Navy is devoting a lot of time and effort into trying to recruit blacks to join the Navy to become officers, but the gap remains. > > One must ask the question, “Why?” > > It is not because of discrimination because there are already thousands of black officers so there is obviously no barrier to blacks becoming officers. > > What is lacking is blacks who want to become naval officers. No amount of incentives or handwringing over a slight under-representation of blacks in the naval officer ranks is going to change a situation that obviously has other causes.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/266920 > CMT just CANCELLED this music video by Jason Aldean about the Antifa-BLM riots


Mainor shared some of the emails she’d received — riddled with nasty language and racist epithets — in a series of screenshots on Twitter.


Failing the New York State teachers’ exam really paid off — especially for a Queens man who learned this month he’s getting a $2 million windfall over it. Roughly 5,200 black and Hispanic ex-Big Apple teachers and once-aspiring educators are expected to collect more than $1.8 billion in judgments after the city stopped fighting a nearly three-decade federal discrimination lawsuit that found a certification exam was biased.


Standardized testing, it turned out, proved to be the single most accurate indicator of college performance, including for non-white students.


Judge Morton thought he deserved a second chance.


“This is a double victory for AfriForum over the SAHRC, as our position is that Julius Malema committed clear hate speech in 2016, and that the SAHRC does not have binding powers. Both have now been confirmed by the court,” said Ernst van Zyl, Campaign Officer for Strategy and Content at AfriForum. The general manager of the Transvaal Agricultrural Union TLU SA, Bennie van Zyl, criticized calls by corrupt South African President Cyril Ramaphosa for a “return to militancy” and “revolution” speaking to the radical ANC Youth League July 2.


Columbia linguist John McWhorter confessed in The New York Times last week that in high school he didn't bother "seeking the academic mountaintop" because, with racial quotas and preferences in place, his grades and test scores "wouldn't affect my future." So eliminating quotas may marginally increase black students' test scores. The nation has benefited from excellence of various kinds, some more often found in one group, others in others. The National Basketball Association doesn't much "look like America," either, and neither have the creators and performers of great popular music going back far into the American past.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/194311 > Legacy admissions help facilitate the flow of upper-class students into universities to maintain the status and wealth of these elite colleges. Wealthy white students—legacy picks—often get accepted over their less privileged counterparts simply because of their familial ties, not their academic merit. Legacy admissions allow Ivy League institutions—which receive federal aid—to deprioritize merit to preserve a steady stream of donations and grow their massive endowments.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/192133 > The federal subsidization of programs facilitating the integration of divisive and hateful ideologies in both impressionable youth and technological development presents opportunities for the further erosion of national cohesion and a globally competitive tech sector.


“The most dangerous place for a Black person in America is the Black womb.”


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/189946 > If this decision is not reversed, things are likely to get far worse (if possible) for conservative, libertarian and contrarian faculty members. Rather than investigate, sanction, or fire faculty for their viewpoints, schools will now simply declare them uncollegial in raising such viewpoints. School or board officials like John Corkins will no longer have to say that dissenting faculty should be “taken to the slaughterhouse” for their anti-diversity views. They can be “culled” on collegiality grounds.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/188677 > Dr. Amanda Calhoun, 28, argued in an op-ed for the Boston Globe that body cameras should be worn by health care professionals in order to hold responsible doctors and nurses for racist behavior allegedly displayed towards black patients. Calhoun, who serves as co-Vice Chair of the Diversity Council of the Yale Resident Fellow Senate, “works to alleviate the impact of racism on her patients and society at large,” her website states.


“In an industry where merit and skill must be the most important factors when selecting the top applicants for admission, medical schools have a moral obligation to swiftly comply with the law and remove these discriminatory practices,”


The idea that we should be created trails that are only for minority hikers is an absurd idea. Segregating hiking trails only further divides our country by race and identity, pushing the U.S. away from a united nation that celebrates its diversity.


Do they think: - black kids don't matter enough to care for - black men are incapable of caring for their kids - black women should be forced to financially support their kids on their own?


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/171586 > Bud Light sales dropped 31% since mid-May after the company partnered with Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender social media influencer, in April. Target and Kohl’s brands took a hit over LGBTQ merchandise in June, with Target losing $15 billion in market cap value and Kohl’s losing 20% of its share price.


Cloud didn’t exactly grow up on the mean streets. As a teen, she attended a $10,000 per-year Catholic High School in the leafy, far-western Philadelphia suburbs. She went on to attend the Universities of Maryland and Saint Joseph’s before being drafted in the 2015 WNB Draft. She is reportedly under a 3-year $565,000 contract with the Mystics and makes $190,000. annually, according to SportTrac. The player has also engaged in constant left-wing activism as a player. 2020, for instance, she took the entire year off from playing basketball to engage in Black Lives Matter activism.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/171395 > “We [in Florida] have color blind admissions and that works very well,” he said. “If you finish in the top 10% of your class in high school, you can get into a Florida University and we’ll make sure you have a spot for that, but we’re not divvying up on the basis of race.” > > Diversity is indeed important – but not diversity of skin color. > > “Yes, they may generate diversity and skin color, but they tend to promote uniformity of thought,” he said. “What about diversity of life experience? Diversity of viewpoints on things?” > > “And I think a lot of these organizations that go whole hog with DEI [diversity, equity and inclusion], they end up creating a conformity


The most important aspect of the ruling, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, is the affirmation that the Fourteenth Amendment, which guarantees to all citizens the equal protection of the law, means that the same law applies in the same way to every person—without regard to race. The Court rejected the so-called antisubordination view, which holds that the Fourteenth Amendment forbids only laws that hurt minorities, not those that help them—that is, that different treatment under the same law is permissible in light of historical inequities. They made clear that the law guarantees equality of opportunity, not outcome. Justice Clarence Thomas, in his concurrence, addressed this point powerfully. Advocates of the 14th Amendment, he wrote, "explicitly clarified that the equality sought by the law was not one in which all men shall be ‘six feet high’; rather, it strove to ensure that freedmen enjoy ‘equal rights before the law’ such that ‘each man shall have the right to pursue in his own way life, liberty, and happiness.’"