rpg 2mo ago
Review after 6 months of Cloud Empress aka "Nausicaä-inspired Mothership"
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 2w ago 100%

    That PowerPoint Prez at the end of the review hit me hard. I have this game pre ordered because I love Mothership and Nausicaa, but I didn't get deep into the PDFs because I much prefer reading my RPGs on paper. This might make me run this game next, as soon as me and my players get tired of the scifi horror tropes.

  • Miyamoto wonders why Pikmin hasn't sold more and why people think the games are difficult
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    You absolutely can start with 4. The worst thing that can happen is that you love it and are slightly disappointed when you try the first 3 games after 4. It could be worse.

  • Which DE would be a better fit for awesomeWM?
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    Do you need a DE? I use sway and a few kde apps (konsole, okular, gwenview, dolphin) + firefox and thunderbird, I wouldn't call that a DE…

  • Just got a Switch after decades of PlayStation loyalty.
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%
    • Pikmin 3 Deluxe
    • Pikmin 4
    • Super Smash Bros Ultimate
    • Monster Hunter Rise
    • Splatoon 3
  • www.destructoid.com

    9.5 / 10 Can't wait till the end of the week.

    I did it, I distro hopped
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    if you want i3 but on wayland, you could try sway. It is exactly that, you can even reuse most of your i3 config file.

  • Does anyone actually like the default GNOME workflow?
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    When I used it, I mostly switched between the 9 apps in my favorites/dock with the Meta+digit shortcuts. I rarely used anything besides those 9, and then I just used alt tab. It worked really well, no complaining.

    Today it's mostly the same, but with a tiling window manager and the same numbers: 3 is thunderbird, 5 is file browser for instance. It's muscle memory at this point, feels great.

  • Modern life is so tied with smartphones living without it is increasingly becoming harder
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    Oh. Here in France, even online banks still have web apps.

    Anyway the assumption that every user has a smartphone is now very prevalent and it's going to get harder and harder to not have one, but I really want to go against the trend.

  • Pikmin 4 hype thread
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    Really? I'm having a really hard time getting into Pikmin 2, I hate these caves.

  • Modern life is so tied with smartphones living without it is increasingly becoming harder
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    Can't you set it back to sending you a text with a code to input back? That's what I'm doing with my bank, my dumbphone is on its way.

  • Trump Says Hunter Biden Should’ve Gotten the Death Penalty for Not Paying His Taxes on Time
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 96%

    It's getting harder and harder to get attention apparently. Which is good.

  • Good deal
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    Oh God, I remember the monthly format C and reinstall windows xp, followed by the dreaded service packs installation. That was how I fixed problems.

  • Good deal
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply and the links.

  • Good deal
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    When you spent time tinkering on your linux box, at least you usually learn some piece of knowledge that can be applied later on.

    When you tinker and debug something on windows, you usually have little idea of what went wrong and can derive very little from the experience. At least that was the case back when I still used windows, in the XP and vista days.

  • Pikmin 4 hype thread
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    I did even better, took a home office day for a medical appointment.

  • Pikmin 4 hype thread
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    I just finished Pikmin 3 last night, I left it unfinished on the last section for about a year, because man this last map is stressful.

    But hey, I pushed on and I'm glad I did because now I only have Pikmin 2 to finish before the end of next week!

  • What are the most annoying things about English?
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    We might have some silent letters, vestigial remnant of ancient forms, but English has basically no rule for pronunciation. It's so funny watching English speakers debate among themselves how a name should be pronounced.

    • Bear, pear, tear, tear, near.
    • Rough, tough, though
    • To read, read, read (your very best one, guys, believe me)
  • Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    As a Mastodon instance admin that did the blocking properly only yesterday, I can tell you this list appears to be automated and accurate.

  • What are the most annoying things about English?
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    I'm French. I'm not aware of any other language that radically modifies the meaning of verbs with propositions in such a way.

    As a foreigner, you might expect that break up and break down have opposite meanings because up and down do, but nope.

  • Does this ever happen to you?
  • mekkagodzilla mekkagodzilla 1y ago 100%

    I use debian at work, but for various reasons I use my own laptop for work. Couldn't stand the old MacBook they had for me.

    So no, I never switch back to being a normal user.

  • What a joy this game was. I got 30 pieces in 25 days, with about 500 Pikmin deaths. That's the first time I completed the game. How was your first run?


    Arlo the wholesome puppet can't take it anymore.


    Salut les fenottes, salut les gones. J'adore les ramen. Mais la seule adresse correcte que je connaisse, c'est [Djizan](https://www.djizan-ramen.fr/), au 60 quai Saint-Vincent (et même nom, même patron rue Chevreul dans le 7ème). Quels sont vos bons plans ramen à Lyon ? 🍜 PS : leur certificat SSL est pété mais le site web est légitime.


    [Hervé Kempf](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herv%C3%A9_Kempf) pour ceux qui ne le connaissent pas. Qu'en pensez-vous, cher compatriotes ?


    I have to say I was excited when Pikmin Bloom came out but the game felt too passive and repetitive to me, so I stopped opening the app about a week later. Recently retried and same result. Are you guys still playing Pikmin Bloom?


    Le Consulat général d’Irlande à Lyon est ravi d’organiser sa toute première célébration de Bloomsday. Bloomsday est un jour consacré à l’auteur irlandais James Joyce dont le roman Ulysse se déroule en une seule et même journée – le 16 Juin 1904. Leopold Bloom, le protagoniste, déambule dans les rues de Dublin, et chaque chapitre du roman représente une heure de cette escapade qui s’achève dans la nuit. À l’occasion de Bloomsday, le Consulat d’Irlande vous invite à : - Une conversation avec Son Excellence Niall Burgess, Ambassadeur d’Irlande en France, Pascal Bataillard, Président de l’Association James Joyce à Saint-Gérand-le-Puy, Marion Byrne, Présidente déléguée et directrice artistique (Association James Joyce) et Laura El Makki, auteure, journaliste et productrice. La conversation est modérée par Lauren Fabrizio, étudiante en master à l’Université Grenoble Alpes. - Une présentation de « L’Odyssée de James Joyce », une série podcast documentaire et littéraire de Laura El Makki & David Federmann, réalisée pour l’ambassade d’Irlande à Paris en partenariat avec le Centre Culturel Irlandais et avec le soutien de Tourisme Irlandais. - Une exposition de tableaux d’Andy Prisney organisée par l’Association James Joyce à Saint-Gérand-le-Puy. Des tableaux seront vendus sur place par l’Association. Un moment d’échanges autour de sandwichs au gorgonzola (comme dans Ulysse !). Dress code inspiré de Joyce apprécié (Par exemple : chapeaux de paille, lunettes rondes, canne, bretelles, chemises à volants, jupes longues et châles.) »


    Lyonnais·es of the fediverse, rise up!


    Hi there, There was no pikmin community that I could find, so I created one. I'm pretty hyped for Pikmin 4, probably the last game I'll buy on the Switch. Should I take a day off on July 21st? Have a nice day.


    Saluton al ĉiuj, Mi estas Filipo, la administranto de esperanto.masto.host, mastodon-servilo dediĉita al esperanto.
