Random Shit


Authorities in New York say a missing man’s dog never left his side. According to the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office, when the body of 39-year-old Cody Johnson was found on Wednesday, his pit bull was right next to him. Johnson’s dog Afton acted as his service animal and refused to leave his deceased owner’s side. Lewis County Sheriff Mike Carpinelli said the four-day search for Johnson came to an end when a volunteer found his body near a camping spot they were familiar with. He is believed to have died as a result of the cold. “I think it’s in a way a little comforting knowing he wasn’t alone. The dog that’d been with him for quite a while was his companion and stayed with him for all those days and evenings,” Carpinelli said. According to Carpinelli, Afton initially refused to let searchers get close to Johnson, but he relaxed after being given biscuits and water.


Kanye West told wife Bianca Censori that he wanted to have sex with her mother while she watched, the rapper’s ex-assistant claims in a new lawsuit, according to reports. West’s former personal assistant, OnlyFans star Lauren Pisciotta, also said in the filing in Los Angeles court that the 48-year-old rapper raped and drugged her at a party hosted by Sean “Diddy” Combs. The 86-page filing details new allegations against West, including an apparent obsession with wanting to sleep with his partner’s mother, the outlet said. Pisciotta, who also was chief of staff for West’s Yeezy brand from 2021 to 2022, claims the rapper showed her text messages between himself and Censori, 29, saying he wanted to have sex with her mother. The Sept. 28, 2022, exchange centered on Censori’s mother, Alexandra Censori, who was visiting from Australia at the time, the outlet reported. Pisciotta also claimed West showed her another text message that he planned to send to Bianca in which he clarified that he wanted her to “watch” him have sex with her mother, according to the report. Pisciotta alleges in the court documents that West showed her the reply from Bianca which said, “She’s married,” referring to her mother Alexandra, according to the outlet.


Two mothers have stunned onlookers by having a brawl in a ball pit in front of fellow parents and children. Footage, captured at a children’s play centre in China, showed the mothers whacking and kicking each other, as well as pulling each other’s hair. One woman threw the other woman down into the ball pit before grabbing her to lay more blows. The other woman then climbed up and tried to fight back. Other parents were seen quickly snatching their children out of the ball pit while others tried to intervene. Eventually, the two women collapsed to the ground but that did not stop their fighting — they only took pause when one woman chastised them both. Onlookers continued to film the interaction. It’s not known exactly why the women began to fight, however onlookers had a lot to say about the situation. “More entertaining than WWE and MMA,” one person declared after seeing what had happened. Another wrote: “More exciting than the Chinese men’s football team.” “Everyone kept shouting, ‘Stop fighting’,” another person wrote after watching the clip. “But not a single person from the crowd stepped in to stop them. “In fact, they were probably hoping the fight would continue,” one declared.


