Trump suggests using military against ‘enemy from within’ on Election Day | CNN Politics
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    Not if you're a woman, a queer person, a member of the working class or poor, need health care, need higher education, or don't want to be governed by people who use your tax money to help kill Palestinian kids, among other things.

    But sure.

    It wasn't Trump doing those things, so I agree that it's okay.

  • 'Women are losing their lives': The US state where abortion rights could sway the vote
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    He did as much as a president could do in this position at the federal level.

    Patently false.

    He has the constitutional power to keep Congress in session if he wants to. He could have held military funding hostage. He could have used his position as the leader of the party to divert campaign funding away from the politicians who vote conservative.

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Respectfully, the excuses don't matter. The Democrats are not powerless. They're profiting off the issue, and I think that is why they do not act, and it doesn't matter how you vote. We're never getting nationwide legal abortion back.

  • Antony Blinken Needs to Go
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    I know.

    But at the same time, we can't really pretend we give a shit about genocide and then vote Democrat or Republican, both of whom are a-okay with sending more WMD's to Israel while they're committing one.

  • Antony Blinken Needs to Go
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    I think, as more and more information on US' involvement in the Israeli genocide come to light, we have to face the fact that American voters simply don't care. Both major parties enthusiastically participate in funneling US taxpayers' money to Israel, and watching them bomb children, hospitals, and innocent people day after day for an entire year hasn't changed public sentiment on that.

    If anyone really cared about the genocide, they wouldn't vote Democrat or Republican. On this issue the parties are in complete agreement.

  • Trump suggests using military against ‘enemy from within’ on Election Day | CNN Politics
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    No worries, my dude. It can be hard to tell online.

  • 'Women are losing their lives': The US state where abortion rights could sway the vote
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    I don't think it ever will be legal at the Federal level again.

    Democrats raised $80,000,000 just off the Roe repeal leak alone. Why kill the golden goose when the people voting for you don't care if you actually follow through with your promises or not?

    As an aside, this is the same reason why we'll never have a functional immigration system. The Republicans make too much money and political capital off of it to ever fix the problem.

  • 'Women are losing their lives': The US state where abortion rights could sway the vote
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    TBH, that Idaho managed to criminalize abortion and get away with it while we had a Democratic president and Congress is, to me, one of the greatest political betrayals I've ever seen in my life. I have no faith whatsoever that electing Democrats is going to lead to anything positive on this issue, and it makes me hopeless when I see Democrats in power and then zero response when such an important right is repealed.

    Well, zero response other than exploiting it for fundraising.

  • Blue-Collar Workers Deserve Six-Figure Salaries Too
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    The minimum wage was always intended to be a living wage, and when I look at everything we've lost by electing people who coddle billionaires, it puts me in a blind rage.

    Other countries have $25 billion dollar war budgets, universal health care, living wages, free college, and an actual social safety net.

    We here in the US have 700 billionaires and an entire population of people who can't endure any unexpected financial hardship without going further into debt.

  • News Brief: Harris' Mid 2000s Neocon Re-Brand and Centrist Voters as Free Real Estate --- Citations Needed Podcast
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    It's fascinating in a sad, depressing way, watching Harris promise to crack down on the border and, instead of touting various benefits for the people whose votes she's courting, is instead promising tax cuts. She doesn't seem to have an adequate understanding of what it means to be a working-class American, where a one-time tax cut cannot replace having a monthly or bi-weekly benefits check to help with the soaring cost of living. (A soaring cost that, coincidentally, the Biden Administration has kind of just ignored.)

  • Alleging landlord neglect, Omaha renters form unions to fight back
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    Good for them.

    The tenant union here in Kansas City is doing great work for local renters. I hope the same happens in Omaha, because we know damn well the government isn't acting to protect local residents.

  • California’s rent control ballot measure could reverberate across the US: Proposition 33 would allow cities to limit rent increases. Some economists doubt that’s a good idea.
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    Rent control policies can lead to higher rents for uncontrolled units, reduce landlords’ incentive to maintain units, and dampen the creation of new rental housing — exacerbating affordable housing shortages.

    This sounds like the same alarmist BS we hear any time a minimum wage increase is on the ballot, and once it's passed, we find that it's actually a really good thing. Does it not follow logically that rent control, by keeping more money in the hands of people who actually spend it, is a win for the economy as a whole?

