What fruit is tasty on a pizza?
  • claycle claycle 1mo ago 100%

    Local pizza place near me has a pear pizza that carries the name of the restaurant (so they must be proud of it?). It is:

    • fresh mozzarella
    • shaved pear
    • caramelized onions
    • hot honey (I think this means honey with a little red chili in it)
    • pistachios

    They offer/suggest adding prosciutto to the pizza (after baking), which we usually do.

    It's damn fine.

  • Anyone around? Went back to reddit just for this community and can't stand the reddit app.
  • claycle claycle 2mo ago 100%

    I’m here. Me, too, I hate that I have to go to Reddit for just a handful of subs I like…

    And ME TOO about losing. A little over a year ago I lost 65 and got down to 215 within spitting distance of my goal of 200.

    Then I broke 2 ribs and a collarbone and you can guess what happened.

    So now, back up 25 and a little angry with myself for sliding back (and how myself looks), so I am back on tracking and being food responsible.

    So with ya brah.

  • games
    Games 2mo ago
    Is assasin's creed origins good?
  • claycle claycle 2mo ago 100%

    I enjoyed it just fine. I enjoy open-worldish-rpg-y games.

    I think Odyssey refined the mechanics better, but Origins was still enjoyable. One the post-main DLCs I particularly liked (which is rare for me).

    I did not/do not enjoy in the least the modern-day story detours nonsense; I just sort of think of them as commercial breaks that I go get some water during and pay no attention to.

    People who didn't like Ubisoft's turn towards RPG/open-world elements seem to have a more negative opinion of the game, I think.

  • Looking for a Pork Adobo Recipe
  • claycle claycle 2mo ago 100%

    Yeaaaah, I know people like them. It's the whites that get me...

  • Looking for a Pork Adobo Recipe
  • claycle claycle 2mo ago 100%

    I must chuckle at myself.

    I am one of those extremely odd and strange people who likes very, very many things across many different cuisines...

    ...except eggs. Eggs and yellow Summer (or Fortune) squash.

    EDIT: Note, I eat plenty of eggs in things. But, when I run into a whole boiled egg sitting in my food, or a fried egg on top of a bowl of bibimbap, I pick it out. Even more odd: I will eat tamagoyaki without a problem.

  • Looking for a Pork Adobo Recipe
  • claycle claycle 2mo ago 100%

    I can see that, I felt it just didn't have enough "oomph" or "punch".

  • Looking for a Pork Adobo Recipe
  • claycle claycle 2mo ago 100%

    Here are two versions, both of which I have made with repeat success.

    Chicken Adobo #1
    Chicken Adobo #2

    On the upside, I was able to repurpose the underwhelming pork adobo into "cross-culture" taquitos last night. I shredded some cotija, gently reheated the pork, made some tortillas and then stuffed them with the cheese and pork and quickly pan-fried them, then topped them with a heap of pikliz. That worked well and was pleasing.

  • Looking for a Pork Adobo Recipe
  • claycle claycle 2mo ago 100%

    I’m in the US; the adobo I am trying to find is Filipino.

  • I have made chicken adobo (with coconut milk) many times with very good results. This last week, I tried the following recipe for pork adobo: https://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Pork-Adobo/ And I was not very pleased with it. I thought it would be a slam dunk, but it just disappointed me. Does anyone know of a good pork adobo recipe they can point me to?

    Official sites in Ravenland
  • claycle claycle 1y ago 100%

    Here's my "Raven's Purge Locations" map for gits and shiggles:

    Claycle's Raven Purge Map

    (posted from Lemmy.world)

  • What is a beautiful concept or idea that continues to blow your mind?
  • claycle claycle 1y ago 100%

    I do not take issue with anything you said (your opinion is as valid as mine) - up until your last sentence, which piqued my interest.

    You seem to be implying that Mr Singer's "radical ideas" are weak, invalid, or beneath consideration because our society hasn't embedded them yet. I would like to respond that I think the value of a radical idea cannot, and probably should not, be measured by how well society accepts it. For example, there are a some pretty famous, radical ideas from this rabbi a couple thousand years ago that have totally failed to be embedded in our society, yet his radical ideas arguably still have significant merit. I am thinking specifically of the radical idea of kindness and peace expressed in "turning the other cheek", an idea we, as a society, have for all intents and purposes rejected.

    Otherwise, I would also like to remind you that the OP just asked for ideas that blew our minds. Mr Singer's idea, when I heard it for the first time, blew mine and I thought it fit the brief.

  • What is a beautiful concept or idea that continues to blow your mind?
  • claycle claycle 1y ago 50%

    I probably did a dozen immoral things before breakfast this morning.

    Sure, certainly, yes, I'll accept your admission at face value, but could you have done fewer?

  • New Arkansas law removes work permit requirement for children under 16
  • claycle claycle 1y ago 92%

    How do you square "think of the children" and "let children have a childhood" ideas and "children under 18 can't make rational, adult decisions" laws with this?

    I can't. I guess that makes me a stinking communist now...

