World News

cross-posted from: > I'm surprised there haven't been posts about it (or at least I haven't seen them on all the usual suspect communities). My guess is that people are hesitant to call it out in case the story turns out to be true, but I have no such qualms. > > **How it started** > > It started when Kyiv Independent quoted a "Western source" that [the DPRK has sent 10.000 troops to Russia,]( The Western media then ran with the story and said [Ukrainian intelligence believes DPRK soldiers are sent to Russia.]( Once [Zelenskyy]( [started]( [talking about it]( that was good enough for Western media to [accept it as fact]( I can't find the article now, but I distinctly remember a headline saying "Zelenskyy confirms North Korean soldiers fighting for Russia", they must have changed the headline because of how it sounds. I need to remember to take more screenshots. > > At the same time as this story was "breaking", the Western media ran a parallel story about how the DPRK soldiers have already [fled their positions]( Of course, no videos or pictures of these "deserting soldiers" were ever posted or shared. The Western audience believes these things because they want to believe them to be true. > > **Racist undertones** > > Ukraine+Western media are saying that Russia is going to use the DPRK troops to [form]( a [Buryat battalion]( Buryat people are a distinct ethnicities within the Russian Federation. Ukrainian intelligence services have no doubt chosen the name "Buryat battalion" because in low quality videos and photos Western audiences are not expected to know the difference between a Buryat soldier and a Korean soldier. They are also claiming the Koreans are receiving Russian passports, documents, etc. so if they ever come across the bodies of dead Buryat soldiers they can just claim those are actually DPRK soldiers. > > **How it's going** > > The latest "evidence" posted of these supposed DPRK soldiers "fighting for" Russia is two videos without a date or location, but purportedly from Russia's far east. In both videos you can hear Korean being spoken. In one video they are outside training, and in the other [they are receiving Russian uniforms.]( > > The Western media can't even get their story straight though. First they reported that South Korea's intelligence has said [12000 DPRK soldiers are fighting for Ukraine]( but then they revised their story to say [1500 DPRK troops are fighting for Russia]( If you look at the CNN url, you will see that it still says "12000 troops", although the title and the body of the article have changed. > > **Why are they saying this?** > > It is obvious that Zelenskyy & Co. are trying to present this as an escalation and evidence that [this is becoming a "world war"]( The fact that Ukraine has been supported by countries from around the world is irrelevant. They claim 1500 DPRK citizens getting Russian uniforms is a big problem, yet when some 20.000+ mercenaries from the West received Ukrainian uniforms that was actually wholesome big chungus move. > > Regardless of the reality, most people in the West now think that DPRK soldiers are actually fighting Ukraine on the ground, despite the fact that ["NATO has not confirmed that thousands of North Korean troops are preparing to join the war, Secretary-General Mark Rutte said on Thursday."]( > > **But what if the Western media turns out to be right, and there are DPRK soldiers fighting in Ukraine?** > > I'm happy to say that this story is bullshit because what are 1500 soldiers going to do for Russia? Russia supposedly has some 400k soldiers in Ukraine right now. According to Ukraine+Western media, Russia suffers 1000-1200 casualties *a day*, so DPRK just sent them a day's worth of fighting force. > > But *even if* that were true (and it isn't), it's not a big deal. Where was the outrage six months ago when Macron said he is [considering sending French troops to Ukraine]( People don't seem to understand that nobody is stopping individual countries like Poland, Estonia, Latvia, etc. to send troops to Ukraine. It won't trigger Article 5 and it won't drag NATO into war. But no country wants to do it, and no country will do it in response to 1500 supposed DPRK troops being sent there. > > If DPRK troops are indeed in Russia and Ukraine, then they are there probably for training, education or to oversee the transfer and use of the artillery ammunition they had sent to Russia earlier. NATO has thousands of its own personnel working in Ukraine, in addition to all the spooks and spies. > > The media loves this story because now it's Ukraine "alone" versus Russia, Iran, China and North Korea. It feeds into their underdog story, which only works if they completely ignore all the assistance Ukraine received from the West from the start of this war.


