Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 13h ago 100%

    The cat follows me around meowing and i meow back at her and she meows at me.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 14h ago 100%

    Cats are good for long term mouse suppression if if you want a specific rodent or group of rodents dead in a short time frame you want to get a terrier.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 1d ago 100%

    Very much so. There just aren't spaces in America where you can talk about the real world that actually exists.

  • tiitle
  • Frank Frank 2d ago 100%

    Don't worry, I got you.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 2d ago 100%

    Yeh. Being oppressed doesn't inherently lead to intersectionality. Took me a while to learn that lesson.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 2d ago 100%

    Do you wish to be a King?

    It is simple. There are only two steps.

    Firstly, to declare yourself King.

    Second, to kill anyone who disputes you.

  • When the Revolution happens all G@mers will be round up and be sent to re-education facilities. Specially the lib g@mers.
  • Frank Frank 2d ago 100%




  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 2d ago 100%

    Disney is more or less directly responsible for furry culture becoming mainstream.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 2d ago 100%

    USA does the same thing. It's called an H1b visa. Companies have to show they couldn't hire anyone in the us so they post absurd requirements at pathetic pay then bring in, like you said, a defacto indentured servant who is helplessly dependent on the company bc if they lose their job they lose the visa and are exiled from the us.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 2d ago 100%

    I think HR is also having a real crisis in that their practices have gone so far up their asses that they can no longer really effective handle hiring. They've adopted so many bad practices that they're disqualifying all their candidates.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 2d ago 100%

    Those special kidney health diet kibbles aren't cheap!

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 2d ago 100%

    Yeah. "Muscular Judaism" was a give away that it was a fascist movement. A lot of zionists believed in and spread the myth that Jewish people were passive victims during the holocaust. Iirc holocaust survivors were treated very poorly by the early Israeli government and treated as an embarassment, but I may be mis-remembering that.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 3d ago 100%

    Pictures!!!!! Nsfw because one has naked cat people but it's not sexual and they're all covered in fur and Khajiit have retractable equipment.

    A khajiit couple and their baby. All three people in this picture are fully sentient people from the same "species" in as much as species is a concept you can apply to people in Elder Scrolls (the origins of men and mer, that is humans and elves, does not involve evolution from monkeys!)

    This image shows one interpretation of all the Khajiit morphs, or "Furstocks" as we're apparently calling them now. A little nsfw because they're technically naked but they're also covered in fur so shrug.

    This is my favorite image of all the Khajiit furstocks. The artist really conveys the wild diversity from the tiny Al-fiq to the massive Senche.

    And, again, you can just be walking down the street in Tamriel and there's a kid holding a housecat riding a tiger and the tiger is the kid's mom and the housecat is his brother and that's just how Tamriel is.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 3d ago 100%

    Let me try. I love Khajiit morphs because it's so weird.

    So Khajiit are cat people in The Elder Scrolls. They're deeply, magically tied to the faces of the moons that the game takes place on. The moons (which are the corpse of a dead but still kinda around god but we're not going in to that) are called Masser and Secunda, or Joon and Jode.

    Now, the thing with Khajiit, is they're not just awooga catgirls or anything. They're every kind of awooga garf-chan!

    When a Khajiit is born their body or " morph" is determined by the phases of the moon. Some Khajiit are hard to tell apart from wood elves or humans. Other... are giant 9 foot tall Tigers with sort of gorilla style arms. Or just regular tigers. Or 8 foot taller jaguar men. Or four different kinds of standard issue cat people. There are 19 morphs in all plus the secret bonus mode - the Mane, who is only born in the total eclipse of both moons and is the natural spiritual and sometimes political leader of the Khajiit.

    Okay, so - one of the morphs is called Alfiq. What do Alfiq look like? They look like house cats. Nice kitties. Chairman Meow.

    And what trait is unique to Alfiq Khajiit? An affinity for great magical power.

    So carefuly when you pick up that house cat or start calling a stray Mr. Poopybutt. There's a chance they're actually a powerful Khajiit wizard!

    Other absurd Khajiit facts - Moonsugar is a key element of Khajiit culture. It's a moderately addictive substances with euphoric and hallucinatory (divinatory) properties. It's also very sweet, as it's name suggests, and Khajiit put it in almost all their food in varying amounts. Moonsugar is gathered where it washed up on the shores of Tamriel (the main continet).

    Why is it washed up on the shores? Because it is the crystalized light of the moon (which is the body of the sorta-dead trickster god who brought about the creation of the mortal world and the phases of whom determine Khajiit morphs).

    Also, sometimes, all the Khajiit will come together and climb up on each other's back to form an enormous human pillar of cats... so they can climb to the moon to consult with the Mane. Who naturally lives on the moon.

    Elder scrolls is so much fucking weirder than Todd will let it be and it's a shame because the world is just a continual fucking acid trip and I love it.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 3d ago 100%

    Anime has always been awooga and libertarian-alert, but looking back on it from the lofty heights of my late thirties all i can think is why did so little of the really creepy, mean, and predatory stuff make an impact on when I was younger?

    I guess part of it is a lack of perspective. You've got to learn a lot to piece things together and be like "wait isn't Megumin 12? Wtf?". And back in the day that was waved away with a lot of " it's a different culture you don't understand!" And similar bullshit. But now, with a lot more experience, a lot better understanding of culture and society, there are many anime series old and new that aren't just unwatchable but, like, how the fuck does anyone think this is okay?

    And, like, some of the greatest stories of the 20th and 21st century will just be toodling along being awesome and then there's a scene or moment that just makes you sick and it's like fuck guys you could have just not put that in.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 3d ago 100%

    The way Bluesky blocking works it's going to get so fucking weird as people create hard defensive bubbles blocking out anything they don't want to hear.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • Frank Frank 3d ago 100%

    Word. I was thinking about how many "optimists" and bloomers, what they really are is so utterly, profoundly devoid of hope that instead of trying to understand how to do what we can in the real world that actually exists, they reject the possibilty that the real world could ever be improved and retreat in to a fantasy of "hope" where the situation isn't as bad as it really is so they can pretend that what's coming won't be enormously, enormously painful and disruptive.

    This group of optimists aren't optimists at all. Whenever they look at whats really happening they recoil in horror and hide in a fantasy because they cannot imagine a better world if things are as bad as they really are.

    Meanwhile doomers and cynics, if they haven't completely given up, and trying to wrestl with how to actually fix anything knowing that it's going to be horrific and bloody no matter what happens. But if you're still trying to fix things despite understanding how completely, utterly fucked everything is that's an incredibly strong thing, refusing to give up or lay down and die even through the odds seem, and maybe are, insurmountable.

    Many accusations of doomerism and cynicism are coming from people who cannot stomach believing what's plainly happening, and are mad that people who do accept reality are intruding in to the fantasy they've created to protect themselves from the dread.

  • badposting
    badposting Frank 1w ago 100%
    Missing Randy

    Folks this isn't funny Randy went on a white water samba dance adventure cruise and hasn't been heard from since tuesday we're afraid he might have run away to Sweden without telling anyone.


    For those who don't know HAARP is a facility used to study the ionosphere in Fairbanks, Alaska. Since it came online in '93 CHUDs have been convinced that it's a weather control device. ![sicko-jammin]( "emoji sicko-jammin") This isn't really funny I just think the conspiracy component is funny.


    It's a neat org. Hearing voices isn't really uncommon and doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you and they're trying to raise awareness of that. Check them out. Hearing voices, outside the context of serious mental illness, is just one of those weird human quirks that some folks have like the cilantro gene or ear wax variations.


    I need to get some sleep, but - The extremely online lib comentariate are basically putting on an "I'm a bleeding heart liberal and I care about people costume" because they like being part of that culture. They like the food, the music, they like NPR, they like suits that fit and long meetings - The majority of libs are hopelessly lost. They're stuck in this hyperreal whatever the fuck of politics, culture, media. They care about people, or they want to care about people, but they're so mired in media lies and distortions they have no real concept of what is real - They're still seeing "40,000 killed in Gaza", they're seeing "Uighur Genocide". They're seeing their leaders go on and on about immigrants, or Hamas, or whatever teh fuck idk I don't watch their news. But the important thing is; They don't know what is or isn't real. They don't have the skills, allies, or knowledge to sift through the bullshit. - and then there's a tiny layer of dregs down at the bottom of the barrel of nerds and perverts, us, who are obsessive about politics and information, who talk to people across the world, who are reflexively hostile to authority enough to try and i hope to god succeed in trying to pull some kind of actual picture of what's really happening together. But the Libs are paralyzed, unable to act, and trapped in their cycle of ritually voting then spending 4 years wondering why things aren't getting better because they either have no grounding in reality at all, or because they cannot tell what is real and what isn't anymore. It's not even just propaganda and lies, it's an inability to know that there is a real world that could be obscured by propaganda and lies. IDfk, but there's some big scale, big picture fuckery happening that turns people in to whatever the fuck is happening out there. I'm goinjg to bed.


