
Are you a recipe person, or experimental?

Do you always follow a recipe for a cocktail, or do you mix freeform, or just have an idea of what works for your taste? For me, I like recipes but about 75% of the time I just use a 'formula' - I learned that I LOVE a paper plane but only with 2x bourbon. That led me to a better understanding of proportion. Almost everything I've made with 2 parts of a booze I like, 1 part a fruity or sweet liqueur, 1 part an Amaro and 1 part lemon or lime (using judgement to match the flavors) works. And because a margarita is great, taking those proportions and subbing other things can also work.

Now with food, I would say the only things I use recipes for are baked goods, I am very much in the wing it camp. Use recipes for inspiration not as a rulebook. So not a shock that's the way I drink.

How do you use recipes?

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