
Diary Entry 1 - My first encounter with Humans.

This diary belongs to Qwinn.

Diary entry 1 - Galactic standard year 199867, Day 136.

This is my first time off-world. I took up a job offer as an engineering intern in Zelar 1E Spaceport mainly because this is the only place in a 100 light year radius it is common to see a human.

Humans are are bipedal ape like creatures. An average Human is nearly one and a half times as tall as me. Considering the fact that I am considered tall by most species standards, it is something. My species Fornians look like fire ants from the human homeworld.

Enough about me. Today I had a near death experience in the docks. I had just completed my mid day starch intake in an eatery near the docks and walked towards the docks when I saw an angular black spaceship dock in.

A human space ship. I gawked as the bay of the black craft opened and 2 bipedal creatures walked out. Along with them a vicious beast walked out. It had 4 legs and its tail wagging menacingly fast.

My heart started beating very fast. The vicious beast was contained by just a thin rope tied around its neck and held by one of the humans.

I could not comprehend why the humans would bring this monstrosity into the spaceport. That too with just a thin rope to contain it. It’s a recipe for disaster.

The crazy part in all of this is, the humans are totally unbothered by the beast. I have heard about the reckless nature of humans. But this is beyond reckless, this is criminally insane.

The beasts eyes locked with mine. It’s tail wagging twice as fast now. Suddenly, it lunged forward toward me, pulling against the grip of the human.

I stood there frozen, my life depending on a thin rope and the flimsy grip of the human.

My heart froze as the beast broke free from the human, charging towards me at an astonishing speed, with the human running behind clearly not as fast as the beast.

My mandibles drooped so low, it lied flat on my skull. I braced for the worst.

The beast stopped in front of me and started licking my face.

The human just caught up with the beast and pulled it back.

“Sorry for the trouble, Miss Fornian” the human apologised, pulling back the beast.

I thanked the human for saving me, even though it was the human who put me in danger in the first place.

You know what the totally deranged part in all of this. The human said the beast, what he called a “Labrador” liked me. It’s supposedly a “service animal”, whatever it means.

I searched the galactanet about the beast “Labrador”. It seems it is a harmless companion of humans. They raise these beasts as pets. Some even consider these beasts as family, I saw videos of human larvae playing with these beasts. They allow these “Labradors” in their homes where they raise their larvae. Even though these beasts are descended from truly dangerous pack predators that once hunted humans. Truly psychotic.

I regret taking up this job. My internship ends in 1 standard year. Hopefully I will go back to my homeworld in a passenger ship, not in a cargo ship carrying dead bodies.

Repost of my original story from -


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