    Trying to come up with fresh new slander for the KKKPresident and need some input. Also > KdF had a number of individual departments. The Beauty of Labour (Schönheit der Arbeit) department was devoted to improvements in the workplace, from general hygiene to reduction of sound pollution. Other departments included the Sports Office (Sportamt), Adult Education Office (Volksbildungswerk), Leisure Time Office (Amt Feierabend), the Office for Folklore and Homeland (Amt für Volkstum und Heimat), and the Office for Travel, Hiking, and Holidays (Amt Reisen, Wandern, und Urlaub). From the NATOpedia page on the NSDAP's "Strength Through Joy" office. ![lt-dbyf-dubois]( "emoji lt-dbyf-dubois") Is... Mountain biking... Fascist? I'm not even sure I'm kidding, htere are definite and steep class, racial, and cultural elements to outdoor recreation. Fuck, eugenics elements.


    Dead Kennedy's go on chapo (not the band I want Kennedy's ghost to show up so Matt can grill him on the lead up to the Vietnam War.) Fucking seriously, though, Kopmala is Jerry Brown's enfante terrible sent to Californicate the world in his Image CMV. Fucking seriously though > [Verse 1] I am Governor Jerry Brown My aura smiles and never frowns Soon, I will be president Carter power will soon go away I will be Führer one day I will command all of you Your kids will meditate in school Your kids will meditate in school > [Chorus] California über alles California über alles Über alles, California Über alles, California > [Verse 2] Zen fascists will control you One-hundred percent natural You will jog for the master race And always wear the happy face Close your eyes, can't happen here Big Bro on white horse is near The hippies won't come back, you say Mellow out, or you will pay Mellow out, or you will pay California über alles California über alles Über alles, California Über alles, California [Bridge] Now it is 1984 Knock-knock at your front door It's the suede denim secret police They have come for your uncool niece Come quietly to the camp You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp Don't you worry, it's only a shower For your clothes, here's a pretty flower Die! On organic poison gas Serpent's egg's already hatched You will croak, you little clown When you mess with President Brown When you mess with President Brown [Chorus] California über alles California über alles Über alles, California Über alles, California We got Orb Mommy, we got eight flavors of neo-fascism on tap, we got a big wet TV president, we've got a KKKalifornia KKKop named KKKamala. This is it. This is California Triumphant. They fucking won. Boomer Hippie "It's not my problem I want to be free man" bullshit has morphed and mutated in to whatever the fuck this is and now we're all fucked. ![burgerpain]( "emoji burgerpain")


    Like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU AND CAN IT BE RESOLVED WITHOUT RESORTING TO THE ![barbara-pit]( "emoji barbara-pit") CUCK PIT? Don't let the "Perfect" (not committing genocide) be the enemy of the "Good" (LITERALLY FUCKING GENOCIDE). What the entire fuck is *wrong* with them? It's not just how could they do this, but how can they not see what they've become? Their whole fucking ideology is built around the idea that they're the good guys, the defenders of civil rights, the beacon of an enlightened, refined, civilized society. That's their whole goddamn thing, but now they've compromised and lesser eviled their way in to virulent, active support for fucking genocide WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!~?!~?>~!>?~!~!:~!> And, and, all the fucking bullshit, for *decades*, about tankies being irredeemably evil because of genocides that didn't even fucking happen? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged") ![honk-enraged]( "emoji honk-enraged")

    memes Frank 2w ago 98%
    Here I made this

    Some nerds were doing that thing where 40k fans are like "OH NO SEXZ IS HERESY!" when it's pretty definitively not and is basically one of the only things in 40k that isn't heretical (as long as you're not doing evil slannesh shit) and it got me thinking about repression of sex under "in bad country regimes". And a whoooooooooooooooooooooooooole fucking thing in 1984 was how liberating and humanizing it was that the author's grungy middle aged self-insert was boning a 19 year old member of the Junior Anti-Sex League, and, like... America has several thousand different Junior Anti-Sex League and I'm not sure if the USSR ever had any? Like, yeah, maybe they did, but under capitalism Americans have literally convinced themselves they'll go to hell if they see a tiddy and the English famously just hate joy. So what the fuck was Orwell trying to critique with his "Junior Anti-Sex League" in spoooooky Stalinist England?


