Trump vows to deport millions. Builders say it would drain their crews and drive up home costs.
  • skulblaka skulblaka 13h ago 100%

    But yet crops still get planted and harvested and buildings still get built.

  • Trump vows to deport millions. Builders say it would drain their crews and drive up home costs.
  • skulblaka skulblaka 14h ago 100%

    And by that logic no country in the world would have soldiers either.

    People have been doing dangerous jobs for pay since the existence of pay. If the pay is right someone will perform your dangerous job. If the payout isn't worth the risk then they won't. It's the free market in action.

  • Drug overdose deaths fall for 6 months straight as officials wonder what's working
  • skulblaka skulblaka 1d ago 100%

    You know, that's a good point. I was approaching this from a "nobody would do this on purpose" perspective, and while I do still stand by my point, yours isn't one I considered.

    Where I grew up, every third too-stoned teenager would be like "maaaaan, this weed is laced with acid" and, no, it never was, and there's like three different really good reasons why it never was. The "street weed can have fentanyl in it!! You could die!!" people have been, in my experience, overwhelmingly that same group.

    But that said though you make a very compelling point for simple negligence being the source of those stories.

  • Drug overdose deaths fall for 6 months straight as officials wonder what's working
  • skulblaka skulblaka 1d ago 85%

    Nobody is putting fentanyl into your weed. It's financially irresponsible to put a more expensive drug into a less expensive drug and kill your customers with it. And drug dealers care about their money beyond all else, they aren't going to fuck up their own business. Not only do they want you to come back for more later, they're definitely not out sourcing fentanyl and then selling it at weed prices, if you want the fenty weed, you damn well better pay up for it.

    People getting fentanyl and not knowing it are buying cheap heroin. Because that's what it is. It's a heroin analogue that's way stronger and can be sold cheaper because a nano speck of it is like 4 doses vs an 8-ball of good smack being one or two.

    If you buy street weed and it has fentanyl in it and you didn't ask for it specifically, someone is trying to kill you in particular.

  • Amazon cloud boss says employees unhappy with 5-day office mandate can leave
  • skulblaka skulblaka 2d ago 100%

    Just sell the body to some other rube and move into a new one that still has both legs. It's easy. What are you, poor?

  • Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks?
  • skulblaka skulblaka 2d ago 100%

    Crock of shit or no, a man's gotta eat. That's kind of how we got into this problem in the first place. They have a captive audience.

  • Ukrainian men dragged away outside Kyiv nightclubs and restaurants by army recruiters
  • skulblaka skulblaka 4d ago 57%

    No! Two things are never allowed to be true at the same time!

  • North Korean troops set to join Russian army as Pyongyang ‘fully enters’ war
  • skulblaka skulblaka 4d ago 100%

    In any other situation I would agree with you, but are you confident that deserting the Russian army fucks you over more than living in North Korea does? Because I'm not really sure.

  • Review: Super Mario Party Jamboree is one of the best in the series | VGC
  • skulblaka skulblaka 4d ago 100%

    The last two were pretty trash, honestly, I've been disappointed with both Switch Mario Party games so far. This one might just break that cycle but I have to admit I'm having a hard time justifying the purchase.

  • Badgers
  • skulblaka skulblaka 4d ago 100%

    Having met dachshunds, and having met American badgers, I'm going to put my bet on "poorly"

    A couple hundred years of bred instincts aren't going to save the walking hotdog from the meth bear

  • Special interest [Sarah Anderson]
  • skulblaka skulblaka 4d ago 100%

    They've killed so many child processes, oh god, the blood

  • Special interest [Sarah Anderson]
  • skulblaka skulblaka 4d ago 100%

    I do possess the ability to shut the fuck up, just usually not the willpower to follow through with it.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • skulblaka skulblaka 5d ago 100%

    I completely, wholeheartedly believe that the GOP could fight kicking and screaming to get Trump elected and then immediately, unanimously 25 him before the inauguration is even complete. They have zero shame. This is not even slightly outside of their ballpark.

    It's an obvious con, but that didn't stop them from doing the exact same thing with their supreme court justices. That was also an obvious con that would not have been allowed in any functioning government.

  • Trump Crumbles When Pressed on Economic Policy in Tense Interview | The former president attempted to "weave" his way through an interview with Bloomberg News, but couldn't escape his own policy black
  • skulblaka skulblaka 5d ago 93%

    Lot of fucking good that's going to do them when nobody can afford to buy their shit

    Who are you going to sell to? Because it ain't me, and it ain't 99% of the rest of the American people. So if these rich fucks want to chase their infinite paycheck, they're going to need some revenue.

  • The current world state.
  • skulblaka skulblaka 5d ago 100%

    Look at the world's mental health pre smartphone.

    This ain't nothing new.

  • Why do Orks from Warhammer 40K have nipples?
  • skulblaka skulblaka 5d ago 100%

    Oh sure, but the rumors of the Bale Eye existed before the implant did. That thing is only about as strong as a laspistol. Sure it'll burn a hole through your trousers but it's isn't about to explode a charging Ork into bloody chunks. All that power comes from the gestalt field, presumably.

  • Tom Nook Finally Passes Elon Musk’s Wealth & Becomes World’s Richest Business Owner
  • skulblaka skulblaka 6d ago 100%

    Quite poorly, considering the wiki states that the lowest denomination of Bells available in the game is 100 (one coin), and you can get a couple of those by scraping up random seashells and bugs to hock at the general store.

    At best, inflation is horribly out of control in the Animal Crossing world and Nook might have a lot of Bells, but those are equivalent to wheelbarrows full of Zimbabwe dollars.

  • 196
    196 6d ago
    Rule of Service
  • skulblaka skulblaka 6d ago 100%

    Would literally rather have my data go to an evil wizard than an evil capitalist. At least the wizard would find an interesting way to devastate my existence, instead of the capitalist's boring dystopia.

  • Tesla car fire kills four in France
  • skulblaka skulblaka 6d ago 66%

    It's all about the marketing, baby

  • 196
    196 skulblaka 2mo ago 99%
    Bottom Surgerule