World News interolivary 1y ago 100%

Finland coalition in chaos as far-right minister quits over ‘climate abortion’ remark

The good people of Finland decided to elect the most right wing government in the history of the country just a couple of months ago. The government is a coalition of an extreme right wing party, a right wing christian party, the Swedish People's Party (nominally centrist) and a "fiscally conservative" party – ie. they mostly leave saying the bigoted shit out loud to the other two parties, but occasionally eg want to fund a Waffen SS volunteer "memorial organization" with government money, to spread "true information" about the SS volunteers who totally weren't ideologically motivated and totally didn't participate in the Holocaust (they absolutely did and we have archived war diares as proof, but it hurts the neo-nazis' feelings if you say that out loud.)

The parties finally managed to come up with a plan on how to run things 10 days ago (hint: not well), and the extremist party has already gotten into multiple PR fuckups due to being full of neo-nazis and neo-nazi sympathizers, and now one of the newly minted ministers had to resign officially due to making a "joke" (ie. it's not a joke until it gets him in trouble, and then it's a joke) about how climate change could be solved by forcing Africans to abort children.

The actual reason is that the fresh minister in question also made a speech at a neo-nazi rally and made "jokes" about HH / 88, made a klansman snowman complete with a noose, hired a senior adviser who is a literal neo-nazi and has made eg. social media posts admiring Hitler, lied about almost literally every achievement in his life – university, multiple years of work experience, etc – and the list just goes fucking on and on.

And don't get me started on what these people are doing to the country's public sector funding. Education is fucked, public healthcare is double fucked, welfare is extra triple fucked with fuck on top.

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