Dreamlight Valley WintryLemon 1y ago 100%

Farming, Foraging, and Fishing

Credit: LadyAerlynn (Lady Jane)

Crop Growing Time Yield Sell Price Profit Biome
Carrot 15 mins 1 44 34 (2.27/min) Peaceful Meadow
Lettuce 3 mins 1 8 5 (1.66/min) Peaceful Meadow
Wheat 1 min 2 2 3 (3/min) Peaceful Meadow
Corn 12 mins 2 16 17 (1.42/min) Dazzle Beach
Sugarcane 7 mins 1 19 14 (2/min) Dazzle Beach
Tomato 25 mins 3 22 58 (2.32/min) Dazzle Beach
Bell Pepper 15 mins 1 33 21 (1.4/min) Forest of Valor
Canola 35 mins 1 109 84 (2.4/min) Forest of Valor
Onion 75 mins 1 170 120 (1.6/min) Forest of Valor
Okra 120 mis 3 114 207 (1.72/min) Glade of Trust
Rice 50 mins 2 61 87 (1.74/min) Glade of Trust
Spinach 60 mins 3 41 78 (1.3/min) Glade of Trust
Chili Pepper 45 mins 1 78 58 (1.29/min) Sunlit Plateau
Cotton 25 mins 1 37 -5 (-0.2./min Sunlit Plateau
Soya 90 mins 3 69 147 (1.63/min) Sunlit Plateau
Zucchini 40 mins 2 52 74 (1.85/min) Sunlit Plateau
Asparagus 135 mins 3 133 249 (1.84/min) Frosted Heights
Cucumber 75 mins 1 159 119 (1.59/min) Frosted Heights
Eggplant 180 mins 1 308 213 (1.18/min) Frosted Heights
Leek 120 mins 1 309 189 (1.58/min) Forgotten Lands
Potato 35 mins 1 126 71 (2.03/min) Forgotten Lands
Pumpkin 240 mins 1 664 389 (1.62/min) Forgotten Lands


Crops planted in their native biome grow 10% faster.

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