it's over
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 5m ago 100%

    First as tragedy... then the next 248~ years as farce planet-hillary

  • :trump-goodbye: needs editing, but it has potential!
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 8m ago 100%

    It has to happen tbh trump-anguish

  • :robbie-communist:
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 11m ago 100%

    I support stalin-approval

  • Catgirls Deserve Emojis Too
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 19m ago 100%

    Yes please!

  • emoji
    emoji SadArtemis 21m ago 100%

    Please 🥺 (keywords: aftonsparv, alien, ayylmao)

    How bad do we all think things are likely going to get in the west/imperial cores? How quickly do we think the west's internal spiral to fascism is going to proceed?
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 1h ago 100%

    Admittedly I've also heard similar, not even from PRC Chinese. From Asian diasporic groups, and from friends and family (who are Singaporean).

  • Just Classicist Problems
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 2h ago 100%

    I wonder where else, and what time periods have this as the same ("eunuchs" in western or modern mistranslations/misrepresentation actually being trans people)? While there are also no doubt also cases of the term being accurate, it does make one wonder- and it's somewhat heartwarming to think that there was such acceptance on some level, not that it's so odd for pre-Christian (or even then, before trans identity started getting weaponized by the reactionary culture wars) cultures...

  • How bad do we all think things are likely going to get in the west/imperial cores? How quickly do we think the west's internal spiral to fascism is going to proceed?
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 2h ago 100%

    Fingers crossed it doesn't get that way, then. Once I'd have liked to say the same about Canada (granted back then I also didn't realize how infinitely fucked some ever-ongoing things against the First Nations are) but whether it be "Chinese" (anyone looking east/southeast Asian), "Indians" (anyone looking brown), or "Muslims" (anyone looking generically west Asian/north African, or fitting the western stereotypes of Muslims in some aspect or another) I think any of the above could certainly happen, in some ways we're in the early phases of this (hate crimes and lone-wolf individual attacks with what may as well be state complicity).

  • How bad do we all think things are likely going to get in the west/imperial cores? How quickly do we think the west's internal spiral to fascism is going to proceed?
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 2h ago 100%

    Didn't the US design such weapons and similar? (weapons with a focus on killing a populace while leaving infrastructure intact) Also even beyond that- when pushed I think the US could truly be (and many elements among its elite absolutely are) mad enough to do it.

    I'm not a doomer (though I'm realistically concerned all the same, because doom is also a very real possibility) but my hopes mainly stem from the rank-and-file up to even some of the upper brass and other such cogs in the machine recognizing their common humanity- if not with their victims abroad, then with probably 99% of their fellow citizens, their family, friends, relatives...

    But seriously, look up what kind of logic drives the US. The Wolfowitz doctrine and "Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner" are two excellent examples, but you just need to see exactly what circles all these hawks/neocons/unipolar hegemonists run in and how tight their control of the ship is...

  • How bad do we all think things are likely going to get in the west/imperial cores? How quickly do we think the west's internal spiral to fascism is going to proceed?
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 2h ago 100%

    meanwhile religious fundamentalists and all sorts of other militias will be duking it out with the government and each other in the disputed areas

    Is it too much to hope that the result could effectively be a great purging of reactionary settler elements (the bulk of these fundies and militias)? Fingers crossed.. though I suspect it'll more likely/definitely be those elements being embraced lovingly by the lib state just as they always are when shit comes down to it.

  • How bad do we all think things are likely going to get in the west/imperial cores? How quickly do we think the west's internal spiral to fascism is going to proceed?
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 2h ago 100%

    And against southeast and central Asians, Pacific islanders, and even some indigenous (incl. indigenous Latinos)...

  • How bad do we all think things are likely going to get in the west/imperial cores? How quickly do we think the west's internal spiral to fascism is going to proceed?
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 3h ago 100%

    It really do be like that angery hell, my family has been out of the mainland for at least 3 generations on both sides AFAIK (SG/Malaysian Chinese).

  • How bad do we all think things are likely going to get in the west/imperial cores? How quickly do we think the west's internal spiral to fascism is going to proceed?
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 3h ago 100%

    The problem with your argument here is it ignores that whiteness isn't static.

    Pretty much. I hesitate to say this, but for instance if, when, and as (since it is ongoing ATM) anti-Asian and anti-Muslim hate ramps up, opportunists in the black and Latino communities will jump in on it (of all social strata- open season is open season- that said if the tables were turned this would also happen, let's all be honest here this is how it is). Just as we all are atomized/hyperindividualized, all our communities are as well; the west has poisoned the well as best as they could in regards to solidarity and divide-and-conquer politics and the narratives within our communities are heavily controlled.

    There's a consciousness making a resurgence- one that never quite went away, but which is particularly active now mainly in the face of livestreamed industrial genocide. But if the west cannot manage more than peaceful protests and some war sabotage attempts (incredibly important as they are- and let's be honest anything else, while based, would be cracked down on with the full brutality of the state- hell things are already brutal against dissent as is) then I don't think it will be enough. I hope I'm wrong and am not advocating for defeatism, but my outlook for the west is just very bleak and by the time the necessity for revolutionary change has been accepted at large I suspect it will have been too late- as I see it the way things are going it may very well be so dire for the west that BRICS and the rest of humanity will be the ones to either force a change for the better from the west, or otherwise be forced to put down the western regimes like a rabid dog before running intense de-Nazification/de-mental-colonization.

    Like you I'm not a doomer. And I'm actually very profoundly optimistic for the world (provided the US doesn't start nuclear war), especially seeing current developments. But I think that (while we can't afford to accept it) realistically the imperial order, particularly in the cores, will go down thrashing in as wretched a manner as possible and has a lot of fight, a lot of hate in it yet- thankfully the world is moving past the west in all aspects, such that all the west has left is terror...

  • How bad do we all think things are likely going to get in the west/imperial cores? How quickly do we think the west's internal spiral to fascism is going to proceed?
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 3h ago 100%

    This is- upon thinking and reading it over properly once or twice, actually not so unimaginable. A fair bit of it already has happened, some of it is happening, and others could easily happen again and are well on track to doing so (and they're pretty honest about their intentions for the straits of Malacca as someone whose family is from the region- and unofficial invasions/regime change/etc of Mexico is absolutely possible and perhaps more likely as the contradictions of empire increase).

    Of course, in the midst of all the genocides (domestic and being waged abroad), slavery, sterilization, starvation, and warmongering they'll also continue touting themselves as the "beacons of democracy," the paragons of "freedom" and "human rights." Just as they are now while being guilty of arguably around half of what you described, just as they have for their almost-250 years of settler barbarism... and of course it honestly won't matter (though we all know it wouldn't) which "party" and figureheads are running the show.

  • Shonen romance
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 3h ago 100%

    ::: spoiler Chimera Ant arc spoiler On one hand it's some manic pixie dream girl shit as you said, but on the other hand I suspect that even if Komugi had been male or of a different gender representation, they could still have had that same connection.

    Komugi might be a odd variation of the "innocent Mary Sue" trope, yet I feel her character is just right for the story as is, particularly as her self-esteem issues are treated realistically and she serves as a perfect foil and compliment to Meruem. For the peak of evolution, the natural-born king to find his peer and opposite in a disabled, unassuming girl is pretty great IMO, and it sets the stage for both of their characters' growth.

    The development of their relationship and eventual death hits just right for so many reasons well beyond the trope IMO. It's honestly very perfect and I would describe their dynamic as not unlike the "shonen male friendship" described in the post- they grow with each other (though Meruem gets more character development), they complete each other, and they choose one another- perhaps with the difference being that choice is maybe as far from destiny as it gets- at the end. :::

  • As someone who realizes the upcoming genocide, how do I get out?
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 4h ago 100%

    This, tbh also IMO (while I don't know anything to contribute) it would be really nice if c/movingtonorthkorea on the grad had actual info on the subject too...

  • How bad do we all think things are likely going to get in the west/imperial cores? How quickly do we think the west's internal spiral to fascism is going to proceed?
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 4h ago 100%

    I agree, but they're still putting on a veil of stop asian hate

    Are they? Seems to me like they've more of just stopped talking about anti-Asian hate crimes (though at least part of it may be being too keyed in to Asian diasporic spaces and getting cabin fever over it myself).

    This rhetoric is already happening in Silicon Valley where a lot of my coworkers have been discussing how they want to report some of their Chinese coworkers to internal security and the FBl because they think they are "CCP" spies sent to infiltrate American big tech with the rational that suspected coworkers say they like Xi and that China is a better place to live than USA

    As for that... lea-sweat while I knew that the witchhunts were ongoing in STEM, against community orgs, etc... it's another to hear of the other side of the picture. That it's "a lot" of your coworkers wanting to get in on the action in your experience is actually much worse than what I'd expect, despite having seen a lot of shit where I am...

  • How bad do we all think things are likely going to get in the west/imperial cores? How quickly do we think the west's internal spiral to fascism is going to proceed?
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 5h ago 100%

    As someone who's seen how the hate against Indians has exploded (as well as how first nations are treated, etc) I have to agree, shit will get bad.

    TBH in regards to the lynchings without repercussions, I'd argue that on the smaller scale (individual violent hate crimes with intent to seriously harm or kill) we're already at such a point, somewhat...

  • [Saw this thread](, and it really hit a chord with me, as these similar fears tend to constantly weigh on me (for various reasons- being trans, ethnic Chinese, commie, etc). I think we all (leftists, but also just most minorities) know, shit is bad and will get worse, it's just a question of how bad it will get. People mention it offhand without usually going further into the details, and similarly in other spaces - non-leftist ones as well, for instance Asian diasporic and LGBT spaces in my experience, these fears come up, but ultimately we keep the bulk of our concerns to ourselves. What are our expectations here, for the west? Not just for the US, but the Anglosphere and Europe?

    [CW: Racism] Hold up, let me break out the calipers
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 16h ago 100%

    Also, imagine moving from glorious Kazakhstan (well it has its issues) to Hell Joseon

  • [CW: Racism] Hold up, let me break out the calipers
  • SadArtemis SadArtemis 16h ago 100%

    ""Korean-like"" body language indicating submissiveness and respect

    Or POW-like body language indicating harsh, possibly illegal treatment and a fear for his life?

  • Glorb globozyx... ![gawk]( "emoji gawk") Zorb'obly gonna glorbopost till my gleepglorp Aftonsparv gets zeep zorped into an emoji, mods geebplox ![]( ::: spoiler glorp'glaxor Couldn't find the original artist ![cri]( "emoji cri") :::

    memes SadArtemis 4d ago 98%
    hope reminder

    The CIA's favorite proxies strike again... (edit: my bad, intended to link
