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Weekly Explosions Vol 2: Ruling Class took a big hit this week

Weekly Explosions Vol 2: Ruling Class took a big hit this week

The Ruling Class like to cast things in terms of the left versus right. They try to keep the two sides divided. They actively censor each side to prevent the working class left finding common ground with the working class right and visa versa.

The true divide is between the Ruling Class (left and right) and the Working Class (left and right). The working class despise the Crony Capitalists and Corrupt Politicians who cut deals to enrich themselves.

The Ruling Class are those Corrupt Politicians, Bureaucrats, and Crony Capitalists who do not want any light shone on their special little deals.

The Working Class had a big win this week in Florida when Disney (Crony Capitalist) so angered the working class, that the Corrupt Politicians could no longer cover for them and had to let the light shine in on some of the special benefits Disney gets in the state of Florida like:

  • the ability to issue tax free bonds. Disney took full advantage of this perk and had issued almost a billion dollars worth of tax free bonds. What other business - big or small - is able to fund its activities by issuing tax free bonds?
  • not having to pay county taxes. Some estimate that this saves Disney about $200 million a year. What happens to your house if you do not pay your county property taxes. Is it fair for Disney to be exempt from county taxes?
  • not having to comply with county regulations and approvals. If I want to put solar panels on my roof - my county has a whole approval and regulatory process to go through. Disney other the other hand could build a nuclear power station without seeking any approval from the county.
  • not having to comply with county regulations that hinder all other businesses in the state - even direct competitors of Disney like Universal Studio, Legoland, hotels, restaurants, bars, tourist attractions, resorts, etc. County governments can tie up business for months and years in regulation - regulations are very costly, so this is a big advantage to Disney.
  • Not having to comply with Social Media laws that other companies must abide by.

Once the light exposed this corrupt deal (rumors abounds as to the benefits Disney provided state legislators over the years), the Corrupt Politicians could not withstand the Working Class outrage and had to terminate some of these cosy arrangements with Disney.

There is much more to do, for example apparently Florida loses $500 million a year in revenue because Florida does not have "Combined Reporting" laws and this allows Crony Capitalists like Disney to shift their profits to Delaware and save corporate taxes. (Florida does not have a Personal Income Tax - but they do have a Corporate Income Tax). Now the light has been shone on this loophole as well, the Corrupt Politicians are under enormous pressure to close this loophole as well.

These events have met with the overwhelming approval of working class Floridians. Heck it has even met with the approval of some of Disney's competitors who want an even playing field.

So what is the Big Hit the Ruling Class took this week? No it wasn't the removal of these special benefits from Disney - although that was good.

Politicians nationwide are a self interested bunch who mostly only care about being elected. Now they have seen how popular it is to strip away these special benefits from Crony Capitalists - you can be sure they will be motivated to do more. This is a snowball, that has only just started rolling. It is up to the Working Class (on the left and the right) to keep the pressure on their politicians to keep the ball rolling.

Introducing Combined Reporting so Disney and other Crony Capitalists pay their fair share of state taxes - and cutting the taxes of working class Floridians must have enormous appeal to vote hungry politicians.

The Crony Capitalists have already started to fight back by:

It is up to all of us to keep the politicians of all stripes focused on repealing the special benefits provided to Crony Capitalists over the years. To keep the snowball rolling.

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