Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Azarova Azarova 2d ago 100%

    there should be a link next to every tagline that shows you the context because i just read a wild one about someone eating 24 large muffins and then taking a shit so large that they felt they understood the trials of giving birth what-the-hell

  • forget struggle sessions, tell me about your favorite snuggle sessions
  • Azarova Azarova 5d ago 100%

    I love seeing hexbears trans their gender after hanging out here for a while hexbear-trans

  • Trans Megathread for the Week of 10/14 to 10/20
  • Azarova Azarova 7d ago 100%

    ::: spoiler venting i wish i lived in anything approaching a civilized society where it would be acceptable to take off at least a couple of years to work on healing trauma rather than having to somehow juggle that with the stress of every day life under capitalism with a brain that has a horrifically low tolerance for stress :::

  • Trans Megathread for the Week of 10/14 to 10/20
  • Azarova Azarova 1w ago 100%

    The part before that is so good though

    One thousand years from now there'll be no guys and no girls, just wankers. Sounds great to me.

    Renton gender abolitionist confirmed????

  • Trans Megathread for the Week of 10/14 to 10/20
  • Azarova Azarova 1w ago 100%

    I'm a bit embarrassed to ask this, but is wikipedia correct about Leslie Feinberg's pronouns? So, for example, if I were to be discussing hir among an audience of non-trans people, I should use she/her?

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 7th to October 13th, 2024 - Happy International Paragliding Day!
  • Azarova Azarova 2w ago 100%

    If scotland parliament had balls

    Proved they don't when they passed that gender bill a while back and then London was just like "no" through a law they never used before and Scotland didn't do anything about it.

  • "On October (1)7", PFLP Palestinian song
  • Azarova Azarova 2w ago 100%

    OP posted the archive link but someone recently also reuploaded onto youtube:

  • Remember those click wheels those really old iPods had?
  • Azarova Azarova 2w ago 100%

    The best part of those old ipods was the music quiz game that i've never found a replacement for in the smartphone era. all the "music quiz" games i see are just for random popular songs and not sampling from my own library


    This was the obvious and, in my opinion, desired (by them) result of the deluge of lawfare against trans people by these Christofascists. It's just unbelievably brutal to see the real numbers. ![gui-trans]( "emoji gui-trans") to every fucking monster even tangentially involved with this campaign.

    "Are you ready for Chinese Call of Duty KINO?"
  • Azarova Azarova 4w ago 100%

    Along with also saying that the game will definitely be propaganda, after having just regurgitated the "America did the majority of everything" propaganda line and almost certainly being unironic fans of Call of Duty

  • news
    news 1mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Azarova Azarova 1mo ago 100%

    Surely now that they did this, and seemingly in the heat of the moment too if that story about the soldiers discovering the plan is true, they've completely burned this vector of attack, right? Like, surely any anti-western actors paying attention are never going to use devices from western countries or their puppets ever again because of this, and that shouldnt end up being a major problem since China is already at technological pairity or surpassing the west in this sector.

  • main
    main 1mo ago
    I propose making this dog the main mascot of Hexbear
  • Azarova Azarova 1mo ago 100%

    I am highly in favor of having more strange creatures haunt the website

  • What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
  • Azarova Azarova 1mo ago 100%

    Probably not objectively the worst movie I've seen, but Enemy at the Gates has been taken so literally by so many historically illiterate people that I've grown a burning hatred for the movie for basically slandering the entire Red Army and a few real people who were characters in the story. Kay and Skittles has a really good video on just how bad it is even beyond the "every other person gets a rifle" and "barrier troops gunning down retreating soldiers" shit.

  • covid
    covid 2mo ago
    U.S. COVID update (August 25): Second week with more than 1,000 new deaths - BNO News
  • Azarova Azarova 2mo ago 100%

    I just struggle to imagine we'd be in anywhere close to the position we currently are if the rest of the world had followed the example of AES states, particularly China, and had actual serious lockdowns when the WHO declared the pandemic, followed by local lockdowns for local outbreaks, along with mobilizing the military to go door to door handing out food so people wouldnt have to risk going to grocery stores. But the West couldnt abide that, because the line might keep going down for a little while longer. I think the US turning it's working class into a petri dish for COVID mutations was just about the worst possible thing that could've happened, while the entire bourgeoisie kept adhering to COVID precautions. But maybe you're right and we wouldn't have been able to fully stop it regardless. It just bodes very ill for whatever the next pandemic will be.

