

cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/736182 > - Asking for Phone Numbers Is ‘Conspiracy’ > > - Encouraging Voters to Watch Television Is ‘Conspiracy’ > > - Grassroots Campaigning Is ‘Conspiracy’ > > - Reserving Rooms Is ‘Conspiracy’ > > - Seeking Signature Verification Is ‘Conspiracy’ > > - Encouraging Someone to Attend a Hearing Is ‘Conspiracy’ > > - Encouraging Special Legislative Sessions Is ‘Conspiracy’ > > - Phone Calls to Lawmakers Are ‘Conspiracy’ >


There are three main components of the machinery of loneliness: - identity politics, - political correctness, and -mob agitation. Identity politics strips us of our individuality, and divides us into camps sorted by various identities of “oppressor” or “victim.” Political correctness controls our speech by inducing us to self-censor under threat of ostracism. Mobs take different forms, but they serve to enforce all of the above while cultivating conformity, compliance, and social distrust. The machinery is further fueled in other ways to threaten people with isolation if they don’t conform. These include propaganda, censorship, the criminalization of comedy, and snitch culture. New technologies play a role too. If we can’t speak openly to one another, we cannot organically develop bonds of trust. And if we can’t develop trusting relationships—whether as family, as children of God, or as friends and cheerful neighbors—then we’ve gone a long way towards a Stockholm Syndrome-like dependence upon our government captors.


Everything government officials told us during the pandemic was a lie. It was not a mistake, it was not bureaucratic confusion, it was a lie. Even after this information became available, they KEPT GOING – They kept people locked down, kept them masked and they even tried to force-vaccinate the population. There were some Republican politicians that also went along with the panic, many of them Neocons (fake conservatives). However, the majority of red states quickly ended the restrictions once the contradictory data was made public. In the meantime, the blue states looked ridiculous and paranoid as they desperately clung to the mandates.


So exercise your right to require the FBI have a warrant, and you will be shot by an army of FBI agents is a surprise raid at an hour nobody with good intentions normally comes to your house. > Bunch said he heard authorities knock on Robertson’s door the day before the raid, but he turned them away because they didn’t have a warrant. > “I don’t think he was even given a chance to even see a warrant when they went in and raided his house,” Bunch said. This does not excuse the social media comments about shooting politicians, but this response was clearly inappropriate. The FBI themselves had already proven they could safely knock on his door at a respectable hour.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/676146 > From the moment a child enters one of the nation’s 98,000 public schools to the moment he or she graduates, they will be exposed to a steady diet of: > > - draconian zero tolerance policies that criminalize childish behavior, > - overreaching anti-bullying statutes that criminalize speech, > - school resource officers (police) tasked with disciplining and/or arresting so-called “disorderly” students, > - standardized testing that emphasizes rote answers over critical thinking, > - politically correct mindsets that teach young people to censor themselves and those around them, > and > - extensive biometric and surveillance systems that, coupled with the rest, acclimate young people to a world in which they have no freedom of thought, speech or movement. >


The sole purpose of the organization is to harass internet advertisers from posting ads on conservative websites in order to silence conservative voices and put them out of business.


Using words like problematic, cisgender, Latinx and intersectional is a sure sign that you’ve got cultural capital coming out of your ears. Meanwhile, members of the less-educated classes have to walk on eggshells, because they never know when we’ve changed the usage rules, so that something that was sayable five years ago now gets you fired.”