It was the kind of night that felt like the universe was holding its breath, like the stars themselves had gone to the bathroom and left the seat up. The moon hung heavy in the sky, looking suspiciously like an egg that had missed its appointment with gravity. Sarah sat on her porch, whiskey in hand, eyes fixed on the moon, feeling the kind of unease you only get when your phone dies at 2% battery, and you’re stranded at a bus stop filled with mimes. “Something’s off,” she muttered, scratching her nose like she was trying to summon an ancient god of itch relief. The crickets chirped in agreement, except one cricket, who was too busy debating quantum physics with a squirrel in the distance. Then, the moon—oh man, the moon—split in half. Right down the middle, like a giant cosmic omelet that nobody bothered to flip. Sarah stood up, eyes wide, jaw somewhere on the floor. “Is this—are we—what the f—” But her words tangled together like Christmas lights in your attic, and nothing made sense anymore. The moon didn’t care, though. The moon was vibing. It cracked open like an egg in a badly made TikTok recipe, revealing an unsettling void of pure, unfiltered WTF energy. And that energy? It spoke. "BANANA HAMMOCK AT DAWN!" the voice boomed, shaking the very fabric of space-time, or at least the patchwork quilt your grandma left you, which was now flying out the window for no reason. "What? No—" Sarah blinked, stepping back, but the universe was done with normal. The grass beneath her feet was now made of spaghetti, al dente and writhing like it had just been insulted by Gordon Ramsay. Kevin, her neighbor’s cat, appeared, riding a bicycle made entirely of breadsticks. He paused just long enough to tip his helmet—yes, the cat was wearing a helmet—and shout, “THE CHEESE STANDS ALONE!” before pedaling off into the ether. Her house? Oh, forget about it. Her house wasn’t a house anymore; it had decided it was done with that life. Now it was an enormous ice cream cone, but the ice cream was melting, and—wait, hold on—were those gummy bears swimming in it? Yes, yes they were. One of them had a monocle and a cane, and I’ll be damned if he didn’t look like he had somewhere very important to be. Sarah blinked again, like that would help. It didn’t. It never does. Inside, her couch was floating, doing a slow spin like it was auditioning for Dancing with the Stars. The refrigerator door opened on its own, and a single jug of milk floated out, glowing, with a choir of angels singing in the background. Except they were humming the theme song from Friends. You know the one. You’ve heard it. In your nightmares. She stumbled backward into the street, trying to make sense of things, which was a hilarious idea. The road was now made of graham crackers, and to her left, a herd of penguins marched by, one of them wearing a tuxedo that was definitely two sizes too small. “You’re late for the ceremony!” one of them shouted at her before they disappeared into a giant marshmallow, because, of course, they did. “This... this can’t be real,” Sarah whispered, pinching herself. But her arm turned into a bunch of grapes, and she quickly decided that pinching was no longer a valid coping mechanism. The sky shifted. The stars were gone, replaced by glowing, neon signs advertising nonsense. “TRY THE NEW UNICORN FRAPPUCCINO – NOW WITH EXTRA HORSE!” read one sign. Another blinked to life, flashing in vibrant, seizure-inducing colors: “WE SELL BRICK PIZZA! BRICK PIZZA!” Sarah looked around, wondering where the exit was, because if she didn’t find one soon, she was pretty sure she was going to start singing show tunes with the toaster, who had now donned a feather boa and was trying out for Chicago in the living room. "Sarah," the fridge said, voice all serious like it had been waiting for this moment its entire life, "You’ve got to ask yourself: Why are the penguins wearing pants?" The milk, still glowing, floated by in slow motion. It winked at her. It was unsettling. “I don’t care about the penguins!” Sarah screamed, but her voice sounded like it had gone through a Funhouse filter, coming out with that creepy echo you hear when you fall down the YouTube rabbit hole of 3 a.m. conspiracy videos. The grass—still spaghetti, by the way—began to boil, bubbling up like a pasta volcano. Then, from the depths of this noodle hell, rose the largest fork she had ever seen. It reached up, grabbed the moon—one of the halves anyway—and spun it around like a meatball before flinging it into space. But wait. It gets weirder. Suddenly, a giant platypus wearing aviator goggles swooped down from the sky, landed in front of Sarah, and handed her a potato. "For the journey," it said in a deep, gravelly voice, before spreading its enormous wings and taking off again. Sarah looked at the potato. The potato looked back. “Are... are you serious?” she asked, completely done with everything. And the potato answered—because of course it did. “It’s dangerous to go alone,” it said sagely, before exploding into confetti, which rained down all around her like she’d just won a game show. A marching band appeared from nowhere, playing Eye of the Tiger while juggling flaming pineapples. Somewhere in the distance, a rubber duck quacked the national anthem of Luxembourg. Why? Who knows. Not me. Not you. Certainly not Sarah, who was now riding a rainbow wave of pure chaos toward the end of the world, her hair turned into licorice whips, her hands now made entirely of spoons. And just when she thought it couldn’t get any stranger, a familiar voice echoed from the heavens, shaking everything to its core. "THE NARWHAL BACONS AT MIDNIGHT," the moon boomed once again, this time followed by a chorus of “Happy Birthday” sung by the cast of Sesame Street. “Yeah, sure,” Sarah muttered, as a flying taco whizzed past her head. “Why the hell not.” And somewhere, far off in the wild corners of the universe, reason and logic sat down together, cracked open a beer, and decided to call it a day.