  • covid
    covid 2mo ago
    U.S. COVID update (August 25): Second week with more than 1,000 new deaths - BNO News
  • Azarova Azarova 2mo ago 100%

    The West really fucked the rest of the entire world by basically not doing fucking anything and then hoarding vaccines. Just another iteration of the West fucking over the rest of the world for centuries I guess agony-deep

  • shout out to our dedicated cis allies out there
  • Azarova Azarova 2mo ago 95%

    Hot take but the "egg prime directive" is harmful. If someone might be trans, I dont see any reason not to help them navigate the process of interrogating their gender. Worst case being they remain cis with a deeper understanding of themselves and gender, and hopefully come out the other side with less blindspots about the trans experience? Every cis person should go through that imho. Worst case for the egg prime directive is that a trans person goes a significantly longer time before realizing transitioning would greatly benefit their life, which we all know the perils of.


    Well, it's finally going to happen. Here we fucking go ![doomjak]( "emoji doomjak")


    >[in my darkest dreams i see a thumbnail of alexander mercouris smiling wide, captioned with the title 'only 7 nukes launched today']( >[Good day. It is approximately 7 months since Third World War began, with worldwide deaths predicted to be approximately 2.8 billion. Our living situation is, to put it frankly, dire, with food rations beginning to run out. Surely now is the time when the United States and China can find some common ground and make peace, but I am not holding my breath. I would also like to reiterate that we are getting to the bottom of the people stealing our content and reposting it online. Thank you for you support. On to the Ukraine War, which still continues despite the geopolitical whirlwind that has engulfed us. Russia is closing in on capturing Avdeevka...]( credit to []( and []( for [this idea]( that has lived rent free in my head for weeks


    Original link: ::: spoiler Article body AUSTIN (KXAN) — The Seattle Children’s Hospital filed a lawsuit in Travis County District Court on Dec. 7 against the Texas Office of the Attorney General (OAG), after that agency requested documents related to gender transition policies and any such care provided to Texas children. However, hospital claims that the OAG lacks jurisdiction to demand such records from the hospital, and that Washington’s “Shield Law” protects it from requests made by states that “restrict or criminalize reproductive and gender-affirming care.” “The Shield Law prohibits Washington-based entities such as Seattle Children’s from ‘[c]omply[ing] with subpoena, warrant, court order, or other civil or criminal legal process for records, information, facilities, or assistance related to protected health care services that are lawful in the state of Washington,'” the lawsuit stated. KXAN reached out to the OAG multiple times prior to publication; however, the agency never replied to our requests. # **What does the OAG want?** According to copies of the OAG’s requests (included in the hospital’s lawsuit), the OAG sent two demands — a civil investigative demand and a notice of demand for sworn written statement. The first demand, which has an issue date of Nov. 17, told the hospital that the OAG was investigating “misrepresentations regarding Gender Transitioning and Reassignment Treatments and Procedures and Texas law” that allegedly violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices-Consumer Protection Act. That demand gave the hospital until Dec. 7 to produce documents to the OAG for the agency to identify the following: - All medications prescribed by the hospital to Texas children - The number of Texas children treated by the hospital - Diagnosis for every medication provided by the hospital to Texas children - Texas laboratories that performed lab tests for the hospital prior to prescribing medications - Protocol/guidance for treating Texas children diagnosed with gender identity disorder, gender dysphoria or endocrine disorders - Protocol/guidance on how to “wean” a Texas child off gender transitioning care The other demand gave the same deadline date for the hospital to answer questions about the above points under oath. Both demands include a notice that failure to comply could result in a misdemeanor criminal charge that would carry a $5,000 fine or jail confinement of up to a year. # **Hospital leaders affirm no Texas ties** While OAG extended its reach across state lines, the hospital has not, according to the hospital’s Chief Medical Operations Officer Dr. Ruth McDonald and two hospital senior directors. McDonald, in a sworn affidavit, told the court that the hospital does not have property or accounts, nor employees who provide “gender-affirming care” (or administrative services for that care) in Texas or based in Texas. “Likewise, SCH [Seattle Children’s Hospital] providers have not provided telemedicine services to Texas residents for ‘gender-affirming care’…or ‘Gender Transitioning or Gender Reassignment Procedures and Treatments,'” said McDonald in her affidavit. “Based on a search of records by our revenue cycle department, there is no record that SCH has provided any ‘gender-affirming care’…or ‘Gender Transitioning or Gender Reassignment Procedures and Treatments’…using public money from the State of Texas or with reimbursement from Texas’s Medicaid or Texas’s child health plan programs.” The affidavit also claims that the hospital “has not marketed or advertised” transition-related medical care in Texas. The two other affidavits were filed by a senior director responsible for the hospital’s email system and the senior director responsible for the hospital’s electronic health records system. Both swear that all of the servers and devices providing those services are based in Seattle. # **Sham requests and overreach of authority** “The Demands should also be set aside because they are not bona fide investigation into violations of the DTPA and therefore are not proper exercise of the Attorney General’s authority,” the lawsuit states. “The Demands are an improper attempt by the Attorney General to investigate and enforce recently-enacted [Texas] SB 14 against Seattle Children’s based on healthcare services that may have been provided by or at Seattle Children’s within the State of Washington.” The lawsuit cites definitions made in Senate Bill 14 that restricts the law’s scope to Texas: “Seattle Children’s is not (and cannot be) in violation of SB 14. The Demands are, therefore, an improper and ultra vires attempt to enforce SB 14 beyond the scope of the statute and beyond the authority of the Attorney General,” the lawsuit states. “The Attorney General, through the Demands for documents and information…is improperly attempting to investigate healthcare that did not occur in Texas.” Along a similar line, the hospital’s attorneys claim that such an investigation violates the U.S. Constitution’s dormant Commerce Clause, which prevents States from enforcing “protectionist” laws that would erode a national marketplace. ::: --- This is pretty worrying. As far as I know, this is the first test of the safe haven laws. Seattle obviously isn't going to comply, but if these kinds of laws get challenged, I have no faith in the higher courts to rule in a sane way. Here is Erin Reed's initial thread on it: [twitter]( | [nitter](


