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Return Of The Repressed pod - "The Skull Boys" series episode previews (LONG) (examining the origins of Western ontology: taxonomy, linguistics, phrenology, eugenics)

e01 The Curse of Linné


[Preview]#46. The Skull Boys e01: "The Curse of Linné" 21 JUN · THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSED. 01:29:39

What if I told you that there exists a secret society dating back to Charlemagne, first Holy Roman Emperor. Advisers, almanacists and court painters possessing a scientia which ever since has governed PR, a hermeneutics, Pythagorean mysticism and Kabbalah numerology mishmash.

They taught Louis III how to entertain the people with tales of Vikings, which still run on Bernays’s Netflix. They stood on the receiving end of the crusade's plundering of the Islamicate libraries which stockpiled their bookshelves with far away, long gone Byzantine loot.

If you're thinking here is Marcus with another far-out theory from his isolation in the Alps, then you're ofc right to do so, but I wonder, do you know that Hegel during his most savage critique dedicated a whole dismantling chapter against this lodge orders claim to knowledge?

Isac Newton rubbed his hands at their robbery, John Dee kept copies of their work, Ben Franklin even took to writing under a pseudonym which carried the name of one of their most influential Magus. And I'm not talking about the Freemasons, Illuminati or the Rosicrucians.

Did you ever stop to wonder why paintings of the Baroque Caesars seem to follow you around with their gaze in the "open to the public" castles? Who interpellated the Panoptic vision in the soul of the commoner? Faith and destiny was their ware, just like today's neuroscience.

Brains are still calculated in cm3, IQ is a speed test of that supposed engine, yet the real onto-intentions of that mechanics lies resting in old diaries of the intelligentsia who mapped the Systema Natura during the industrial espionage of the Age of Exploration.

Come with us now on a journey through time and space, to the world of the greatest trick the White Devil ever pulled.)

e02 The Brotherhood of Glyphs


[PREVIEW]#47. The Skull Boys e02 "The Brotherhood of Glyphs" 8 JUL · THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSED. 01:18:41

Aryans don't really exist, they are arguably less real than Aliens and Big-foot. We have no names of any Indo-European, they have left behind no texts, and no archaeological artefacts can definitely be traced to them. Yet most of you probably think this statement is hysteric.

How so? Who introduced this notion? Well starting of small, the French Revolution, and the birth of socialism, was betrayed, not as most bourgeois historians would tell you by a zealous atheism or plebeian blood-thirst. But by a reactionary movement who praised ethnic origins.

For more than two hundred years after the storming of the Bastille, recruited intellectuals have searched in vain for these lost people. Their descendants today teach about ascended masters to the most gone a far, and those more within the general grind are told about charisma.

At the phallic heart of their desires lies a castration anxiety. Be it testicle sunbathing morons looking to make a buck of the desperation of the youth on social media or the cognac drinking editors of Mankind Quarterly who gave us the Bell Curve. All of them are worried sick.

Worried sick that the western legacy is nothing but a cultural bi-product of a Jewish tradition. Which is why you never hear of Jesus, the Jew of Nazareth or that the early Christians were a Semitic cult. So instead they have been reaching, reaching far and wide.

We want to tell you about this reaching, since it concerns the fetishization of our own people, those of the Nord, relativity speaking an insignificant number of people who are in numbers less than the inhabitants of New York, certainly less than the population of Chongqing.

So come with us again as we tell you how we were made to believe in made up people like the "Scythians", the barbarians of 80s Kurgan blockbusters. And how the proud working people of India were ravaged to die on the plantations of the Brits while they took their ancient texts.

e03 The Dunes of Death part 1


[Preview]#48. The Skull Boys e03 "The Dunes of Death." Part.1 2 AUG · THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSED. 00:43:29

Long before there was a CIA or even an OSS, an MI6 or the SSB, modern intelligence began forming among the far-flung outposts of the Great Game between the British n Russian empires. Among Shahs, Kalifs, Sheiks and a new form of recruited intellectuals of the German universities.

Today we tell you how a group of Swedish explorers became the teenage idols of Hitler, Göring, Himmler and Rosenberg. How in the late 19th they coined the term Geopolitics, fused together Vitalism (Lebensphilosophie) and Vital Space (Lebensraum) for the sake of the Aryan myth.

How they robbed graves for skulls from Turtle Island in the west to Lhasa and Edo in the east. We will see how all the subspecies of bourgeois irrationalism i.e US pragmatism, UK utilitarianism and continental positivism synthesised in a fascist vehicle of imperialism.

This a behemoth episode for the real heads. Packed with the typical macabre mood setting intro which throws Nietzsche under the bus like never before. Travel journals, letters and dark comedy about some of the most despicable people the world of removed has ever called their own.

e03 The Dunes of Death part 2


[Preview]#49. The Skull Boys e03 "The Dunes of Death." Part.2 21 AUG · THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSED. 00:30:41

Today we jump right into it. We will follow the grave robbing life of the 19th century's most famous phrenologist, Gustaf "the skull measurer" Retzius. A historical paparazzi trip from Kalevala's Finland to an Egypt of stolen mummies and chloroform scamming on Turtle Island.

Sebbe helps me understand early bourgeois paedophile networks, workhouses, orphanages and summer camps during the last decades before the invention of the automobile. We begin mapping the Eugenics Internationale by looking at member lists of the first anthropological societies.

I discover a collection of old ghost stories which explains why the Retzius home was called the Ghost Castle. Dark tales about Swedenborgian pirates and Dutch slave traders, the coincidence of a hidden crypt of anonymous skeletons in the garden of the foremost bone collector.

e04 The Rat King's Court


[PREVIEW]#50. The Skull Boys e04 "The Rat King's Court" 22 SEP · THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSED. 01:21:00

In this episode, summer longs for autumn as we enter among falling leaves the Court of the Rat King. Whatever naked tail, you'll find the well known. A high grade conspiracy, the International Eugenics Conference of 1912, building a double bridge to the 20th and 21st centuries.

Long after the House of Cecil framed Guy Fawkes on the fifth of november. The impotent of patriarchy recruiting bourgeois feminists. Mothers of birth control made into Trojan horses, the coco's false eggs, love poems written on the clinker tiles of the Zyklon chambers.

The criminalization of unemployment, a hell of secular bio-morality, when socialphysics became sociology. The sacred geometry of statistics, but for whom does the bell curve toll? When we suggest that IQ was initially a measurement of suggestibility, hypnosis as conformity.

Even should you be versed in the history of sus-Indiana methods, the madness of forced sterilisation, trauma of the fallen, a molecular vision of severed life. I think you'll find something when we open the medical files of the Nürnberg trial, stained old by Rockefellers yellow fever.


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