A new mum was furious when she thought her husband drank her orange juice - the only drink she could consume postpartum while recovering from the flu. But the truth was much stranger. Instead, Sheridan Hockley discovered a tradie stole a 2L bottle of juice from her fridge when he came to work on her windows. She lives in Edinburgh with her husband and had been down with the flu and a chest infection. As she'd recently given birth, Sheridan wasn't allowed to take a lot of medication so she went 'old school' and purchased big cartons of orange juice to try and get better. 'Sheridan knew she had just bought a 2L bottle of orange juice and she went to the fridge to get it but it wasn't there,' Brittany, her sister, shared the story on an episode of her podcast, Life Uncut. The couple lives alone, but Sheridan's brother-in-law lives in an apartment in the same building. 'Sheridan went back to her husband Jay absolutely raging,' Brittany said. 'She was hormone-filled, sick, and wanted juice.' 'I cannot believe you drank my juice,' Sheridan spat out. 'You know I am here, struggling to stay alive, and you've drunk the one thing that I can consume. The couple argued about it but Jay insisted he never touched the juice. 'Babe, I promise I didn't drink the juice,' he said. Sheridan then went into a rage and asked her brother-in-law, who claimed he was at work all day. It was at that moment she remembered a tradie came to their house to fix their windows earlier in the day. The doorbell camera captured an image of the tradie leaving with the unopened carton of juice.


In a train wait until it starts and then scream "EARTHQUAKE!"

Random Shit Alice 3w ago 14%

A video showing a woman blocking a parking spot with her body in a parking lot has gone viral, drawing widespread criticism. The incident was shared on the YouTube channel "Han Moon-chul TV" on Tuesday under the title, "I spent 30 minutes looking for a parking spot, only to have a woman rush in to reserve it." According to the video, the incident occurred during the Chuseok holiday at Lotte Premium Outlet in Uiwang, Gyeonggi Province. The parking lot was completely full due to the large number of visitors. The video uploader, identified as A, said that he had been circling the parking lot for 20-30 minutes in search of a spot. When a car finally began to pull out, A prepared to reverse into the space. However, as soon as the spot opened up, a woman ran from the opposite direction and stood in the middle of the parking space, effectively blocking his car. The video shows the woman making a phone call while standing in the space. When A asked her what she was doing, she simply replied, "A car is coming," and continued to stand her ground. Despite A's attempts to back into the space, the woman did not move until he insisted by inching his car closer, at which point she finally stepped aside. A expressed his frustration, saying, "It's supposed to be a car that parks, not a person. What car is coming?" According to A, the woman eventually left to find another spot. A shared his disbelief, saying, "I never thought I'd experience something like this in real life — only on TV. It's really absurd. We should all avoid such selfish behavior that goes beyond common sense." Lawyer Han Moon-chul, who runs the YouTube channel, said, "In most cases, people come first, but when it comes to parking, the car comes first." Disputes over parking spot reservations have become a growing social issue. Last month, a similar incident occurred at Seoul Grand Park in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province, where a woman stood in a parking space to reserve it, leading to a confrontation with a driver. In April last year, a video went viral on social media showing a woman lying down in an empty parking spot in Busan's Haeundae, claiming to reserve it. As controversies over parking spot reservations intensify, legislative efforts to prohibit such actions have emerged.


Honestly this cartoon hit me in the feels - IDK, I get misty eyed over sweet cornball simple joy with deep melancholy undertones. Hope you enjoy it, too!