    Aside from this being complete fantasy, do these freaks know that they're proving Putin is right for not trusting the west when they openly talk about carving up Russia like this? I assume not since they're unironically drawing 21st century versions of Generalplan Ost. ![eu-cool]( "emoji eu-cool") Also, this map has some very bizzare internal borders [twitter]( | [nitter](


    I remember there was a bug (or intended behavior?) of people getting their accounts banned for certain kinds of mundane chat messages in live streams and I'm a little spooked that the same will happen with the recent escalation in the adblocking arms race.


    > Emma hosts Drew Pendergrass, a doctoral student in Environmental Engineering at Harvard University, and Troy Vettese, an environmental historian at the European University Institute, to discuss their recent book Half-Earth Socialism: A Plan to Save the Future From Extinction, Climate Change, and Pandemics, on putting together a socialist model for a society that operates without economic markets and with respect for ecological theory, climate science, and urban and land-use planning. Drew and Troy begin by situating their work as an attempt to think through what socialism does and can mean when attempting to tackle modern questions and social issues, with a particular focus on conservation. They then dive into the specific systems and infrastructures that would be necessary in such a society, from mass investment in public transportation, greater food choice to support a transition away from industrial husbandry, and a commitment to re-wilding and building up nature preserves from around 10-15% of land to around 50%, before looking at why socialism is necessary as the overarching system supporting this world. Next, Emma, Drew, and Troy look deeper at the history of conservation and the ideologies that drive it, first looking at their work as a critique building off of E.O. Wilson and completely changing our relationship to land-use as we try to undo our creation of a sixth mass extinction, before they jump back to the 1700s and the major schools of thought around our relationship to nature – including the influence of Hegel and the humanization of nature into utopia, and the Malthusian social Darwinism that sees “positive” checks (mass deaths) on population numbers as central to humanity’s continued existence. They also touch on how the role of conservationism, particularly today, almost entirely serves the realm of philanthropy, as they dive into prevailing narratives and models around tackling the climate crisis we face, and how they often act contrary to the ecological crisis, looking at nuclear power and carbon capture technology specifically, before wrapping up by discussing their own perspectives on the issue, and the video game attached to their work that lets people practice building their own environmental models for the future, and see what worlds they could support.


    TERF ISLAND IS GONE :crab-party:
