cross-posted from: > I have a player in my newly starting Abomination Vaults campaign that wanted the [Cursed background]( As part of that, I asked them what kind of curse they would have, and they came up with/saw an idea for their curse that they liked and suggested. > > Their initial suggestion would be that their PC would forever be unable to open doors, which I liked the flavor of, but based on the wording of the Cursed background, was worried that it would be too much of an ever-present mechanical obstacle. > Note: This player is new to TTRPGs and PF2e, so may not understand the ramifications of mechanical limitations. > > To try and match what they suggested, but expand on the curse a little bit, I suggested that they perhaps are occasionally compelled to close doors on themselves instead, which the player liked. > > To make it more defined and consistent, I whipped together this curse, and would like feedback on it's implementation and overall feel. > > > >**Curse**: > >Caspian once insulted a fey creature by enclosing it within a room, in an attempt to trap it. The fey then cursed Caspian to close doors on themselves under stressful circumstances. > > > >When Caspian approaches or crosses a doorway under a stressful environment (this may be during exploration of a dungeon or during combat), a will save may be requested to be rolled, with a DC for Caspian's level. (Level 1 = DC 15) This may occur up to 3 times per day. *[Should this be more limited?]* > > > >*[Daily prep: does it reset difficulty? Maybe a refocus type activity to reset difficulty or prevent the will saves for a period?]* > > > >**Outcomes:** > > > >Critical Success: Caspian overcomes the desire to close the door, and no new will saves must be made for the remainder of the day > > > >Success: Caspian overcomes the desire to close the door, but the DC for the next will save is increased by one difficulty level. *[maybe should be a +2 each time?]* > > > >Failure: Caspian is unable to resist, and must spend an action *[should this be a free action only for curse? opening doors takes actions too]* to close the door in front of, or behind them, *[figure out in what scenarios they close it before/after crossing]* The DC difficulty modifier is then reset. > > > >Critical Failure: As failure, but Caspian is unable to open the door without attempting a new will save. The DC of this will save is the basic DC difficulty, and a failure does not increase the DC difficulty. > > My current thoughts for targeted input are denoted in *[square brackets]*, but I'd like some general feedback as well. My intention is that this is an obstacle that may end up in a more dangerous circumstance, but isn't guaranteed to get them in trouble all the time. > > The question about the refocus activity would be a way to prepare for the possibility of the curse, like when the players know they are about to enter a dangerous area, similar to pre-buffing.

Earth Defense Force 6 releases in NA and EU Spring 2024 on Steam, Epic Games Store, and PS5
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%


    Wait, wait, hold on, mixed up my pages....

  • Are LFG posts allowed here?
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    As of now, I'd say yes. We may re-evaulate based on if there's a flood of just LFG posts, but any changes like that will show up in the sidebar, and likely a pinned post.

  • Spotify spotted prepping a $19.99/mo 'Superpremium' service with lossless audio, AI playlists and more | TechCrunch
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    I've been listening to podcasts through Spotify for a while now, and they're definitely inserted by Spotify from my experience. I've had personalized ads show up during defined ad break times, or the ad starts rolling mid sentence/doesn't roll when they say it's ad time.

  • Give a Wish Spell to Your Low Level Party
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    I like the idea, and may just implement it in my game. I'm planning out a PF2e game in the near future, and a lot of the concerns of 5e's Wish are circumvented through the wording of PF2e's Wish:

    You state a wish, making your greatest desire come true. A wish spell can produce any one of the following effects.

    • Duplicate any spell from the arcane list of 9th level or lower to which you have access.
    • Duplicate any spell from another spell list of 7th level or lower. It must be common or you must have access.
    • Produce any effect whose power level is in line with the above effects.
    • Reverse certain effects that refer to the wish spell.

    The GM might allow you to try using wish to produce greater effects than these, but doing so might be dangerous or the spell might have only a partial effect.

    This would allow for revive spells and the like, but nothing (that I'm aware of) that could terribly break the campaign or the story.

  • Android App Pin Security Issue Allowing Unauthorized Payments via Google Wallet
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    From what I've seen here the vulnerability exposes card number and expiration details. I don't know enough about NFC payment authorization to confidently confirm, but I'm not sure what other information would constitute an authorization

  • Krastorio 005 - green science
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    I'd say it's generally pretty good. I'm not very skilled at audio balancing, but I think finding a way to reduce spikes in the audio from your microphone would help out.

  • Krastorio 005 - green science
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    If I'm watching a let's play, I personally am not expecting the player to know everything. Part of the interest to me is watching a person newly experience obstacles and making mistakes, especially when I'm already familiar with a game that they're playing.

    As for what to say, I think it could be something like just explaining your thought process out loud. See a tech/research Item that interests you? You could talk about how you might be able to use it, even if you are making incorrect assumptions. (One of my favourite youtubers quite frequently makes guesses at lore of horror games he's playing. Sometimes he's right, sometimes he's wrong. Either way it's something I personally enjoy.)

    You could then also verbalize how you're planning to reach that tech, which lets your viewers know what you plan to do, and how you plan to do it. It could be something like:

    I like Tech A, which means I need tech B to get there. But Tech B requires these science packs I'm not making yet, so I need more [item] to start that.

    I wouldn't worry too much if you don't end up doing everything perfectly or according to plan. Getting distracted with some other project is a very common thing in Factorio, and I would assume most viewers would be able to relate to it as well.

    All that said, don't feel forced to do so on my recommendation. It is definitely extra work, and it is really strange to talk to the air and record your voice when you get started.

  • Krastorio 005 - green science
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    I recently completed another playthrough of Krastorio 2. The endgame felt a bit empty without the Space Exploration mod that I was using last time, but still overall is quite a bit of fun.

