latam 1mo ago
Jean-Jacques Dessalines - New General Megathread for the 20th-22nd of September 2024
  • mar_k mar_k 4w ago 100%

    phone's browser (safari) had 1.2GB of website data in my local storage, nearly 1.1GB of that was hexbear??

    when i deleted the hexbear data safari took up 90% less storage, have i just been that much of a chronic lurker or is more data being stored than should be? i promise i use other websites

  • American brainworms
  • mar_k mar_k 4w ago 100%

    it's not 20-30% of them, it's +20-30 net percentage points which means a majority or at least plurality want it (eg if 60% of ppl support it, 30% are against it, 10% don't know, then 60% - 30% = +30 pts)

  • latam
    latam 1mo ago
    Paulo Reglus Neves Freire - New General Megathread for the 18th-19th of September 2024
  • mar_k mar_k 1mo ago 100%

    capitalism breed innovation

    probably had a bunch of assholes spending weeks making a 300 page marketing report on why they chose roboto over arial while earning 7 figures

  • More of me fucking with my dad by pretending he's way older than he is
  • mar_k mar_k 1mo ago 100%

    the other day my 70s born dad got pissy when i asked him if movie theaters had color when he was a teenager

  • We love our evil trans ally parrots don't we folks (CW: transphobia)
  • mar_k mar_k 1mo ago 100%

    people who say that have either never owned a cat or never truly tried to bond with theirs. my cat rubs on me and purrs when i'm crying, guards the bathroom door when i'm taking a shit, and freaks out meowing and scratching on the door like i'm drowning when i shower

    she also has full on separation anxiety from me even though my mom's the one who feeds her and stuff. the first couple weeks i was away for college she got depressed and full on neglected herself, not eating as much and looking mangy because she barely groomed herself. last time she heard my voice over the phone she meowed and searched the house all confused :/

  • "Trump is a communist" How?
  • mar_k mar_k 1mo ago 100%

    communism is when the government does stuff. communist = authoritarian. aspiring strongman leader = communist

  • Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris debate watch party @ 9 pm EST Tonight
  • mar_k mar_k 1mo ago 100%

    implied that natural gas was a renewable energy source

    literally something i've only heard from ultraconservative climate denialists

  • Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris debate watch party @ 9 pm EST Tonight
  • mar_k mar_k 1mo ago 100%

    "This debate swayed my vote"

    1 in 4 yes

    do they just..not know what sway means?

  • Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris debate watch party @ 9 pm EST Tonight
  • mar_k mar_k 1mo ago 100%

    most americans are heavy into the "we do not negotiate with terrorists" fantasy

  • news
    news 1mo ago
    Swiss city councilor apologizes for firing gun at a Mary and Jesus poster
  • mar_k mar_k 1mo ago 100%

    she's an immigrant who was raised by muslim refugee parents, definitely about to be fodder for swiss fash who'll ignore the fact she's agnostic

  • Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris debate watch party @ 9 pm EST Tonight
  • mar_k mar_k 1mo ago 100%

    i'm expecting to see dozens of social media clips captioned "Kamala served BRAT 💚🥥" and edits of her to charli xcx and other mediocre popstars

  • Why do so many businesses prefer phone calls to emails?
  • mar_k mar_k 1mo ago 100%

    phone or work phone that gives email notifications? i feel like that'd be a lot more convenient seeing they could wait 5 minutes vs having to immediately drop whatever they're doing for a call

  • earth
    earth 2mo ago
    Ants - New General Megathread for the 5th-6th of September 2024
  • mar_k mar_k 2mo ago 100%

    they mean draw what ur dick looks like cumming i think

  • earth
    earth 2mo ago
    Ants - New General Megathread for the 5th-6th of September 2024
  • mar_k mar_k 2mo ago 100%

    average college male bathroom wall:

  • Is it pretty much over for Trump?
  • mar_k mar_k 2mo ago 100%

    he's definitely not losing in every swing state, most of the polls are super close to margin of error and trump's gotten several leads. 538 simulates their odds of winning the electoral college:

    right now they give trump a 44-in-100 chance of winning. that's basically a coin toss, and it looks like his odds improved a bit in the past week

    for comparison, before 2020 election day they gave biden a 89-in-100 chance of winning and in 2016 gave trump a 30-in-100 chance

  • news
    news 2mo ago
    'No,' Kamala Harris Says to Withholding Arms From Israel | Common Dreams
  • mar_k mar_k 2mo ago 100%

    supporting a ceasefire does not at all mean you're pro-palestine. most EU countries voted for the UN deal months and months before all while supporting israel. plenty of zionists want a conditional deal where israel's hostages are returned and palestine's colonial subjugation and apartheid continue, just not as overtly.

    found a poll from this week that 60% of americans support continuing military aid to israel. and you can't assume the 40% against it are against it on principled grounds, many of them are simply isolationists who don't want their taxpayer money going to other countries