  • Trump suggests using military against ‘enemy from within’ on Election Day | CNN Politics
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 7d ago 100%

    It's so maddening to me that part of Biden's pitch four years ago was how electing him would mean a blow against fascism.

    Yet here we are.

  • U.S. presidential election: How foreign operations are manipulating social media to influence your views
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 1w ago 100%

    accordingly: implying that the problem is the Democrats for not unilaterally overturning the entire constitutional order when they don’t have the votes to do that (or anything, for that matter!)

    Yet, with a simple majority, we saw Republicans pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and Obama and Biden both had a simple majority in the Senate and controlled Congress. We've also seen presidents unilaterally keep Congress in session, as the Constitution allows them to do, in order to help pass important legislation. The thing is, the loss of Roe, the rollback of voting rights, the minimum wage, none of it seems to matter enough for Democrats to actually wield power when they have it. Republicans still get what they want. When I mention this in any online forum, the excuses roll out like Halloween candy, but if you're someone working for a living in the US, you're well aware that it doesn't matter who we elect. Your life only gets harder.

    I'm also aware that there's really no way to change it, outside of being a billionaire or being willing to commit a terrorist act, both of which don't apply to the vast majority of people. The only way for an average person to benefit from our system of government is just to make sure you're putting every dollar you can in the stock market, because both parties agree 100% that the stock market should never drop, and they'll make trillions appear out of thin air overnight to achieve that.

  • Microsoft's LinkedIn: If our AI gets it wrong, that's your problem
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 1w ago 100%

    At this point, if you're not double-checking something produced by your AI tool of choice, it absolutely is your fault. It's no secret that these applications were trained on garbage.

  • Though home to about 50 white extremist groups, Ohio’s social and political landscape is undergoing rapid racial change
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 1w ago 100%

    It's wild living in a country that, if you're white, you can literally run a terrorist group and no one's going to stop you.

  • U.S. presidential election: How foreign operations are manipulating social media to influence your views
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 1w ago 100%

    I'm past the point of giving credit to Democrats for saying nice things or pretending to create change.

    I'm giving them credit for what they actually produce.

  • U.S. presidential election: How foreign operations are manipulating social media to influence your views
  • FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne 1w ago 100%

    We've discussed it elsewhere in this thread, but it's really not.

    Your right to vote, absentee or otherwise, is largely based on your zip code. Democrats haven't shown any interest in bringing back the Voting Rights Act.


    WASHINGTON (AP) — Barack Obama had frank words for Black men who may be considering sitting out the election. “Part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that,” he said Thursday to Harris-Walz campaign volunteers and officials at a field office in Pittsburgh. America’s first Black president touched a nerve among Democrats worried about Vice President Kamala Harris’ chances of becoming the second. Harris is counting on Black turnout in battleground states such as Pennsylvania in her tight race with Republican Donald Trump, who has focused on energizing men of all races and tried to make inroads with Black men in particular. Obama’s comments belie that Black men still overwhelmingly back Harris. But her campaign and allies have worked hard trying to shore up support with this critical group of voters — and addressing questions about potential misogyny. Black Americans are the most Democratic-leaning racial demographic in the country, with Black men being outpaced only by Black women in their support for Democrats.


    MADISON, Wisconsin — On an oppressively hot August day in downtown Madison, the signs of this famously liberal city’s progressive activism are everywhere. Buildings are draped in pride flags and Black Lives Matter signs are prominently displayed on storefronts. A musty bookstore advertises revolutionary titles and newspaper clippings of rallies against Donald Trump. A fancy restaurant features a graphic of a raised Black fist in its window, with chalk outside on the sidewalk reading “solidarity forever.” Yet the Green Party, which bills itself as an independent political party that has the best interests of self-described leftists at heart, is nowhere to be found. It has no storefronts, no candidates running for local office, no relationship with the politically active UW-Madison campus, which has almost 50,000 students. Where it does have purchase is in the nightmares of local Democrats, who are deeply afraid of the effect the third party might have here in November. As one of the seven presidential battleground states, Wisconsin is a critical brick in the so-called Blue Wall, the term for the run of Rust Belt states that are essential to Kamala Harris’ chances of winning the presidency. It’s a deeply divided state that’s become notorious for its razor-thin margins of victory — a place where statewide elections are so close that even tenths of a percentage point matter. Against that backdrop, the Green Party looms very large this year.


    WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Monday let stand a decision barring emergency abortions that violate the law in Texas, which has one of the country’s strictest abortion bans. The justices did not detail their reasoning for keeping in place a lower court order that said hospitals cannot be required to provide pregnancy terminations if they would break Texas law. There were no publicly noted dissents. The decision comes weeks before a presidential election where abortion has been a key issue after the high court’s 2022 decision overturning the nationwide right to abortion. The justices rebuffed a Biden administration push to throw out the lower court order. The administration argues that under federal law hospitals must perform abortions if needed in cases where a pregnant patient’s health or life is at serious risk, even in states where it’s banned.


    FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) — A jury on Friday acquitted a former police officer in Virginia of involuntary manslaughter after he fatally shot a shoplifting suspect outside a busy shopping mall. But the jury did convict the former police sergeant, Wesley Shifflett, of reckless handling of a firearm in connection with the shooting. Prosecutors argued that Shifflett, then a sergeant with Fairfax County Police, acted recklessly when he shot and killed an unarmed man, Timothy McCree Johnson, after a short foot chase outside Tysons Corner Center in February 2023. Shifflett testified in his own defense and claimed self defense. He said he saw Johnson, 37, reaching into his waistband after falling down during the chase, and he was worried that Johnson might be drawing a weapon.


    A 25-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes started producing her own insulin less than three months after receiving a transplant of reprogrammed stem cells1. She is the first person with the disease to be treated using cells that were extracted from her own body. “I can eat sugar now,” said the woman, who lives in Tianjing, on a call with Nature. It has been more than a year since the transplant, and, she says, “I enjoy eating everything — especially hotpot.” The woman asked to remain anonymous to protect her privacy. James Shapiro, a transplant surgeon and researcher at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, says the results of the surgery are stunning. “They’ve completely reversed diabetes in the patient, who was requiring substantial amounts of insulin beforehand.”


    NEW YORK (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris raised $27 million at a packed New York City fundraiser on Sunday, her largest fundraising haul since she took over at the top of the ticket from President Joe Biden, according to a Harris campaign aide. Though Harris has far more money than former President Donald Trump, the money will be needed to compete with pricey advertising by deep-pocketed outside groups that support Trump, said the aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private fundraising details.


    A federal judge has partially sided with the family of a Black man who was fatally shot by a now-imprisoned white Kansas City, Missouri, police detective, ruling that the officer should not have entered the man’s backyard. U.S. District Judge Beth Phillips ruled Wednesday that Eric DeValkenaere violated 26-year-old Cameron Lamb’s Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure by entering his property in 2019 without a warrant or other legal reason to be there. However, Phillips declined to issue a summary judgment on the family’s claim that the ensuing shooting amounted to excessive force, and made no immediate decision on any damages in the wrongful death case filed against the Kansas City police board and DeValkenaere.


    KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) - A sight previously thought to be science fiction is very real at a southeast Kansas City shopping center. Instead of a police officer, a security robot has been patrolling sidewalks and shoppers are taking notice. Since Marshall the robot has been on the job, shoppers say the experiences have completely changed when they come to these stores. The robot can spend 23 hours a day monitoring the parking lot from all angles which gives people a new sense of protection and ease they don’t always have when out. Marshall took over security at Brywood Centre in April. Before that, Karen White noticed a lot of trouble outside the shopping center. “Sometimes it’d be concerning for your car like someone could take it or something,” White said. Knowing now that Marshall is always watching, the risk of crime does not worry her or others as much. “It made it very better, like you can’t be in the parking lot without seeing the robot,” White continued. “So, I think it scared them off.”


    SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (AP) — Ohio stationed state police at Springfield schools Tuesday in response to a rash of bomb threats — the vast majority that officials said came from overseas —- after former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance falsely said legal Haitian immigrants in the small city were eating dogs and cats. Schools, government buildings and elected officials’ homes in Springfield were among the targets of more than 30 hoax threats made last week that forced evacuations and closures. Two more schools had to be evacuated on Monday, and the high school was threatened on Tuesday. Republican Gov. Mike DeWine said a foreign actor was largely responsible, but he declined to name the country.


    DENVER -- A teenager scouting out a spot near a Colorado lake to take picturesque homecoming photos this weekend was shot in the face when the boyfriend of the property owner fired his weapon and yelled, “Oh sh__, my gun went off,” court records show. The 17-year-old boy survived the shooting and told investigators he didn't believe the man intentionally shot him. But the man who shot him, Brent Metz, a councilman in a tiny town in the Denver metro area, was arrested on suspicion of charges that include first degree assault.


    AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A Texas jury will soon decide whether a convoy of supporters of then-President Donald Trump violently intimidated former Democratic lawmaker Wendy Davis and two others on a Biden-Harris campaign bus when a so-called “Trump Train” boxed them in for more than an hour on a Texas highway days before the 2020 election. The trial, which began on Sept. 9, resumes Monday and is expected to last another week. Attorneys for the plaintiffs argued that six of the Trump Train drivers violated state and federal law. Lawyers for the defendants said they did not conspire against the Democrats on the bus and that their actions are protected speech. Here’s what else to know:


    DENVER (AP) — A Colorado paramedic convicted in the death of Elijah McClain, a Black man whose name became part of the rallying cries for social justice that swept the U.S. in 2020, is being released from prison after a judge reduced his sentence to four years of probation Friday. Judge Mark Warner said during his ruling that Peter Cichuniec had to make quick decision the night of the arrest as the highest-ranking paramedic at the scene, the Denver Post reported. He also noted a background of no previous criminal history and good character for Cichuniec, who had an 18-year-career as a firefighter and paramedic before he was convicted. Warner held that the case had “unusual and extenuating circumstances,” in reference to a part of Colorado’s mandatory sentencing law, which allows a court to modify a sentence after a defendant has served least 119 days in prison if the judge finds such circumstances. McClain was walking down the street in a Denver suburb in 2019 when police responding to a suspicious person report forcibly restrained him and put him in a neck hold. His final words — “I can’t breathe” — foreshadowed those of George Floyd a year later in Minneapolis. Cichuniec and a fellow paramedic were convicted in December of criminally negligent homicide for injecting McClain with ketamine, a powerful sedative blamed for killing the 23-year-old massage therapist. Cichuniec also was convicted on a more serious charge of second-degree assault for giving a drug without consent or a legitimate medical purpose. The other paramedic avoided prison time, sentenced instead to 14 months in jail with work release and probation.


    > NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Governor Kathy Hochul on Thursday signed a new law requiring retailers to boost safety protections for store workers, including requiring major chains to add panic buttons in all New York State locations. > Unions representing retail workers had pushed for the new law, known as the Retail Worker Safety Act (RWSA), after high-profile shootings in the state and as some retail executives recently have cited a rise in retail crime - a claim that has been disputed.


    > The FBI conducted searches at the homes of two of New York City Mayor Eric Adams' closest aides on Thursday, sources familiar with the investigation told ABC News. >The Hamilton Heights home of First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright, who is engaged to Schools Chancellor David Banks, and the Hollis, Queens, home of Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks, were searched as part of an ongoing investigation, the sources said. - I hope this means Adams is next.


    I clicked on this expecting it to be about FSU, but nope, it's from that other Florida team. Funny stuff.


    It just made my morning to see that not only is the AP reporting this correctly, but the headline explicitly states the insane rarity of voter fraud. (Non-citizen or otherwise.) You have a better chance of getting a clear picture of Bigfoot than you do of having a voter fraud incident in your jurisdiction.


    The article states that these horrendous, disgusting infractions of health regulations have been documented out for at least the previous year, but given their severity, I’d imagine it’s always been this way at Boar’s Head production facilities. (Seemingly without any meaningful accountability from regulators.) I’m going to cook my deli meats from now on, no matter where they come from.


    > OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — The latest search for the remains of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre victims has ended with three more sets containing gunshot wounds, investigators said. > The three are among 11 sets of remains exhumed during the latest excavation in Oaklawn Cemetery, state archaeologist Kary Stackelbeck said Friday. > “Two of those gunshot victims display evidence of munitions from two different weapons,” Stackelbeck said. “The third individual who is a gunshot victim also displays evidence of burning.” Stories like this underscore the importance of reading history, because (at least here in Missouri) I was never taught about the Tulsa Massacre and didn't learn about it until I read about it myself. Other things you may want to read about that you may have never heard of: The Battle of Blair Mountain, Haymarket Square, or the Great Rail Strike of 1877.


    > DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — The Israeli military ordered more evacuations in southern Gaza early Sunday after a deadly airstrike on a school-turned-shelter in the north killed at least 80 Palestinians, according to local health authorities. Israel said it targeted a militant command post, killing 19 fighters. If you stick someone in a canoe in the middle of the ocean, you've still committed murder when they drown. These so-called evacuation orders don't change the fact that Israel is committing genocide and running an apartheid state, with the help and backing of war criminals in the US government.