    Have you ever considered doing some voiceover or commentary for your videos? IMO, it might add some extra quality overall.

  • Red Dead Redemption 3 confirmed by Rockstar parent company
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    Looks like this link is broken, or is otherwise being blocked by google. Do you have a different link you could share?

  • Caves Story+ free on Epic Games
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    Doesn't appear to be, at least from Beehaw's perspective. It's possible you saw another post on a separate instance, as it was crossposted to several instances.

  • Sen. Mitch McConnell appears to freeze again at a Kentucky event
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    GOP stands for "Grand Old Party", which is a nickname for the Republican Party in the United States.

    MAGA is an acronym which stands for "Make America Great Again", and was used by Trump during his run for the presidency. It has since been used to indicate those that follow Trump and his policies.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    Looks like the article is just from a couple of days ago, before the booking

  • The Metal Gear Solid Collection is so true to Hideo Kojima's "original vision" that it needed a new content warning
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    I remember the bomb, but not the second part. I'll go looking for if there's any mentions or reference to that, but if you have one handy, that'd be helpful.

    Edit: Big yikes. It's found in the audio logs. Not the act itself, but it's pretty heavily insinuated in a monologue from the bad guy that he's going to force it to happen.

  • The Steam Deck is changing how normies think of gaming PCs.
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    Here's my perspective on how I've viewed this exchange:

    In response to your initial comment, Evergreen expressed their opinion on how people might have interpreted a comment to be more literal than it was intended. They also expressed their desire for Beehaw to try and move away from the type of dismissive "go outside and touch grass" type of argument many of us were accustomed to seeing on Reddit. They provided examples of where the use of "normies" has previously been a negative connotation, and how someone might arrive at that conclusion based on prior experience, even if it was not accurate

    From my perspective, your response to that comment boiled down to 2 points: -No one is obligated to respond -It doesn't matter what your previous experience is, it is wrong to assume that an interaction might be playing out like previous times it played out.

    If it were worded less aggressively and more cooperatively, I believe this could have been a very constructive conversation about social expectations and assumptions.

    Evergreen then responded with a list of reasonable assumptions that we make based on previous experience.

    You responded with an insult.

    Its pretty clear with that last message, and your responses to moderators that your intent is not to have constructive conversations and make an effort to make Beehaw a better space.

    Please take some time to read the Beehaw Core Principles section:

  • The Steam Deck is changing how normies think of gaming PCs.
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    You've already been asked to be nice yesterday. It's not about "suffering fools", its about working to make Beehaw a positive space, and acting in good faith, even when you disagree with other users. Resorting to insults is not in line with that.

  • Running With Scissors Studios gives permission to pirate games
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    Please remember, this is Beehaw. Our primary rule is Be(e) Nice.

  • I've been primarily a player in my TTRPG games, and roleplay hasn't ever really been my strong suit. I've typically been more of a person to describe what my character is doing and saying, rather than acting "in-character", and this has been sufficient for the games I've played, but I've always felt I should be doing more to get better immersed into my character and worlds. Now that I've finished my campaigns as a player, I'm looking to expand into DM'ing for a local group of friends, where I would be the most experienced player by far. (Planning to run Abomination Vaults for Pathfinder 2e) My current worry is, because of my lack of experience establishing a "voice" for my PCs, if that will hinder the experience for my players by not having a range of easily identifiable voices for separate NPCs that the party will be interacting with. Abomination Vaults is primarily a mega-dungeon, so I'm at least not diving into a campaign with dozens of unique NPCs required for social encounters, but there are still a number of frequent NPCs that will show up, and they will mostly be the same throughout the campaign (people like the primary quest-giver, the town guard captain, innkeeper, etc.) And so, my question: How important is it to you, as a player or GM, that the GM has a voice for each NPC, even if they sometimes sound similar to other NPCs? Should I be practising voices in my spare time? Do you care if a voice for an NPC is consistent, or can it change as I get more familiar both with the character, and finding my style for voicing them?

    MMORPG NoIAP either Pay Up Front or a Subscription
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    So how does that work for the games that had monetization stripped out? Do you just get the reward for free since you're paying for the subscription? Or do you just not have the option for that "purchase"?

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 16th
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    I've been playing a mix of Remnant: From the Ashes and Stellaris.

    I've completed Remnant now, and am just gearing up for the DLC, but the problem with it is that you have to erase your campaign progress (character progress stays) before you can start the DLC, so I'm running around the campaign world to try get the things I might have missed before I can dive into the DLC.

    For Stellaris, I've been playing a modded playthrough, with a mod named GigaStructures, which has been absolutely ridiculous in the power scale. The start of the power creep is turning small moons into hyperpowerful attack ships, aptly named Attack Moons. I then progressed to turning planets into ships, which was yet another order of magnitude. Finally, you can convert 5 moons and 4 planets into a stellar craft, using a local star as it's power source and core component. The power scale with these mods is pretty wacky

  • What did you play this week? (Jul 17)
  • The_Hunted_One The_Hunted_One 1y ago 100%

    I loved playing AV, I started as a Fleshwarp Oread ranger, and took that to I think level 6, then decided I wanted to change to a more melee oriented fighter. Changed out during one of the encounters where my character was basically eaten by a bigger fleshwarp, then had a chestburster scene as it died. The new character was immediately mistrusted by one of the part members, and made for some overall good roleplay moments. I ended up taking that character to the end of the AP, and had a ton of fun with it.

    I'm now planning to run AV with some local friends, just need to do a little bit more setup and find a schedule that works for the players.

  • What have you been playing this week? Do you think others might like it?
