is there anyone here who really believes trumps campaign core isnt white identity politics and demographic anxiety at this point?
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 4d ago 100%

    I’m not sure, I know a lot of enjoying life racists that love Trump. Country club going never been to a minority neighborhood but quote Tucker Carlson racist, own multiple properties and boats due to underpaying day laborers and call them wetback racist, north shore mansion Long Island Zionist that think the Dems are soft on Palestine racist.

    Like economic anxiety my ass, most of the wealthy people I know love Trump and love being racist.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 4d ago 100%

    The democrats could have linked arms to causing likuds downfall and basically kept the status quo. It’s so confusing why they didn’t beyond incompetence.

    Bibi has been actively working against the democrats since Obama

  • Is this stuff parody? I legitimately cannot tell anymore.
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 5d ago 100%

    Pretty awesome if Putin pulled this off. Would be the largest strategic victory for a US enemy since Osama Bin Laden made the empire kill itself with 9/11

  • please do it
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 6d ago 100%

    That whole January before Covid was the death of any left leaning electoral path. The squad and Liz Warren just fucked the Bernie runaway candidate moment. Guy could’ve ran away with primary before South Carolina if they didn’t become the weirdest people overnight.

  • The Writers Strike Ruined my life
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 1w ago 100%

    Feeling someone deserves more and having a shit fucking plan to solve it are two different things. We don’t need to be romantic about this

    The writers pushing for the strike were the ones who could make bank on residual payment on streaming, not the ones struggling to find work.

    2021 and 2022 were peak years in the industry. Cutbacks happened to time out exactly with the WGA pushing to strike. Scripts were saved and shelved to be produced somewhere else, because writers have no control over the industry.

  • My dad directed the Brazilian film “City of God” ama
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 1w ago 100%

    Have you seen the movie? They are building a township at the edge of Rio in the 60s/70s. It looks like a desert.

  • My dad directed the Brazilian film “City of God” ama
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 1w ago 100%

    The favellas in the early portion of the film…. Were they built sets or did they travel somewhere rural?

  • The Writers Strike Ruined my life
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 1w ago 100%

    And to anyone that says blame the producers. No, the Writers are morons. They do not control any industry, capital, or production, they do not even control their scripts. They essentially are America putting sanctions on Russia, and Russia just moving its economy towards Asia.

    WGA are not longshoreman, they write fucking jokes and parts of scripts collaboratively in a room that are then owned by the production company. The moment they pulled out of doing this, producers just moved to other countries, or used old scripts and kept chugging along.

    If IATSE, or Teamsters went on strike, production would actually come to a full stop. WGA just made things slowdown and allowed the AMPTP to plan out how they were gonna fuck all the other unions long term and cut cost. Penguin, Hpuse of Dragon, Dune, all got made during the strike. The money makers for the studios. These stupid fucks just got romantic and lib about what unions can do.

    Say whatever you want, but these people are not my class, these people are not thinking about the proletariat, these people do not understand where there is actually power in a union. They are worthless

  • The Writers Strike Ruined my life
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 1w ago 100%

    Wobblies wanted one big union so everyone could negotiate together, and strike together. Craft unions, like on a film set, lead to separate contract negotiations between different departments every year. In 2021 my union was pushed to not strike by other unions for the “guilt” of stopping work. 2 years later the WGA and SAG decided stopping work was fine.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 7th to October 13th, 2024 - Happy International Paragliding Day!
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 1w ago 100%

    I feel like many of us, in our desire to live in a functional society, fail to take into effect that most people just don’t have faith in the for profit healthcare system, and that supersedes a lot of the actual belief on medicine and science.

    Not even on the conspiratorial side, but most people’s thoughts when you say “Doctors appointment” are Co-pays, deductibles, out of network, needing referrals to see certain specialists when you are certain what the issue is, doctors hours only being during work hours. It’s an absolute headache, and make people think “eh I’ll risk it” for most of their health outcomes.

  • Help me make sense of the artist Ai Wei Wei.
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 1w ago 100%

    Basically every single color revolution since the Arab Spring has been started on western social media programs

  • China slaps tariffs on EU brandy imports
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 2w ago 100%

    Baijiu redbull was my go to there, but all the locals love brandy

  • Pusheen Break Out of the World's Largest Prison
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 2w ago 100%

    Anyone watch Captain Report for western concensus? Guy is referring to Israeli strategy as holding Palestinians in a fish tank…..

    The most delusional and propagandized people on earth

  • The 2023 Ukrainian Counteroffensive - the greatest military failure of the 21st century
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 2w ago 100%

    I have leaned to all 3 possibilities (Ukraine, Russia, Neglect), because there were pros and cons to both sides because of it.

    Then when the NYtimes wrote an article saying Russia did it, I felt the overwhelming sense that some force allied with Ukraine did it. Whether it was done by the state or some extremists I still don’t know.

    I feel cutting off Crimean water supply, and then cutting off the land bridge to Crimea might have been the thought process for the AFU to have a decisive victory.

  • The 2023 Ukrainian Counteroffensive - the greatest military failure of the 21st century
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 2w ago 100%

    Just wondering, who do you think blew up the dam right before the counter offensive began?

  • The 2023 Ukrainian Counteroffensive - the greatest military failure of the 21st century
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 2w ago 100%

    Since they ended up attacking Russian soil anyway, Why didn’t they just do the Ukrainian counter offensive against Kursk or Transnistria then? Were they just high on their own supply after the Russian withdrawal from Kharkiv and Kherson?

