
Are the theories of Relativity rational or just more pseudoscience?

Are the theories of Relativity rational or just more pseudoscience?

For those that have taken the blue pill, here is an introduction to the thinking that comes from taking the red pill. Which version makes most sense is up to you to decide. But don't automatically jump to the conclusion that your Einstein version is all that solid as a reasonable way to understand reality. Its clearly not, well that's the only possible conclusion that Dave and the AI Chatbot came to. See if you can find any errors in their logic if you believe that the Physics of Einstein is rock solid or even rational. The series of 5 ebooks is available for 99 cents on Amazon, and free on other book distributors until September 2024. The subjects covered are SR, GR, Spacetime, Speed of Light e=mc2, and some of the most famous experiments, all of which are found to be nonsense. Google "Dave vs Hal 9001"

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