
Longtime supporter (but rare user) of Ardour checking in. This incredible project is worthy of a look by anyone searching for an alternative to the DAW they’re using.

Google Chrome’s uBlock Origin phaseout has begun
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 4d ago 100%

    Not entirely accurate.

    Zen brings a number of additions that even the Mozilla team have taken note of regarding features they hope to implement down the road.

    Ref: (ff engineer taking about zen’s implementation - that’s not enabling feature flags) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41307555

  • Google Chrome’s uBlock Origin phaseout has begun
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 4d ago 100%

    They are.

    Not maliciously, but out of laziness.

    I regularly see “you need chrome to use this site”.

  • Google Chrome’s uBlock Origin phaseout has begun
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 5d ago 100%

    Nothing a user agent spoofing extension can’t fix.

    Also, if anyone has concerns about Firefox there are some really interesting forks.

    Zen has been my go to for a couple of weeks.

  • Maintaining a waxed chain is WAAAAY easier than maintaining a wet lubed chain
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 5d ago 100%

    OCD checking in here too.

    To clean the chains they go in an ultrasonic cleaner with heated water to get rid of the existing wax. This makes it easy to just put all the chains in at once and let them party.

    Then a second ultrasonic session with some isopropyl for a final clean and repelling the water. I have mason jars that the chains go in, so it’s really quick and repeatable. By the isopropyl step they’re already quite clean so the isopropyl lasts a really long time.

    I’ve got the workflow down - and lots of place to hang chains in the bike workshop.

    The same process works well for stripping new chains - just with the hot water step switched out for a mineral spirits bath. It’s just as quick but needs a space with good ventilation.

  • Maintaining a waxed chain is WAAAAY easier than maintaining a wet lubed chain
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 6d ago 100%

    Heheh. A few.

    But I also do my partners bikes.

    Most bikes have two active chains each. That way when I do it, it’s quite some time before I have to do it again.

  • Maintaining a waxed chain is WAAAAY easier than maintaining a wet lubed chain
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 6d ago 100%

    Started with wet wax five years ago. Two years ago migrated to immersion waxing.

    I do 5-10 chains at a time. It takes all of 15 minutes.

    Then I wet wax between immersion waxing sessions.

    Chains last a wildly long time and the time saved in between rides is incredible. Not to mention how clean all other parts stay.

  • What technology purchase felt like a major upgrade in your life?
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 6d ago 100%

    Phillips Hue, 800 lumen colour bulbs. We have three in our bedroom.

    It also depends on how they’re controlled. We do most of our control through HomeBridge/HomeKit but for wake-ups we’ve continued to use the Hue app-configured automations as the soft-on and ramp up are the most gentle.

    We were using a dedicated Phillips light alarm clock before the automated lights.

  • Lots of PCs are poised to fall off the Windows 10 update cliff one year from today
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 6d ago 100%

    I’d stoped flying x plane when MSFS came out. Will give it a whirl too.

  • What technology purchase felt like a major upgrade in your life?
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 6d ago 100%

    Same here - it just started as wake up. :)

  • What technology purchase felt like a major upgrade in your life?
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 6d ago 100%

    Lighting system as a wake up tool.

    Have now been using a light or lighting system as a morning wake up for over 15 years. It’s life changing.

    Lights start off dim and red/orange, and brighten very slowly to warm white. Works every time.

    I wake up without the jolt of an alarm at home.

    In fact - automated lighting in general - just so good.

  • Lots of PCs are poised to fall off the Windows 10 update cliff one year from today
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 7d ago 98%

    Recently decided to try Linux for gaming. It wasn’t without a hitch or two, but largely fine. A number of games I play don’t even need an emulation tool like Proton.

    The only reason windows was lying around was for gaming.

    Looks like it’ll only get used for flight simulation.

  • Google looks to be fully shutting down unsupported extensions and ad blockers in Chrome, such as uBlock Origin – which might push some folks to switch to Firefox
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 2w ago 94%

    For those of us who work in (or love) tech - we (myself included) grossly overestimate how much the general public cares about, or cares to be informed about, this stuff. Heck, even people in tech who know better.

    I wish it wasn’t the case but look how long and hard Microsoft moved on Internet Explorer and ActiveX back in the early days of the web.

    Google and Chrome is just another bit of history repeating.

    As an aside, I’ve been using Zen for about a week and it’s been wonderful. Easy transition from Firefox because it largely is Firefox, so all my containers, extensions, and settings carried over. Zen’s workspaces provide exactly the promise I’d hoped “tab groups” brought with Safari (but never worked right). I just wish there was an equivalent to the Hush plug-in on Safari (even after a year of full-timing FF, consent-o-matic is quite poor).

  • Under a toot announcing that firefox now supports CHIPS (Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State)
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 3w ago 97%

    The mastodon version of a post or, sadly, tweet.

    It’s, uh, not the best name.

    But maybe, just maybe, it more appropriately attributes correct value to a social media thing. ;)

  • Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 3w ago 100%

    Sweet. It’s worth it IMO. And definitely fun for either tinkering or just having something solid that works (why not both? ;) ).

    We’ve been using monowall - now pfsense since 2008.

    I don’t necessarily recommend btw - there are lots of great options out there (like it’s cousin OPNSense and so many more).

  • Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 4w ago 100%

    Easy to block that - though not with pihole exclusively.

    We use another tool at our network edge to block all 53/853 traffic and redirect all port 53 traffic to our internal DNS resolver (works much like pihole).

    Then we also block all DoH.

    Only two devices have failed using this strategy: Chromecast - which refuses to work if it can’t access googles DNS. And Philips Hue bridges. Both lie and say “internet offline”. Every other device - even some of the questionable ones on a special VLAN for devices we don’t trust - work just fine and fall back to the router-specified DNS.

  • LinkedIn scraped user data for training AI before updating its terms of service and without obtaining user opt-in consent
  • thatsnothowyoudoit thatsnothowyoudoit 1mo ago 100%

    An ex-Google, ex-Apple, leadership chatbot focused on improving outcomes with data and cat memes, hustling 24/7.

  • https://opentf.org/

    cross-posted from: https://derp.foo/post/136732 > There is a [discussion on Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37133054), but feel free to comment here as well.


    While this is probably more interesting for a synthesizer community, Alex usually touches on how these instruments influence production and writing. Plus he's a brilliant musician in his own right. And so, I thought it equally belongs here. Hearing that opening line brings back so many memories.


    It looks like the transition to a single company is underway. This kind of monolithic beast isn't often musician friendly (look at what Waves tried recently). But, it also opens up the door for new players to make some headroom (har har). It'll be interesting to see how the matrix of these products looks in a year's time.


    It could be anything from tutorials, YouTube channels, plugins/software, anything goes for this first post. One of the most recent things I've stumbled across recently was Baphometrix's Clip-to-zero series. While I don't work on music that needs to be competitively loud, the in-depth series helped provide a new perspective to incorporate into decades-old mixing habbits. Link to the playlist:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UT42-ur080&list=PLxik-POfUXY6i_fP0f4qXNwdMxh3PXxJx&pp=iAQB (I didn't watch every episode) I also really appreciate the work Dan Worrall is doing these days: https://www.youtube.com/c/DanWorrall
