News 11mo ago
Emails Reveal How a Hospital Bowed to Political Pressure to Stop Treating Trans Teens
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 11mo ago 87%

    Ah yes, you have one 'health board' that was conspicuously taken over by TERF ideologues, which then started spouting junk science and ignoring the actual medical professionals. That totally trumps all the reputable medical orgs.

  • news
    News 11mo ago
    Emails Reveal How a Hospital Bowed to Political Pressure to Stop Treating Trans Teens
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 11mo ago 91%

    So you're just making stuff up to get angry about. Big studies show de-transition rates are drastically below rates of regret for most common surgeries, including medically-necessary knee surgery, and cosmetic breast augmentation (which teenage cis girls get, and regret, all the time).

    Many de-transtioners are just bullied out of medical care by people like yourself, only to re-transition later. The most common reasons cited for detransition were pressure from a parent (36%), transitioning was too hard (33%), too much harassment or discrimination (31%), and trouble getting a job (29%).

    Supporting trans kids is mostly just about clothes/name/pronouns, and the only thing they're offered is puberty blockers, which were used safely in cisgender children with precocious puberty for decades before people like you started distorting the facts.

    You're just another bigot spreading medical misinformation in a bad-faith attempt to block medical care for a stigmatized minority group, and you should feel bad about it. Shame.

  • news
    News 11mo ago
    House Expels George Santos From Congress
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 11mo ago 36%

    Wow, so It's almost as if expecting unregulated capitalism to solve this problem is not working? How could that be?

    Oh well, I guess we just need to ignore the problem until it gets better.

  • news
    News 11mo ago
    House Expels George Santos From Congress
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 11mo ago 20%

    You know what? I do.

  • news
    News 11mo ago
    House Expels George Santos From Congress
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 11mo ago 16%

    Lol, I'm not hoarding anything, just trying to get you to actually think critically about the problems inherent in your approach. And yep, I'm being smug, because you refuse to think seriously about your responses, while getting all huffy because someone dared to point out how unworkable the easy answers are. But calling me names totally strengthens your position though, good job there.

    You keep mentioning 'total revolution' as the obvious solution, and I would like you to think about why that is. I think we need big structural changes if we want to claw back anything approximating a democracy. You keep saying I won't give you a solution, and it's baffling to me that you can't get there on your own, but if you need spoon-feeding, imo one of the most fundamental things we need do is go back to taxing the wealthy fairly, in order to pay for social services. gasp

    It's just boggling to me that you apparently can't even begin to see taxes as something that would help the poor, rather than hurt them, a perspective I'd suspect you've picked up from our deeply biased news media. Turns out, instead of making the poor sell their plasma, we should actually be making billionaires sell their yachts and vacation homes.

  • news
    News 11mo ago
    House Expels George Santos From Congress
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 11mo ago 12%

    👍 Do you feel better?

  • news
    News 11mo ago
    House Expels George Santos From Congress
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 11mo ago 11%

    Hey man, call me an asshole if it makes you feel better, I'm just pointing out the problems as I see them, and the giant gaping holes in your suggestions. Widespread political corruption isn't something we can safely ignore. The public can't crowdfund journalism in a sustainable way, unless they get a substantial increase in disposable wealth.

    That's the world as it currently exists.

    One Koch donation is worth more than the locals can ever give to local journalism, and most local outlets are just Sinclair Broadcast Group in a rubber mask anyway. But sure, be angry that you can't fix it by parroting a facile solution, that really helps us get there.

    In response to your edit:
    You're so close to getting it omg. Keep trying. It's almost like this is a problem that's been considered before, and had a solution. How could we ensure a public service is publicly funded? Should our poorest even be selling their plasma to pay taxes? That almost sounds like a whole other problem... If only we had a way to regulate these things. But of course, we can only consider solutions within a capitalist model, cuz 'merica, so obviously there's no solution.

  • news
    News 11mo ago
    House Expels George Santos From Congress
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 11mo ago 12%

    Because you're obviously struggling, what I'm saying that objective & effective journalism is vital to informed decision-making in a democracy, and we're not getting it because journalism in the US is run as a business¸ which imo will always end with media focusing exclusively on whatever makes them the most money, irrespective of the truth. If we want real journalism we need to view it, and fund it, as a public service. The problem is systemic, and our news media will continue to fail us until the system is rectified.

  • news
    News 11mo ago
    House Expels George Santos From Congress
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 11mo ago 9%

    Oh I'm sorry, after re-reading it looks like you actually said we should fight for better journalism by skipping breakfast, or selling our plasma, and giving the money we save to the conglomerates providing our local news. Totally makes sense.

  • news
    News 11mo ago
    House Expels George Santos From Congress
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 11mo ago 6%

    Ah yes, clearly we should simply accept that corruption is endemic, unavoidable really, and expect our press to ignore it.

    Tale as old as time, I'm sure it'll work out fine.

    They have more important things to focus on anyway! Like Hunter Biden's laptop.

    And of course, Journalism's collapsing payment model is entirely the public's fault. Just give them more money you lazy bums!

  • news
    News 11mo ago
    House Expels George Santos From Congress
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 11mo ago 99%

    The real question is where tf were the journalists while Santos was running his campaign on these false claims?

    Too busy playing horse race? Frantically trying to find something newsworthy about Hunter Biden's laptop? Credulously glorifying some billionaire's childish misconceptions?

    Guess we'll never know.


