Rant Alice 9mo ago 100%

Jordan B Peterson

Clean Up Your Life

Consider your circumstances. Start small, Have you taken full advantage of the opportunities offered to you?

Are you working hard on your career, or even your job, or are you letting bitterness and resentment hold you back and drag you down?

Have you made peace with your brother? Are you treating your spouse and your children with dignity and respect

Do you have habits that are destroying your health and well-being? Are you truly shouldering your responsibilities?

Have you said what you need to say to your friends and family members? Are there things that you could do, that you know you could do, that would make things around you better?

Have you cleaned up your life? If the answer is no, here's something to try: Start to stop doing what you know to be wrong. Start stopping today.

Don't waste time questioning how you know that what you're doing iS wrong, if you are certain that it is.

Inopportune questioning can confuse, without enlightening, as well as deflecting you from action.

You can know that something is wrong or right without knowing why.

Your entire Being can tell you something that you can neither explain nor articulate Every person is too complex to know themselves completely, and we all contain wisdom that we cannot comprehend So, simply stop, when you apprehend, however dimly, that you should stop.

Stop acting in that particular, despicable manner.

Stop saying those things that make you weak and ashamed.

Say only those things that make you strong.

Do only those things that you could speak of with honour.

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