The enshittification of “enshittification”
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    For example, I spent years on Reddit happily arguing with wrong people, deriving my "value" from just having fun interacting with folks about stuff. The server resources that Reddit expended supporting that were fairly trivial in dollar terms. [...] Instead Reddit hired 2000 staff for some reason

    They hired 2000 staff because they were running one of the most highly-trafficked websites on the Internet, with hundreds of millions of users, something which unsurprisingly takes quite a lot of people to administer and maintain. Were Reddit to not invest in people and resources to keep the website running at that scale, you would not be able to use it in the way you enjoy and it would have nowhere near as much utility to you.

    This is the entire point of the article that you missed - there are a shit-ton of costs in running a massive community that have to come from somewhere. Your approach is "well I don't think those costs are necessary". But they are.

  • The enshittification of “enshittification”
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    You really couldn't be more wrong.

    You don't have to be a Randroid or a libertarian, or even right wing, to understand that a discourse predicated on everyone getting everything for free with no real trade-off doesn't really make sense in the real world.

  • Meta officially launches Twitter rival Threads. 10 million have joined already
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    For context, Instagram has two BILLION users. Facebook has just shy of three billion.

    Mastodon has a total of ten million.


    ActivityPub, the protocol that powers the fediverse (including Mastodon – same caveats as the first two times, will be used interchangeably, deal with it) is not private. It is not even semi-private. It is a completely public medium and absolutely nothing posted on it, including direct messages, can be seen as even remotely secure. Worse, anything you post on Mastodon is, once sent, for all intents and purposes completely irrevocable. To function, the network relies upon the good faith participation of thousands of independently owned and operated servers, but a bad actor simply has to behave not in good faith and there is absolutely no mechanism to stop them or to get around this. Worse, whatever legal protections are in place around personal data are either non-applicable or would be stunningly hard to enforce.

    Aspartame a possible carcinogen, WHO cancer research agency expected to say
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    It gives my partner absolutely banging migraines in more than tiny quantities. I find it gives me huge cravings for junk food about an hour or two after drinking it.

    I'd be happy if it disappeared.

  • Aspartame: Sweetener used in Diet Coke possibly causes cancer, WHO set to declare
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 71%

    You've literally quoted two industry bodies who have a vested interest in keeping aspartame on the market.

  • “Reddit cannot survive without its moderators. It cannot.” - The Verge
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    Should have thought about that before you started treating them like serfs.

  • What search engine do you use?
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    I've always been underwhelmed with DuckDuckGo as a search engine, and for context on that remark I use Bing as my main search engine.

  • What search engine do you use?
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    Same here.

    I find that Bing is about on par with Google now, with the added side benefit that Microsoft pay me to use it.

  • If ActivityPub can't survive Meta, it was never going to succeed in the first place
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    ODF has been supported natively by Office for years now, and LibreOffice is able to open .docx files just fine.

    I've never found a PDF "broken by Adobes bs".

  • If ActivityPub can't survive Meta, it was never going to succeed in the first place
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 80%

    No trying to be explicitly contrarian, but the EEE strategy (embrace, extend, extinguish) is well known by this point and it always ended up with the open standard not being used anymore and falling into irrelevance (as it happened to XMPP after google and Facebook embraced).

    XMPP was irrelevant before Google and Facebook had anything to do with it.

  • Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange.
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    That article has been posted several times and does not explain how Google "destroyed" XMPP - it assumes that XMPP was some hot shit everyone was using before Google and Facebook picked it up, when in reality it was used by next to nobody, most people who used it with Google or Facebook were just using it to talk to other Google or Facebook users, XMPP doesn't support a lot of features that consumers now expect in messaging, and since Google and Facebook dropped it it has returned to being a niche FOSS thing - only now its advocates blame Google and Facebook for its failure rather than the fact it's not a very good protocol and nobody uses it.

  • Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange.
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    Not stellar? We're having this conversation, aren't we?