  • chat
    chat 2mo ago
    Depressed as fuck tonight, anybody up for a chat?
  • mar_k mar_k 2mo ago 100%

    thanks, and yeah it's kinda like my brain is running 80mph instead of 100. ngl, i'm a little underwhelmed because i saw all these posts "first time i took adderall my inner monologue was quiet for the first time and i cried," "i was able to do a chore without repeating it in my head 40 times," "i finally felt present and out of my head when talking with someone," etc

    not expecting a miracle pill and i know i have to apply myself too, but everything is very subtle and i only feel slightly less scatterbrained. my psych said i seem to have severe ADHD but she wanted to see how it affected my anxiety and insomnia first (all of which it's minorly helped), so now i have to wait another 2 weeks to talk about raising the dose. wish i'd started this earlier but oh well

  • chat
    chat 2mo ago
    Depressed as fuck tonight, anybody up for a chat?
  • mar_k mar_k 2mo ago 100%

    also a couple frat boys tried to recruit me which surprised me because i dress somewhat alternative and they all look like clones. one gave me his insta and he had a group photo of like 25+ people where every single one of them was white despite our school being 50% poc, like wtf?

  • chat
    chat 2mo ago
    Depressed as fuck tonight, anybody up for a chat?
  • mar_k mar_k 2mo ago 100%

    also very depressed rn. i transferred universities and this is my first week at a much bigger school than my last one. pretty intimidated cus i dont really know people here, and i'm in the sophomore dorms where it seems like everyone already knows each other and has their established groups :/

    i went to a transfer meetup thing yesterday and got a couple instagrams and talked with someone for a little while, so that's promising, but now idk what to do. kinda wanna hang out again but i don't wanna come across as desperate dm'ing him at least for a couple days. he mentioned a rock climbing thing which i think i would be into.

    club fair starts on wednesnday so hoping to meet people there but so far i'm feeling extremely lonely this weekend and a constant fomo. nervous i'm not going to make connections this year because i'm either too awkward when i'm anxious or too chatty when i'm comfortable

    went on a starting dose of ADHD meds a couple weeks ago and they've been helping my social anxiety a good bit and maybe calmed my brain 20%, defo helping more than any anti-depressant meds ever have, but i'm still overthinking how things will go here at almost every moment and probably will be doing that all weekend. kinda just wish i could have a normal brain for once

  • mar_k mar_k 2mo ago 100%

    it's not just a meme 90% of them actually believe it


    [before this clip]( he went on for a full minute and a half about how her TIME cover portrait was "too beautiful" and they must've had to hire a sketch artist because "pictures didn't work out for her" ![trump-yassified]( "emoji trump-yassified")


    > "I just told her I didn't respect her as a competitor," Navarro said of the exchange, per AFP. "I think she goes about things in a pretty cut-throat way. It makes for a locker room that doesn't have a lot of camaraderie, so it's tough to face an opponent like that, who I really don't respect." > "She told me she doesn't know how I have a lot of fans," Zheng said. "It looks like she's not happy with my behavior toward her. If she's not happy about my behavior, she can come and tell me. I would like to correct it to become a better player and a better person." > Zheng clarified that she wasn't upset by Navarro's words. "I'm glad that she told me that," Zheng continued. "I will not consider it an attack because she lost the match." this is one of *three* times a US tennis player has acted like a sore loser in the past several days: [Danielle Collins]( scratches her match due to "injury" as she was losing. After her Polish opponent congratulated her on her career, Collins calls her "insincere" before walking away. She then played doubles 2 hours after her supposed injury. [Coco Guaff]( argues with chair umpire after losing to Croatia, says "this always happens to me" while crying. (i think some people are debating if her gripe was somewhat fair, but i feel like implying the judge is always out to get you is definintely doing too much. at least she didn't disrespect her opponent 🤷)


    post had like 20k likes btw. found it because my mom's retired boomer friend always shows up on my suggestions, she rt'd it and said she had "sobbed" herself. kinda feel bad for some of the delusion but holy shit lmao ![]( cw: alcoholism ![](


    federal congressman btw 💀 ![]( ![sit-back-and-enjoy]( "emoji sit-back-and-enjoy")

    chapotraphouse mar_k 3mo ago 97%

    :xanax: ![jokermala]( "emoji jokermala") :xanax:

    politics mar_k 4mo ago 98%
    he's cooked

    cognitive decline of 20 percentage points


    love my Oma, she's turning 90 next week (born 1934!) and was the first person I came out as bi to. Defo hanging one or two of these up in my dorm Whenever people imply communism = lack of incentive for human greatness, I think about how my grandparents had lower class parents and were extremely poor (even starving) in their post-war childhood, but ended up leading pretty impressive lives, despite knowing they wouldn't live much above the material reality of their neighbors for it. My grandma was an interior architect and my grandpa an astrophysics professor and professional photographer. Both were gymnasts in their 20's (my grandpa has a couple medals below). They didn't do any of that shit for luxury, they figured they'd lead a modest life in the standard plattenblau housing block as the other working people of their town (small but cute and cozy apartment, I was there not too long ago), and that's what they wanted. They never needed to drive a car in their lives, and often visited countries across the Eastern Bloc by bike/public transit. My grandma always had a thing for making fruit preserves and cool pottery (still killing it), and my grandpa for art from wood carving (he was also a mountain climber). They had a nice community garden they always tended to too. It's a beautiful town with a lot to see, honestly can't wait to visit again My mom was 19 when the Berlin Wall fell. She studied english abroad when everything went to shit under capitalism. Ended up moving to the US just because she met my dad. Usually when she tells an American she grew up in the DDR, they look all shocked and ask some insane shit like if she was starving to death, or if she knew anyone who was shot and killed trying to climb the wall (💀⁉️). Certainly no one was starving by the 70s/80s. My mom and all her friends and acquaintances had great childhoods. She had a small town, middle of nowhere school system that pushed sports, music, art, multilingualism, sciences, etc. on her *heavily* (when I did track and field in high school she always told me how her school's facility was 10x better lmao). The DDR fostered genuine human greatness. But ig they didn't have bananas at grocery stores and a hundred car brands like the west 🤷‍♂️ ![](


    > Hunger Games is about revolutionary anti-imperial class struggle > George Lucas said the Empire is inspired by America and the Rebels by the Viet Minh > The Matrix was created by a trans woman and at least partly an allegory for being trans > Divergent is shitty lib fanfiction but very obviously anti-conservative > Alan Moore was a communist or anarchist wow these movies are just like January 6th when we resisted communism by smearing our shit on the capitol walls!! ![so-true]( "emoji so-true") ![biaoqing-copium]( "emoji biaoqing-copium") ![](


    Heard My Chemical Romance was created after witnessing 9/11, so I looked up the band's political beliefs and came across this thread about Frank Iero > he's literally so confusing. remember a few years ago when he had a 'don't tread on me flag' on his basement wall? he also was totally voting for bernie sanders. ... when blm movement got its biggest attention in 2020 he published some shitty depoliticizing note. its one of the worst notes i've read back then > > He's definitely not a right winger. Maybe moderate leftist. Not everyone needs to fit into a neat little box. > > He is an "Italian American" style leftist from NJ. Definitely socially progressive and left of center on social issues, but still sees value in some traditions. It makes sense if you know anyone from New Jersey ![anti-italian-action]( "emoji anti-italian-action") I hate liberals I hate liberals I hate liberals I hate liberals I hate liberals

    0 > Hundreds of anti-Zionist Jews and allies just took over NBC’s famed 30 Rockefeller Center headquarters in NYC to disrupt President Biden’s appearance on @LateNightSeth



    > Biden, 81, recalled a 2021 conversation with world leaders regarding the Jan. 6 riots: > “And then Helmut Kohl turned to me and said, ‘What would you say, Mr. President, if you picked up the London Times and learned that 1,000 people had broken down the doors of the British parliament, killed some bobbies on the way in, to deny the prime minister to take office?" > Kohl served as Germany’s chancellor from 1982 to 1998 and died in 2017. Merkel was the country’s leader at the time of Biden’s conversation. (He made this same mistake twice in the same meeting) > Earlier this week, Biden confused French President Emmanuel Macron with late President François Mitterrand—who led the country from 1981 to 1995 and died in 1996 > Biden claimed he declared “America is back” in 2021, and “Mitterrand from Germany — I mean France — looked at me and said, ‘How long you back for?’”


    Art Garfunkel cover, much better than the og imo


    ![]( > 3. I am a person. Lmao keep telling yourself that ![no-fash]( "emoji no-fash")


    There's certainly a larger anti-zionist crowd on the app, but western tiktok is 100% still run by neoliberal ghouls I've reported blatantly fascist stuff on the platform before; a comment saying race mixing is immoral, a comment saying desegregation ruined America, a video saying Gaza should be turned into a parking lot, and I've ALWAYS ended up getting the "we've reviewed your report and found no violation" thing. Exact same shit I've gotten with Instagram, Reddit, and pre-Musk Twitter Meanwhile today I commented this at a The Strokes fan with an Israeli flag in their name, and fully ratio'd them before getting this notification a few hours later: ![](

    movies mar_k 11mo ago 100%
    The Holdovers (2023)

    Super bittersweet and really great main characters, defo recommended seeing in theaters. Looks and sounds like it was made in the 90s. Might be my new favorite Christmas movie (haven't seen many tho tbh) I know I linked the trailer but it kinda gives stuff away tbh I liked going in blindly