  • What is a beautiful concept or idea that continues to blow your mind?
  • claycle claycle 1y ago 100%

    You are (deliberately?) skipping over the part of awareness.

    Take for example a person who is aware that they cannot act morally when making seemingly normal, banal decisions. For example, they may be aware that when they choose to buy a shiny new cell phone when they have an older-but-still-perfectly-working model, they very likely doing something immoral. Because they are aware of the moral implications of their choice, they can choose hold-off buying a new phone for as long as possible (a morally-positive choice) and perhaps - going a step further - even using that money they would have spent on a new phone to help another person in need directly.

    Most people probably don't contemplate the moral implications of the purchase of a new phone, this is true and I accept your position this. But it is clearly not "literally every person" as you have said, since it only takes a single person with awareness to disprove your statement. I am certain at least one such person exists (even if anecdotally), so I rely on the word "most" rather than "literally every".

  • What is a beautiful concept or idea that continues to blow your mind?
  • claycle claycle 1y ago 85%

    You've committed reductio ad absurdum.

    Yes, most people are probably acting immorally and they are not even aware of it.

    That doesn't mean it is a pointless exercise to identify the immoral behavior and strive to reduce or eliminate it, even if it is impossible to completely do so.

  • What is a beautiful concept or idea that continues to blow your mind?
  • claycle claycle 1y ago 63%

    That’s quite the claim.

    Yes, it is, and as explained in the video the original author (and also the person explaining it) admit it is quite a claim, then proceed to demonstrate the veracity of the claim. I suggest you grab a cup of jo, settle in, and watch it. It addresses the points you bring up directly.

    [EDIT: Re: Quite a Claim: Yes, and thus fitting the OP's "mind-blowing" criteria for the thread :-)]

    The very short answer to "are you immoral for purchasing a cell phone" is "probably yes".

    The proposition is not an easy one (it accepts it is extreme), but it is hard to deny when you march down the logic.

  • What is a beautiful concept or idea that continues to blow your mind?
  • claycle claycle 1y ago 81%

    I am focusing on the "blow my mind" part, rather than the "beautiful" part of your question, but I am certain many philosophically-minded people would consider the following "beautiful".

    Peter Singer's argument in "Famine, Affluence, and Morality (1972)" that you and most everyone you know are probably immoral or evil and you don't even realize it. It really affected my ideas of how to strive to live.

    Here is a good video explaining the idea in detail, worth 30m of your time.

    Peter Singer - ordinary people are evil

  • What's the best fucked up movie you've ever seen?
  • claycle claycle 1y ago 100%

    Blue Velvet? Probably up there...

  • My Tiger Near Moab
  • claycle claycle 1y ago 100%

    I love the Kriegas. I might get a Mosko 80L Reckless for "heavy off-road camping trips", but the Kriegas ability to combo bags to allow me to tailor my kit to my trip (style, duration) is great and I highly recommend them. In this kit, I was carrying 30L + 2x20L + the water/fuel bottle carrier.

  • I recently returned from a 21 day cross-country ride. Lots of big sky.

    rpg 1y ago
    Thoughts on Forbidden Lands?
  • claycle claycle 1y ago 100%

    As a general and positive statement, I'd say Forbidden Lands is one of the best fantasy games I've played, and I would pick it to play before playing Pathfinder or any mode of DnD.

    It is not perfect, and it may not be for everyone, however.

    We have played FL for a about a year, and what I find that I value most is how "efficiently" it plays. By this I mean that I feel like it is one of the rare systems that we seem to get a lot done with our few hours of game time rather than spending a lot of time flipping rule books. The mechanics are clear and task resolution via dice is fast. Combat is equally fast (usually) and endemically dangerous enough that players will quickly learn that perhaps combat is not always the best solution to a problem.

    One of the very subtle things we value about FL is how it very purposely injects chaos into your game from unexpected quarters. This is hard to explain, but the advice in the rulebook to "prepare less, and let the rolls guide you" (paraphrased) is kind of true. I think it's a great system to run a good sandbox game with (and, clearly, this is a design goal of the game and it provides you with the nerd knobs to do it fairly easily).

    The provided world is detailed just enough to get you started, but intentionally mostly up to you. The wealth of published material, both official and by the community, is strong for a comparatively "small game". If you only picked up the base box and Raven's Purge (which you should), you have a complete game and massive campaign to run from the get-go.

    This is not to say the game is universally adored even at my own table. One player is a little hide-bound by their experience (mostly with D&D games) and personality that causes some friction/cognitive dissonance with the rules. In particular, this person has trouble with the Push to gain Willpower mechanic (a mechanic I, as the GM, actually adore because it causes players to willingly inject that oh-so-tasty chaos into the game by their own choices).

    I encourage you to play it long enough to direct your players through the first two (of three) sites in the GM Guide. Start them somewhere and nudge them towards The Hollows (causing them to explore the map a little). From there, move them towards Weatherstone with the idea of having them realize they can make it their stronghold. At this point, you've set them up to play in the Raven's Purge sandbox and you've got months of play ahead of you.
