
The Libs Are Beyond Saving At This Point

The Libs Are Beyond Saving At This Point

If the right is going to call Copmala a commie no matter what her policies are, why are they going right and not left?

Children in camps Under Trump?

Concentration Camps

Children in camps Under Biden?

Oh, those? Those are daycare centers.

Inflation Under Trump?

Worst economy of all time, nothing will save us now. We're about to implode the entire world economy. 😭😭😭

Inflation Under Biden?

Oh, that's just part of the economy silly! You wouldn't understand; you see, the fed prints money, obviously

Bombing the Middle East Under Trump?

Scum-fuck bastard, how could he do this to those poor people!

Bombing the Middle East Under Biden?

Hamas had this coming. There is no other way to preserve democracy. If we don't provide them missiles, Israel will do it anyway, so why stop?

Record number of black murders under Trump?

Trump fucking hates the blacks 😡😡

A BIGGER record number of black murders under Biden?

Well I mean.. it's those dang republicans doin murders obvi. Kamala only used them for free labor which is pretty lit, NGL 😂☮️🥥

Homelessness under Trump?

If the republicans cared, they would totally fix this shit immediately!

Homelessness under Biden?

Oh that? Yeah we made that shit illegal. The 13th amendment means it's okay to use those bums as free labor. Fuck the poors 😜

Gov surveillance under Trump?

Fucking fascists and their power-grabbing scum-fuckery. Eat shit.

Unlimited Gov surveillance under Biden?

I mean we gotta surveilllll to prevent crimesssss obvi ✌️. We can't have those pesky homeless people getting all uppity now can we?

COVID deaths under Trump?

We could have handled this so much better. Fuck the orange fuhrer. We're doomed :(.

Record COVID deaths under Biden (so, so many more deaths)?

COVID? Nah that shit ended years ago. Remember Trump? Yeah COVID ended when he left office, duh.

Trans murders under Trump?

These dirty transphobic monsters refuse to do anything to help. They have ALL the power, yet nothing.

Record trans murders under Biden?

It is what it is. Blame the republicans, we, as the people in power, just don't have any power to stop this shit :(

LGBT Deaths under Trump?

If only we had the power to stop this shit :((((((

First ever declared LGBTQIA+ emergency under Biden?

If only we had the power to stop this shit :((((((. Once we're in office; again, then we'll do something about this :)!

Stopping BLM Protest/Riots under Trump?

Fucking fascist gov using their power to stop peaceful protestors. FUCK OFF!

Stopping Palestinian Protest/Riots under Biden?

I mean the students had it coming, they should have known to denounce HHHamas before being violent idiots.

Roe v. Wade under Trump?

Damn I'm really surprised Trump didn't axe Roe w/ his Trifecta.

Biden not codifying Roe w/ his Trifecta (and then letting them axe it)?

We don't have the trifecta anymore :(! Pls vote me in again to save women's healthcare.

As "the last election of our lifetime" happens for a 3rd time, I'm fucking sick of these dumbass libs going further right when they KNOW they are going to lose w/ this strategy.

Fuck your genocide. Fuck your fascism. Fuck your propagandized, brain-dead mindset.


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