Ben Norton makes a great overview of the comprehensive new financial architecture that Russia is proposing at the BRICS summit to dedollarize and decentralize the global financial system. These plans are incredible. The US-dominated financial system has lasted over 80 years. If carried through, BRICS will reshape global finance and equity for the next century.


The Iraqi government has revoked the license of the Saudi-owned MBC television channel in the country and ordered the broadcaster to close its bureau in Baghdad after it aired a report disrespectful to prominent figures of resistance groups in the region. “All necessary legal measures have been taken and the channel’s operations in Iraq are suspended,” the commission announced in a statement. The MBC report clubbed the Axis of Resistance - Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Palestinian Hamas, Yemen’s Ansarullah and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq – and their leaders with terrorists like Osama bin Laden. Named in the report were Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who was assassinated in an Israeli strike on southern Beirut last month, and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh assassinated in Tehran in late July. It also cited Haniyeh’s successor Yahya Sinwar, who organized Operation Al-Aqsa Flood (Storm) inside southern Israeli-occupied territories on October 7 last year. The report broadcast by the Saudi television channel referred to the martyred commanders and leaders of the Axis of Resistance as "terrorists".


(I still don't know how to cross-post, although it was explained once to me) British counterterrorism police on Thursday raided the home and seized several electronic devices belonging to The Electronic Intifada’s associate editor Asa Winstanley. Approximately 10 officers arrived at Winstanley’s North London home before 6 am and served the journalist with warrants and other papers authorizing them to search his house and vehicle for devices and documents. A letter addressed to Winstanley from the “Counter Terrorism Command” of the Metropolitan Police Service indicates that the authorities are “aware of your profession” as a journalist but that “notwithstanding, police are investigating possible offenses” under sections 1 and 2 of the Terrorism Act (2006). These provisions set out the purported offense of “encouragement of terrorism.” An officer conducting Thursday’s raid informed Winstanley that the investigation was connected with the journalist’s social media posts. Attempts to reach the Metropolitan Police Service for comment for this story have been unsuccessful. Although his devices were seized, Winstanley was not arrested and has not been charged with any offense.


>For the first time, the criminal U.S. government is deploying a THAAD air defense system to the zionist entity to assist in defense “against an Iranian attack.” Along with the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) battery, dozens of U.S. soldiers will be deployed to install and operate it. > >Despite unlimited U.S. support, the deployment of such a system reveals a weakness in the zionist entity; its existing and extensive air defense systems deployed throughout occupied Palestine are not enough to counter seemingly limitless missiles and drones that rain down on all fronts. > >It is evidence that the Iranian operation was effective and precise and had that not been the case, the system would not have been delivered, as “israel” is incapable of repelling a larger attack.


US and British warplanes have bombed Yemen's capital city of Sana'a and several other areas, amid the country’s solidarity with the Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip and the Lebanese nation in the face of Israel's brutal aggression. Yemen's al-Masirah television network said the US-British aggression targeted the al-Hafa and Jirban areas in the north and south of the capital with six airstrikes on Thursday morning. The US military has used "B-2 stealth bombers for the 1st time in airstrikes on Yemen,” the television network said. A US defense official confirmed that the strikes were conducted using the B-2 bomber, which is usually deployed to strike areas heavily defended by air defense systems.


> The billionaire distributed the money to “fascists” through opposition figure Maria Corina Machado, the Venezuelan leader has claimed > Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused tech tycoon Elon Musk of “investing” at least $1 billion in inciting violence in the South American country after the presidential election earlier this year. > > Maduro was declared the winner of the July 28 poll by the national election authorities, though the US claimed that victory had been stolen from opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez. > During his weekly television program on Monday, Maduro alleged to have direct knowledge that Musk – with whom he has been engaged in a long-running public feud – had spent “no less than $1 billion” on “the coup d’etat, the fascist outbreak, the violence against the electoral process in Venezuela.” > > The Venezuelan leader named his political opponent, businesswoman Maria Corina Machado, as the distributor of the alleged funding to “fascist” groups, claiming that the US government was ultimately behind attempts to oust him from power. > Following the vote in July, Musk accused Maduro of “major election fraud,” while the Venezuelan president declared the South African-born billionaire his “arch enemy” who “controls the virtual reality” created by social media. The two agreed to settle their differences in a fistfight, which never happened. > Musk has previously expressed support for removing foreign governments in pursuit of his corporate interests. In July 2020, he was challenged online with a claim that Washington had orchestrated a coup against Bolivian President Evo Morales so that his electric car company, Tesla, could secure access to the country’s rich lithium reserves. Musk responded with a post: “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.”


