Thinking about getting off of twitter once again. Its even more full of fascists than before.
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    Idk, i use blue blocker but still get channer nword memes in my replies even when i was just posting about something as innocuous as a grocery store chain.

    I've been spending more time here and tiktok and less there with the aim of eventually being off X (the everything app) entirely. I basically try to only go there to see reactions to breaking stories since other platforms move slower.

    Any of the 1:1 twitter clones are too dead to spend much time on, like you scroll down just a bit and it's 4d old posts. I don't think we'll ever get something like twitter back because it was basically an accident.

  • libre
    libre 1mo ago
    GNOME 47 got released!
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    Hell yeah, proper xwayland scaling, if experimental. The file dialog update looks like a relief too.

  • games
    games 1mo ago
    The Steam Deck Is The Only Console Worth Buying
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    Yeah, I didn't get them either until using one and realizing conceptually they're more like a trackball.

  • covid
    covid 1mo ago
    Second annual "Y'all acting like it's still COVID" post
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    My dad got covid this summer, it put him in the hospital. He's out now, but it's pretty clearly accelerated his other diagnosis.

    It sucks so bad that everyone's acting like nothing's happening. There's not even vaccine coverage for the uninsured anymore here, because that would come to close to acknowledging there's an issue.

  • games
    games 1mo ago
    The Steam Deck Is The Only Console Worth Buying
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    I think the Deck's killer feature is really just having a library already ready to go when you buy it. Compare this to having to rebuy duckhunt wrapped in an emulator again on the Switch, or whatever.

    The touchpads are such a nice controller innovation too.

  • AliExpress is full of bizarre fascist products, like these Xbox 360 buttons in the shape of Nazi bullet casings
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    Are these the same casings that would have been left behind when Hitler offed himself?

  • latam
    latam 1mo ago
    Milei lost the Mandate of Heaven
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    Milei aside, watching these forest fires grow...

    ::: spoiler spoiler across my lifetime has doomed me out. There was some tipping point when I realized every summer of my life is now covered in smoke, and it never really was when I was a kid.

    I moved away from the worst of it, only to have it blow in eventually even here. The locals were like "this is the first we've ever seen anything like this," and I'm just thinking "prepare yourself."

    I'm surprised this doesn't cause more of a eco panic reaction in more people, because it's really unsettling when the air smells like fire. :::

    Spoilered for bad vibes.

  • c/MurderedByJillStein
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    AOsi Pelosi

  • chat
    chat 1mo ago
    How did an easily debunked story of immigrants abducting cats and dogs become a bigger source of outrage than neverending school shootings?
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    Absolutely. This hooked into preexisting urban legends. I heard this stuff over and over growing up. A pet never just runs away in the suburbs, it's always poisoned by dark forces, captured for food, or stolen for fights.

    It's a continuation of the maga strategy has been hooking into these types of conspiratorial trends that were previously not tapped as voting blocks. They're called "fringe groups" or "fringe ideas" a lot but they're not really fringe, just unorganized and untapped.

  • Ebook or Physical?
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    besides piracy, it's so convenient having your whole library with you. Get bored with something on the train? You don't have to wait to get home to switch. I do like a dedicated device for books though, for focus reasons.

  • Nightmare blunt rotation
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    this is woodstock for your stupidest uncle

  • chat
    chat 1mo ago
    Hexbear, what's your 9/12/2001 memories?
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    Someone woke me up to tell me a plane hit the tower, and I thought they meant a little prop plane and went back to bed. Then I woke up just in time to see the first tower fall.

    My first reaction was the sinking feeling that this would be the ammunition to steer us into fascism.

    I remember people not being able to contextualize the targets at all. People would be afraid whatever pissant thing they cared about was going to be attacked, the mall, the methadone clinic, the stadium.

    The bloodlust was crazy. You couldn't get through to anyone. I know this is about 9/11 but, like the whole Iraq thing in the aftermath felt so much like Gaza today where you're just trying to scream and no one cares.

  • Look at my beautiful boy
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    It looks like a ship design in Elite Dangerous

  • Look at my progressive media, dog
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    Yeah, like Denver metro isn't as diverse as a lot of cities, but Aurora has housed some of the more diverse areas for like a generation. A lot of immigrant communities have landed there in the last 15 years too.

    Aurora's also huge geographically though, so impressions might be different depending on what part of town you stay in.

  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    I had been using Floorp, which has some of the same features, but this seems more polished. Thanks!

  • Look at my progressive media, dog
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    gd, is the strat for them just to be too exhausting to argue with?

  • Look at my progressive media, dog
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    If there were even the slightest hint of a whisper of an echo of this story being true, APD would run wild with it. But they showed up and even they had to admit it was bullshit.

    Like APD has always been notorious out there. So, idk, if they're not using this for scare tactics, then the most nothingest burger.