Two airline passengers who locked a stranger’s crying grandchild in a plane restroom have caused outrage in China and sparked a heated online debate on how to handle upset children in public spaces. The incident went viral this week after one of the two women involved posted a video on Chinese social media, which showed them inside a locked lavatory with the wailing girl, who appeared to be about a year old. “We won’t let you out unless you stop crying,” a woman sitting on the toilet told the toddler as she struggled out of the adult’s lap and reached for the door, according to the video posted on Douyin, China’s version of TikTok. As the girl stopped crying, the woman filming the video picked her up and told her: “If you make any noise again, we’ll come back (to the bathroom).” The incident took place August 24 aboard a Juneyao Airlines flight from the southwestern city of Guiyang to Shanghai. The toddler was flying with her grandparents and cried non-stop during the nearly three-hour flight, the airline said in a statement Monday. **The two passengers took the child to the restroom to “educate her” with her grandmother’s consent, the statement added.**


I cannot relate to this as I never followed Jack Black much. I am curious as to what people's opinons are - don't downvote this if you think it's my opinion, lol, because it isn't, but I thought it was spicy and I could see some interesting Fediverse feedback.


A surprising new study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior has uncovered that lady psychopaths are less likely to wear makeup. Scholars from the University of Sao Paulo asked 1,410 Brazilian women about their cosmetics usage across different social contexts, including at home, on a first date, in a business meeting, and at the gym. The volunteers were subsequently asked to complete surveys to measure their “Dark Triad” traits —machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. The researchers found that women who regularly wore lots of makeup scored highly on the narcissism scale. Conversely, however, women who scored highly on the psychopathy scale were less likely to put on lipstick, eyeliner and blush in all social situations. While the findings may initially appear unexpected, they’re perhaps unsurprising given that psychopaths are generally unbothered by how they are perceived by others. “These findings underscore the nuanced relationship between makeup usage and personality,” the study authors stated, saying that women who wore lots of makeup were also found to be more agreeable in most social contexts.


A US Navy warship commander who was ridiculed online for firing a rifle with the scope mounted backward has been relieved of duty, the Navy said Friday. Cmdr. Cameron Yaste was the captain of the USS John S. McCain, a Navy destroyer that has been stationed in the Middle East since April. "The commanding officer of USS John S. McCain was relieved Aug. 30 due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command the guided-missile destroyer," the Navy said in a statement on the same day. Yaste has been temporarily reassigned to Naval Surface Group Northwest, according to the Navy. In April, the Navy posted a photo on its Instagram account of Yaste firing a rifle with its scope on backward. Yaste was mocked online for the gaffe and the photo was removed shortly after.


This might seem like a random news article, and it kind of is, but there is a lot going on with Mariahs' past... >In a passage in her book Carey said of her sister Allison: 'When I was 12 years old, my sister drugged me with valium, offered me a pinky nail full of cocaine, inflicted me with third degree burns and tried to sell me out to a pimp.'

Random Shit Alice 2mo ago 50%



Seven people were killed and a dozen injured after a fire broke out at a hotel in the South Korean city of Bucheon. Two people died after jumping out the windows onto an air mattress provided by the fire department, after the mattress flipped. Other victims were found in rooms on the eight floor, where the fire is believed to have started because of an electrical fault. Although the fire did not spread throughout the building, the damage was extensive as the rooms were not equipped with sprinklers. The nine-storey hotel was built in 2003, before the requirement for sprinklers was written into law, according to the city's fire department. The fire was first reported at 19:39 local time (11:39 GMT) and was extinguished by 22:26 on Thursday, the department said. Police are investigating whether the hotel’s managers were in any way negligent. The fire department's use of the air mattress is also being investigated. Reports said a female victim caught the corner of the mattress as they landed, causing it to flip as a second male victim jumped.