    The longest-serving state senator in North Dakota history has been indicted on federal charges related to child pornography. Ray Holmberg, a Republican who resigned last spring, was charged in an indictment unsealed Monday with travel with the intent to engage in illicit sexual activity and receipt of child pornography after investigators showed he traded scores of text messages with a convicted sex offender, reported KFGO-TV. [\#notadragqueen](


    Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has used a system called Giant Oak Search Technology (GOST) to help the agency scrutinize social media posts, determine if they are “derogatory” to the U.S., and then use that information as part of immigration enforcement, according to a new cache of documents reviewed by 404 Media.

    Oklahoma attorney general sues to stop US's first public religious school
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 12mo ago 75%

    Lol, ok dude. I never said he was trying to force his religion into anything, you're just making stuff up. I supported the OPs statement that bigotry against the wrong religions was the motivator here, not high-minded ideals about the separation of church and state, and I think that's been substantiated by the evidence.

  • Oklahoma attorney general sues to stop US's first public religious school
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 12mo ago 66%

    Holy moving goalposts batman!


    Apparently that’s not what he’s standing up for. They’re not the right religion. When Republicans make decisions, [that seem] irrational or against their normal behavior. Always assume there’s bigotry tied to it.

    In your first response you wrote:

    Not saying you’re wrong, but the article gives absolutely no evidence that this is the case.

    So I provided a press release quoting the AG's anti-muslim bigotry as evidence.

    Your response:

    This doesn’t really show his preference for any other religion, though. In fact, he specifically used the word “compelled” when talking about Catholicism.

    So I provided further evidence of his religious preferences.

    Your response:

    So what if he only wants reading proficiency so kids “can read the bible at home with their family.”? Bigotry aside, he’s doing what he’s supposed to be doing.

    I indicated that the point in the post you originally responded to is pretty well supported by the evidence...

    Your response:

    So? He’s not trying to jam that religion into classrooms.

    I'm done, please keep better track of your point in the future

  • Oklahoma attorney general sues to stop US's first public religious school
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 12mo ago 66%

    The language he uses definitely shows a preference for a specific religion. He's clearly keeping his religion out of school only because it would allow the religions he doesn't like in too, which is the entire point of the post you first responded to.

  • Oklahoma attorney general sues to stop US's first public religious school
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 12mo ago 100%

    I mean, he's a protestant evangelical, so he's not a big fan of catholicism, but alongside his fearmongering about muslims, he definitely shows plenty of preference for his particular religion. Here's another quote from the press release:

    "I would prefer we focus on reading proficiency so they can read the Bible at home with their family. That’s where religion is best taught: in homes and in churches, with the loving guidance of parents and pastors"

    I'm certainly glad he's fighting these religious charter schools, for whatever reason, but I think it's silly to pretend his motivations are anything but bigotry and bias toward his favorite sect.

  • Oklahoma attorney general sues to stop US's first public religious school
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 12mo ago 100%

    So, the authors of the article irresponsibly chose not to include this guy's very public extremist rhetoric, but here's a quote directly from the press release:

    "Today, Oklahomans are being compelled to fund Catholicism. Because of the legal precedent created by the Board’s actions, tomorrow we may be forced to fund radical Muslim teachings like Sharia law. In fact, Governor Stitt has already indicated that he would welcome a Muslim charter school funded by our tax dollars. That is a gross violation of our religious liberty. "

  • 9 Republicans are running for House speaker. Only 2 of them voted to certify the 2020 election
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 12mo ago 85%

    wow, that must have been a big surprise to all the slaves.

    it pretty obviously meant the rights of white male landowners, in context, historically

  • Trans Girls Belong on Girls' Sports Teams
  • MiscreantMouse MiscreantMouse 1y ago 100%

    Which is why trans girls need to have completely blocked testosterone, usually for a full 2 years, before any kind of competition.

    They literally have less testosterone than the cis girls.


    The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) would censor the internet and would make government officials the arbiters of what young people can see online. It will likely lead to age verification, handing more power, and private data, to third-party identity verification companies like Clear or The government should not have the power to decide what topics are "safe" online for young people, and to force services to remove and block access to anything that might be considered unsafe for children. This isn’t safety—it’s censorship.


    The hard sell of ultra-processed foods in developing countries as being ‘good for you’ gives children a taste for sugar and salt that could have lasting effects on their health


    The world just had the hottest week on record, according to preliminary data. It follows the hottest June on record, with unprecedented sea surface temperatures and record low Antarctic sea ice extent.


    Observations of a wild colony of macaques over three years show same-sex sexual behavior among males is widespread and may be beneficial.


    Oil and gas companies in West Texas released hundreds of tons of toxic gases into the air last week as a record-breaking heatwave drove pressure inside pipelines and compressors to dangerously high levels. One company, Targa Resources, vented more than 500,000 pounds of toxins into the air during 17 reported events over a week-long period of extreme heat.


    Monday, July 3, was the hottest day ever recorded globally, according to data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction.


    Throughout the recent record-breaking and deadly heat wave that affected millions across Texas and other parts of the Southwest, major TV networks largely failed to report on the links between climate change and the extreme heat. Over a two-week period from June 15-29, an analysis by Media Matters found: Only 5% of the 310 segments and weathercasts about the heat wave across national TV news mentioned climate change. Major cable news networks – CNN, Fox News Channel, and MSNBC – aired 187 segments or weathercasts about the heat wave, but only 8 mentioned climate change. MSNBC mentioned the connection between the extreme heat and climate change 5 times and CNN mentioned it 3. Corporate broadcast networks – ABC, CBS, and NBC – aired a combined 123 segments or weathercasts that discussed the heat wave, but only 7 mentioned climate change. ABC led the way with 5 mentions, while CBS and NBC each mentioned the connection between extreme heat and climate change once.