    The fact that I (nerd that knows all sorts of shit about fedi and is interested in tech topics) am able to use Kbin/fedi to converse with other nerds that know about fedi and are interested in tech does not mean that the fediverse is a storming success.

    I can have a conversation with one other person using tin cans and string. This does not mean that tin cans and string are the future of telecommunications.

    In reality the people who I have tried to get on here who do not fall in that category were either disinterested from the start, were turned off by the complexity of how it works or stopped coming on it when it turned out there was nothing for them here.

  • Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange.
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    I have read that and been linked that multiple times.

    I responded to it here:

    tl;dr: Facebook and Google didn't "destroy" XMPP. XMPP was used by basically nobody before Facebook and Google picked it up, and after they dropped it again XMPP is still used by basically nobody. Its spec also doesn't include support for features that consumers expect to have in messaging software, which is part of why nobody uses it.

  • Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange.
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    Facebook didn't "destroy" XMPP. XMPP was a tiny messaging protocol nobody used, Facebook picked it up for a bit, stopped using it after a while, and then XMPP returned to being a tiny messaging protocol nobody used.

    People are acting like Jabber was hot shit when Facebook picked it up, and its present state of irrelevance is because of big bad Zuck. No, no fucker used Jabber and it saw basically no mainstream adoption until Facebook and Google got involved, and as soon as Facebook and Google weren't involved (as it turns out that XMPP actually kind of sucks and its unique features are things end users don't care about) it returned to being a complete irrelevance. A well-intentioned irrelevance, to be sure, but an irrelevance.

    Fediverse is the same, mutans mutandis. We're tiny. I know it's nice for us to psyche ourselves up and say that we're going to destroy the big bad corporate media! but in reality we are a niche constellation of social networks that has literally 0.1% of Facebook's user base and whose adoption has been, shall we say, not stellar.

  • Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange.
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    the masses pick their form of fediverse rather than the one not controlled by big tech.

    You say this as if the masses are currently interested in fediverse in general, and give a shit about whether it's controlled by big tech or not.

    Fact is most people don't know about fedi and a great deal of those who do don't care, and the only chance you'll get them anywhere near a fediverse service if someone (be that Meta, or anyone else) wraps it up in a little bow for them and delivers it to them.

  • Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange.
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    My view is if they did do that last thing, we'd be in exactly the same place as we were when we started - with "fediverse" as a tiny niche social network mainly populated by nerds, off to the side of all the others.

    I think people have kind of failed to keep a sense of scale here - fedi has something like 2million active users, Facebook has a thousand times as many. We are quite literally a rounding error.

  • Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange.
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    Most people who use social media disagree, and unfortunately for you, it's their opinions that matter most as to whether they use a given social media platform.

    I don't really care to follow celebrities and athletes either, but I recognise at least that I am in a minority.

  • Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange.
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    That statement is refreshingly sane. Really sick of the amount of heat over this situation and the lack of light.

  • Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange.
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    Yeah, I'm "defending" Facebook by pointing out that people keep letting 2 + 2 = 57845789478945 and that many of the "risks" being talked about are simply imaginary, technically impossible and/or do not require Meta to start an instance to materialise.

    The technical details rather matter when people are coming up with random nonsense and/or don't actually seem to understand the nature of the platform they're coming to the defence of.

    I don't trust Meta. I don't like Meta. That doesn't mean I need to also accept as true random confabulations about people being paid off and data being scraped for ends that don't make any sense. There's been a whole heap of heat around this subject and basically no light.

  • Kev Quirk, one of the admins of Fosstodon (a Mastodon instance), destroys Meta in an email exchange.
  • Bloonface Bloonface 1y ago 100%

    Wow so in your view anyone who just says "I think this isn't a big deal and it'll be fine" has been paid off?

    Regardless of the fact that's something with absolutely no evidence?

    And you're supposed to be the rational one here?

    Some people on this thread have lost their damn minds.


    I’ve been using fediverse stuff (Mastodon and, most recently, Calckey – I’m just going to use “Mastodon” as shorthand here, purists can bite me) for over a year now, a…
