
Participation Trophies Are the Reason We Have a Generation of Whiny Adults

Remember when you actually had to earn a trophy? Yeah, those days are long gone. Now, every kid who shows up gets a shiny little reminder that they’re a "winner," even if they spent the entire season picking daisies in the outfield.

And surprise, surprise, these same kids grow up to be adults who think they’re entitled to everything without actually putting in the work.We’ve created a society of fragile snowflakes who melt at the first sign of failure because they’ve never had to deal with the harsh reality of losing.

God forbid little Timmy learns that he’s not the best at everything—better give him a trophy so his self-esteem doesn’t crumble. Well, guess what? In the real world, you don’t get participation trophies for just existing.

So, keep handing out those meaningless awards and watch as we continue to churn out adults who can’t handle criticism, expect praise for the bare minimum, and think the world owes them something.

Congrats, you’re raising a generation of entitled, whiny brats who will never understand the value of hard work or the sweet satisfaction of actually winning.

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