Xiaotu was looking for a soulmate but the typical routes of meeting people on campus or swiping online dating apps just weren’t cutting it for him. Instead, the 23-year-old decided to go big: paying 999 yuan (about $140) to place a personal advertisement on a gigantic 6.5 by 1.7 meter (21 by 5.5 feet) electronic billboard at his local subway station in China’s southern metropolis of Guangzhou. The ad, which went up in May, showed a smiling Xiaotu in his best suit alongside a message and giant QR code that urged interested passengers to add the photography-loving Gen Z college graduate, star sign Libra, as a contact on social media platform WeChat. During the ad’s five-day run, about 200 new friends added him on the app, said Xiaotu, who asked to go by a nickname to share personal details. He is one of a wave of people taking out ads on subways in major cities across China, as the metro systems’ owners – mainly local governments – seek extra income while grappling with high debt and falling revenues. In Guangzhou, where nearly half of the city’s 19 million population rides the subway each day, dozens of personalized ads have appeared in metro stations in recent months, showing everything from dating profiles to job-seeking notices, anniversary posters and birthday wishes. Tech worker Li Linyu, 30, said placing an ad on the Guangzhou metro was a fun way to surprise her husband on his birthday. Her self-designed ad showed several photos of her husband surrounded by cartoon graphics including a cake and crown, with a colorful banner proclaiming: “Happy birthday!” In a memorable moment for the couple, Li filmed her husband’s surprised reaction when he saw his face on the giant LED screen in a packed metro station. “He was completely stunned,” Li said. “He had never thought he could appear on a subway billboard – it was completely beyond belief.” The ads have gone viral on Chinese social media, with commenters calling the service “a joy to watch” that relieves the grind of the daily commute and offers a chance to “zoom in to ordinary people’s lives.”


A senior Channel Seven manager called a Jewish staff member "Ann Frankenstein" in anti-Semitic text messages and said "the character in a play we've written" wanted to bash his head in with a cricket bat, a Four Corners investigation has uncovered. The text messages were sent to producer Taylor Auerbach during his four years working at Spotlight by executive producer Mark Llewellyn, who was forced to resign from the network in April after the program became embroiled in scandal. The messages formed part of Auerbach's workers compensation claim against Seven. In one message, described by Auerbach's lawyer as "anti-Semitic", Mark Llewellyn mocks Auerbach's striped shirt, as looking like concentration camp pyjamas. >>"Why is he wearing the holocaust Jim Jams?" Taylor Auerbach is Jewish. Llewellyn, who was the most senior manager on the current affairs program, followed up, writing that Auerbach was: >>"Ann Frankenstein." ... At the time Auerbach did not convey his distress at these messages and dismissed them with humour. Llewellyn said in a statement, "I categorically deny engaging in any conduct that is anti-Semitic or which constitutes bullying, discrimination or misconduct". Seven knew about the text messages in August last year, eight months before Llewellyn resigned. The texts were not provided to Four Corners by Taylor Auerbach, who is one of many former Seven staff who have signed non-disclosure agreements with the media company after making complaints about how they were treated.

Random Shit Alice 2mo ago 14%
cry cry
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Oh I let
Random Shit Alice 2mo ago 16%
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Random Shit Alice 2mo ago 16%
Oh I

>The Arizona Cardinals are coming off two consecutive 4-13 seasons. It's hard to believe things could get much worse inside that stadium yet here we are looking at one of the most off-putting culinary concoctions any stadium concession stand has ever considered: the cotton candy burrito. >According to the tiny sign there the cotton candy burrito contains ice cream and candy wrapped in cotton candy and a look inside confirms as much. It's sugar wrapped in sugar and the combination of ice cream, Arizona heat and cotton candy seems like a recipe for disaster without even considering the health concerns. If there's really any structural integrity to this thing then it's must be like stuffing the contents of a trick-or-treat bag into a football, which by the way sounds like something that would incredibly easy to throw. >What are we even doing here? This is the exact kind of thing that deserves Dr. Ian Malcolm's scorn. The Arizona Cardinals's concessions operator were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should. IDK man I would try it, sounds like it'd be good. ![](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhilariouschaos.com%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2Fece3b6d6-257e-48c4-8b43-918371f12363.webp)