  • games
    games 1mo ago
    Balatro is coming to mobile on September 26th
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    As a Balatro addict, have you ever considered that maybe your mom yearns for her life to be ruined?

  • games
    games 1mo ago
    Balatro is coming to mobile on September 26th
  • beef_curds beef_curds 1mo ago 100%

    I'm so excited for this. Balatro was meant for mobile. I'm turning into an ipad kid when this releases, don't talk to me.

  • Kindly reply with pleasing images of other ancient beasts.


    I was sitting out front today, and neighbor1 came up and was excited to tell me neighbor2 got an eviction notice on her door. She was smugly happy to tell me all about it, because she hates neighbor2 because she doesn't cut her grass enough and doesn't socialize (literally, that's it). I wasn't picking up on the energy at first and I reacted just being like "how awful, I hope she's ok." Neighbor2 is a working mom with a daughter, but neighbor1 is like "I don't know how you could fall behind on rent." Anyways, neighbor1 eventually shifted her energy when she saw I wasn't matching it. But it's weird she even thought I might. It's just so fucked, because it's not a rich neighborhood, and all of us have probably gotten an eviction notice before. I guess I'm just venting. Really feeling the cruelty in the world lately.


    Say someone wanted to fill their bunker with HRT in case all trans healthcare in the US was blocked at some point, what would be the best way, and best resources for figuring out how to do that? These would be emergency backup, so wouldn't need to be a perfect regimen with injectables and progesterone. From what I've read so far, for estradiol you'd want to store precursors, because those can store indefinitely, unlike vials or even pills. But I don't really know where those come from, or how you go from precursor to something that can be ingested. I would appreciate any resources that could fill that in for me. I haven't really looked into t-blockers or t at all yet, because that wasn't as relevant to me. But if anyone's picked up any info on that, I'd love to know how it that would be done too, from a community support perspective. I know our UK siblings are broadly dealing with this already, so I'd appreciate any input you have. Sorry if there's already a megathread around for this somewhere already. I missed it. (I'm not really sure what the boundaries of what can be discussed here. But for that reason, I'll just mention that this is research for cozy post-apocalyptic videogame about a trans woman with no access to healthcare because her warlord is pretty shit. It's hyper-indie and not even on itch, and the art is all in pastels, and has the best fishing minigame you'll never play. I definitely want REAL WORLD practical resources though for my research. Realism is key to the ludonarrative experience I want to deliver.)


    Youtube has been serving me [videos]( of [these gadgets]( that are like "personal AI assistants" for people who want to carry around an extra device that is just chatGPT with a voice prompt. It's a super weird niche because we already have phones that do the same thing. It just seems like maybe they're just kickstarter scams for gadget nerds who are bricked up over AI. Anyways, every time I see one of these things, my cursed brain goes immediately to "god, what if I was dating someone and they had just gotten this thing after having preordered the kickstarter 6 months ago. Now they're trying to find every possible excuse to use it in order to justify getting it." We're at a restaurant and he's like, "what are the best qualities in a carbonara," or whatever. Please help me escape this mental prison. Why am I doing this to myself?


    Edit: this is probably the wrong thing to focus on, but I'm increasingly upset they didn't do the alpha transparency right on their profile pic. It's 2024 ffs. More evidence this is boomer fueled.


    I spent my morning productively: arguing on the internet with people who are defending the pig who drew the gun on Bushnell and ordered him (the downed man who was on fire) to the ground. Whenever you argue long enough with people who defend the state backed death squads, they always come back to the same thing: "you don't know what it's like out there, you think you wouldn't make the same mistake?" They always say that shit like noooooo one else has ever experienced emergencies and violence. A ton of people are in jobs where wild stuff happens regularly, and we don't start blastin: EMTs, social workers, anything to do with directly caring for folks in bad situations. Besides which, there were other people there who DID act normally, and called out the guys drawing guns. It makes me sick that people can shut off any perception or judgement when looking at this stuff. I don't want to go into detail, but one of the proudest moments of my career is saving a guy on fire. You know what I didn't do? I didn't pull out a gun like a coward. A lot of people will freeze, and that's normal, but pulling a gun is psychotic. But people will act like any other reaction is impossible. Of course, I don't whip out my history in that context because it wouldn't make a difference and no one would believe it. But like, I guess I'm just venting here because I'm working through my own stuff. They just always talk like cops are the only people who deal with crises, and that the cop-science answer of "shoot at everything that twitches" is the best answer because they're the only ones with that experience.


    I remember watching one of Lunduke's video at some point, not knowing he was a massive transphobe antivax weirdo.


    (from babylon 5)


    It has 2 versions ![](


    You ever try something ridiculous in the kitchen that worked out? I ask because I just reduced a bunch of red wine and put it into my ketchup bottle. It's actually pretty good. It did about what I expected and gave the ketchup a fuller body.