>Russian troops have moved to within around 12 km of Pokrovsk, overwhelming Ukraine's stretched defences with vastly superior numbers and equipment. Thousands of residents have fled and key road and rail links to other cities risk being severed. ... >Oleksandr Kalenkov, head of Ukraine's steelmakers' association, said the loss of the Pokrovsk mine, the only domestic source of coking coal, could cause steel production to slump. "We could make up to 7.5 million metric tons of steel by the end of the year and, for next year, we saw an increase in production to over 10 million," Kalenkov told Reuters. Yikes! Since they *fret* now, I wonder if they will be spinning or humiliated once Pokrovsk is liberated.


TL;DR: In a plot to destabilize the EU, Putin and Lukashenko personally and directly caused masses of people to migrate from the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, so Poland won't observe the legal right of asylum anymore. They also decriminalised shooting migrants "in self defence". (Edit) This is from the new, supposedly less fascist Polish govt lol


Apparently libs think saying what's happening is "startling by anyone’s standards". >“There will always be a radical segment of Ukrainian society that will call any negotiation capitulation,” he said. “The far right in Ukraine is growing. The right wing is a danger to democracy.” And then... >Another brigade commander, Maksym Zhorin, *accused Marezhko of having no idea what he was talking about*, saying in no uncertain terms that **yes, in fact, negotiations on Russia’s conditions would always be seen as capitulation.** It's hard to find media coverage of it, but I'm pretty sure every Ukrainian city (including Kiev) are policed by neo-nazis. When the war started there was chaos, because the Ukrainian government decided to give an AK to anyone who asked. In the cities neo-nazi groups started keeping "law and order", now they have uniforms. AZOV started as a "special task police force" in 2014. Nazis policing is not a new concept for Ukraine. The TCC is almost 100% all nazis. People wonder "who could do that to people, shove them in vans and kidnap them for the front?" Nazis, that's who. Those are the people with a vested interest in the war continuing and they need cannon fodder. It's sickening. Who controls the streets, controls the country. I have heard from several Ukrainian refugees that they left because they got sick of the open nazism in their city. The threat about taking down the government is not an idle threat. They have done it once before, in 2014. Neo-nazis are in control of Ukraine and they will be a problem for Europe down the line. Especially when the threat is ignored and downplayed: "Ukraine’s far-right fringe remains a sensitive topic in the war-torn country". Liberals: Nazi-enablers since 1933.


Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin stated that the future belongs all of humanity, regardless of whether they come from the East or West. He emphasized that Serbs believe in traditional values — God, nation and family — which are shared by people worldwide. Serbia is considering joining BRICS as an alternative to EU membership, Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin told German newspaper Berliner Zeitung. Serbia "will certainly be present in Kazan" in Russia for the BRICS Summit later this month, Vulin said. "It would be irresponsible not to explore all possibilities, including BRICS membership."


On Saturday’s commemoration of the Day of Indigenous Resistance, a statement from the Foreign Ministry reiterated the importance of keeping alive the struggle and resistance of “our indigenous and Afro-descendant people, and to value their current contributions to the strengthening of society”. And also serve for the transition to a new era leaving behind discrimination, supremacism and impunity, he added. Faithful to its anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist tradition, the Bolivarian Republic expressed that the process of aggression against the peoples of Our America “cannot be celebrated nor can it be qualified as a civilizing enterprise”. It pointed out that this has been responsible for -as the Liberator Simón Bolívar wrote- “barbarities that the present age has rejected as fabulous, because they seem superior to human perversity; and they would never be believed by modern critics if constant and repeated documents did not testify to these unfortunate truths”. The Bolivarian government stated that it is the responsibility of all humanity to promote channels to make effective the recognition, justice and reparation of these crimes against humanity.