  • Once in a lifetime.
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 2w ago 100%

    I mean yes, but can you be suprised at this point?

  • Be Informed
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 2w ago 100%

    I do think it’s being underplayed how much Trump is doing identity politics for white folks though.

    Like his emojis should be🦅🇺🇸🤠

  • Help me make sense of the artist Ai Wei Wei.
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 2w ago 100%

    I think that’s probably an extreme reaction, they let him design their Olympic stadium after that event so they didn’t really care at all.

  • Help me make sense of the artist Ai Wei Wei.
  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby Dr_Gabriel_Aby 2w ago 100%

    It’s not as simple as I made it sound. He was just highly critical of the entire project of the “Great Firewall” and really of any failure of the Chinese government. At the same time he was opening a studio in the most “Western city” of Shanghai, and had parties, and western expats would go because they knew of him.

    The Chinese government was just really nervous that this was going to blow up their entire attempt at staving off western cultural domination on the internet. And China has been proven right over the last 15 years about the absolute chaos western internet could bring to a country.

    The individualist spirit of the modern art world (specifically Brooklyn, NY’s) just wasn’t compatible to what China was trying to do.

  • In anticipation of me being asked who I voted for after Election Day, I plan on writing in as candidate “Your Mom”. I suggest you all get serious and do the same.


    Germans have only ever defended themselves from bolsheviks invading their home, but we're expected to see them as evil, the scary other. The Germans must be bad because they pose a threat to us. Oh, and because they're ugly. At least in the first World War, the Russian soldiers are sympathetic because they are merely surviving a situation they didn't want to be in, put in peril by an empire sacrificing them for profit. Empires, not people, are the true villains of the war. But in World War 2, our hero Stalin goes back to Germany with the Red Army to kick some German ass. While this is ostensibly a mission to save a group of Holocaust survivors, Stalin has no interest in a search-and-rescue mission. She only agrees on the condition that they go there to kill every last Nazi. Stalin is more than willing to exterminate an entire ideology to save white people. In fact she still wants to genocide them even after winning Bagration! >Stalin: I say we invade Germany, it's the only way to be sure >Churchill: This is clearly an important industrial base we're dealing with, and I don't think that we have the right to arbitrarily exterminate them. >Stalin: Wrong! be sure of what, Stalin? you can just fucking leave. Just don't go back to Germany with all the Nazis in it. seems pretty easy to me now of course it turns out that Burke doesn't actually care about the Nazis, he only wants to exploit them for profit. while this is keeping with the corporations=bad theme from the first war, now we're supposed to think corporations are bad for... not wanting to do genocide? because of course no good person would be against murdering an entire ideology for no reason, only a villain would propose such a thing. Now I'm not saying you can't enjoy World War 2, it deserves its status as one of the best wars of all time, and I'd argue these problematic reactionary themes actually make it more interesting and morally complex, giving us much to analyze and critique, elevating it above an average popcorn movie. Just please don't take it at face value. Stalin is no longer the hero, even if he is portrayed as one. In World War 1 he is the scratched liberal, and in World War 2 he is the fascist who bleeds. In a tragic turn, she has become the villain of the story. She reacts to her own trauma and loss of 27 million people with mass murder, by killing another nations babies right in front of them, and we're all supposed to clap and cheer, instead of asking why these humans are there in the first place.


    They hecking kill a snake near its home! Jon Voight is in it!


    If there is a 269-269 Electoral college tie (Biden losing just Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin from 2020 map) then the sitting senate would elect the vice president between Biden and Trumps VP nominee. 51-49 Democrats. Each state would have 1 vote to cast for president. Most states are not bound by the electoral votes, so it works out to a 26-22-2 split with a Republican majority. We could have a scenario with a split ticket Republican president and democratic vice president ticket. Trump-Harris ticket would be voted on by mid-December. The senate would then stamp and vote it in on Jan 6th, 2025. Overseen by none other than incumbent Kamala. Because Biden wins the popular vote. Blue MAGA comes out for a march on the capital to defend “our democracy.” Red MAGA comes out to defend “our democracy”. Fights break out, or do they? The area is swarming with a giant army of newly drafted DC police who beat and detain hundreds of demonstrators. Tear gas used a dozen separate times. No protestor gets close to the senate house. Barely near the capital building. The DC police were ready this time, they were funded. All the while, Kamala oversees the electoral procession and continues her role of VP for Donald Trump. The Mainstream media applaud her defense of democracy and bipartisanship in such extreme circumstances and she is anointed as the new face of the Democratic Party.


    This song came out the year Reagan was elected. It marks the year everything got irreversibly shitty in the US. The left in the US took major losses in the postwar period, but this man’s election ended any chance of a peaceful end to the Cold War or peace after the Cold War.


    How the hell do you all effort post? I never go on internet on a computer/laptop. Are you guys the same? I don’t understand how someone could effort post with thumbs.


    As long as the west funds Israeli military, or offers aid in every protracted conflict in Israel, the most belligerent aspects of Israeli society will prevail. Much like Apartheid South Africa, the house of cards will topple the moment the west removes the 💰 from the equation. I know we are naturally oriented to care about internationalism, but we need to think of ways to shut off the money in a politically intelligent way. Unfortunately the westoids do not care about Palestinians, so this needs to be about spending the money at home. We can’t argue for them to stop killing Palestinians, but we could probably argue for them to spend the money on something else at home. This would obviously take decades or longer, but just like climate change or veganism, I feel leftists are too involved in the actually compassionate arguments that move themselves, rather than the selfish arguments that motivate most westoids.