    Commies have always done this kind of thing, but it's long been a core of Anarchist thought - Small affinity groups, ad hoc organizing, mutual aid networks within the decaying corpse of the state. I'm not talking about nihilistic ecofash crap like "Desert" or whatever, but rather how to work in these small, nimble, and responsive groups and organizations. I think that as global warming rips nation states apart and capitalism continues to fuck everything this kind of organizing is going to be very important. There may not be an industrial proletariat to organize by mid century if global warming puts enough pressure on the world to cause widespread logistical and economic collapse. I think that's likely enough to merit serious consideration, including working out what communist organizing would look like, and how it would work, in a post free-trade, post-international just in time logistics world. There's that old story where an old man is walking down the beach after a storm. The storm has washed up thousands of starfish who are stranded now. The man sees a little girl throwing starfish back in to the ocean. He says "Why are you bothering, you can't save all of them." and without looking up the girl says "I can save this one" and hucks another starfish in to the surf. The man thinks about that for a second and then joins the girl in hurling starfish. As global warming continues to worsen, as the neoliberal state continues to auto-cannibalize, all these disasters are going to add up. Things that are destroyed won't be repaired. There will be knock-on effects as the collapse of infrastructure in one region accelerates the collapse in surrounding regions. Flexible, relatively small scale organizing groups doing on the ground relief, repairs, or even outright replacing infrastructure will likely be vital for the survival of many communities. A lot of us are already involved in projects like this in one way or another. Pooling theory, personal experiences, and other resources to apply our dialectical magic to the problem can only make us stronger.


    I think these guys are members of a Flemish Dyers Guild or something.


    Was browsing through Bsky and came across this, which is THE BEST THING. The attention to detail in the war gear is so gooooooood.


    Craigslist. Was looking at tools today and people are selling 40 year old Craftsman tools for 40$ that have more steel in one tool than America's entire 2023 national steel production output. When I need gear for the grind I buy ugly rusty decades old made out of iron and spite stuff off sketchy websites.


    I've always entertained the idea that Balrogs were less monstrous in form and more like the children of Illuvatar in form, albeit very terrifying. Here's a little musing I wronte; The Balrogs have in most regards the shape of men or elves, but far more terrible. Their stature is measured by their intent – At rest they are of a height with the children of illuvatar, at war they would scratch the roof of a tall man’s hall, and this stature may change from moment to moment as suits their needs. Always they are in shadow. The sun never falls on their faces nor can it be seen behind them. Yet, whichever way one observes them, their shadow reaches out, longer and darker than it ought to be, to fall just short of one’s feet, threateningly close. Nor, though, are they ever fully in darkness, for in darkness a dim rim of red flame can be seen about and within them. So dim it would not cast a shadow, yet you cannot mistake them on a dark night. This fire is in them and in all that they make or possess, and in wrath it will flare greatly, but never brightly – A wreath of reddish heat which never rises to the white or yellow of good honest fire nor approaches the last rays of a setting sun. There’s is a dim, shadowy fire, Of there gear it is thus; They wear no bright colors. All clothe and metal is dim and desaturated and the dull red gleam of their flame is in it. Their war gear is all of darkened iron, polished and engraved, set with enamels and gems which do not shine. It is their culture to have etched on their plate their deeds, and the names of great warriors they have slain, and exultation of Morgoth who lead them to power. They delight in shaping their wargear to mock the creatures of Illuvatar, such that one’s helmet might resemble a grotesque eagle fanged and scaled, while another’s pauldron might have the shape of screaming men. They are some of the greatest of the servants of Morgoth and their war-gear reflects their stature, being of the finest and most intricate make. In shadow and fire wrapped one might think their skin to be of plate and faceted iron, so closely fit and finely made was their armor. For arms, they bore two weapons that marked their authority and office. First – A burning sword, in dim red fire wreathed, as long as a tall elf but very light for it’s size. These swords they wielded with two hands when it suited them, or one if they were in wrath. The power of their blows was enormous and the craft of the swords was such that little could turn their edge or threaten to break them, and so they could be wielded as implements of siege if desired. Certainly, the shields of elves and men had little hope of holding them at bay. These swords were made only for the Balrogs, for few could bear them and in the presence of any servant of the Dark Lord none else would dare. But the true symbol of their station was the burning lash. Each Balrog’s whip was forged to fit their hand. All, however, were of black iron, finely forged, and it was in these whips that their fire burned most strongly. The whip is an instrument of torment and dominion, and so the firey whips of the Balrogs were the symbol of their tyranny above all other signs and symbols which they bore. These whips they used very cruelly in battle and in council, and countless orcs and slaves of Morgoth bore the burnt brand of iron chains on their backs or faces. When the Balrogs went to war at the head of Melkor’s army they carried a great wreath of smoke and shadow around them, flickering with the dull embers of a burnt out fire. This was the sight most dreaded by scouts of the Eldar and Edain, for a dimming and a shadow among the orc camps meant only this; The Balrogs were at arms, and they were unafraid to be known.


    Again, not a lawyer, I know fuck all about International law, but it sure does look like boobytrapping random people's electronics is a fucking crime.