If you don’t agree with the regime, they try to disbar you and they try to imprison you. What does that sound like? Sounds like Communist China to me. Not the United States of America. This is a violation of his right of free speech. You even have a right to lie under the First Amendment. Now, he (Trump) didn’t. The strange thing here is the people lying are the people bringing this and this count they have here, conspiracy against rights. They should be indicted for conspiracy against rights for bringing this indictment…… I would seriously consider indicting them for 18 USC. Section 241. For indicting a man for exercising his right of free speech, that’s a conspiracy against rights. These people are dangerous. There’s no way this wasn’t rushed, because it’s also poorly written and has a lot of mistakes in it. Yesterday, Biden got his head kicked in completely. The false exculpatory statements that were revealed yesterday, 24 of which most lawyers would understand this, completely convict him. Under the law, a false exculpatory statement is as powerful as a confession that comes right out of evidence, textbooks. What Archer did is prove that for ten years, Biden has been lying completely. All of that can be used against him as evidence of guilt. It’s very, very powerful. It’s much more damaging than, I think even a lot of the Congressmen realized.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/565609 > We are now moving in the direction of another revolution targeted at ending the traditional family, the nation-state and religion,” warned Legutko. The present cultural revolutionaries remind us of the ancient Greek shoemaker Herostratus, who burned down the Temple of Artemis in an effort to become significant by destroying something of value. > > They think they are special and on a mission to create a brave new world in which they will play God, but without memory and experience they fail to spot the long-term consequences of actions such as undermining parental control and family ties, he warned. > > The paradox here is that the mania of liberation leads to slavery. The democratic liberal state is hyper-active and regulates everything; the way we behave, speak and even think. A repressive system is developing and those who do not conform are increasingly subject to punishment. > > Corporations and international bodies such as the EU are actively engaged in assisting in the creation of the new despotism.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/477941 > We have collectively watched as doxxing has destroyed lives, how one social media misstep can cost jobs, careers, and relationships. The anons don't deserve that, none of us do, but we all have the right to speak out, to say our piece, whether we stand on our own names, on avatars, or do so pseudonymously. Defenders of free speech must also defend the anons, it's the American thing to do.


Commerce Department that would force commercial fishing vessels to pay federal observers. Such on-board monitoring could cost more than $700 a day and about a fifth of fishermen’s profits, according to the Cause of Action Institute, which is representing the plaintiffs.


The Framers saw the Supreme Court as playing a counter-majoritarian role when it is necessary to protect individual rights and constitutional norms. The alternative is what the Framers viewed as a tyranny of the majority, where popularity rather than principle prevails. For that reason, the Court has often stood with the least popular in our society and, since Marbury v. Madison, has had the final word on what the Constitution means. Justice Robert Jackson once observed that he and his colleagues “are not final because we are infallible, we are infallible because we are final.”


If the documents obtained from the bank by Mr. Farage are genuine, it proves that the bank closed his account for purely political reasons. As Mr. Farage himself said, these documents read like something from Stasi headquarters. I quote just one or two of the statements in the documents (apart from anything else the English used is a tribute to the appalling state of British secondary and tertiary education): “Given N[igel] F[arage]’s high profile and the substantial amount of adverse press connected to him, there are significant reputational risks to the bank in being associated with him. While it is accepted that no criminal convictions have resulted, commentary and behaviours that do not align with the bank’s purpose and values have been demonstrated. … The comments/articles [on ESG/diversity and inclusion] are not in line with our views or our purpose.”


This is how it begins. In communities across the nation, police are being empowered to forcibly detain individuals they believe might be mentally ill, based solely on their own judgment, even if those individuals pose no danger to others. In New York City, for example, you could find yourself forcibly hospitalized for suspected mental illness if you carry “firmly held beliefs not congruent with cultural ideas,” exhibit a “willingness to engage in meaningful discussion,” have “excessive fears of specific stimuli,” or refuse “voluntary treatment recommendations.” While these programs are ostensibly aimed at getting the homeless off the streets, when combined with advances in mass surveillance technologies, artificial intelligence-powered programs that can track people by their biometrics and behavior, mental health sensor data (tracked by wearable data and monitored by government agencies such as HARPA), threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, precrime initiatives, red flag gun laws, and mental health first-aid programs aimed at training gatekeepers to identify who might pose a threat to public safety, they could well signal a tipping point in the government’s efforts to penalize those engaging in so-called “thought crimes.”


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/265961 > Rarely has a government, at least the U.S. government, banned specific products or behaviors that are so widely used or undertaken. Indeed, there have been only two comparably far-reaching bans in U.S. history: the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibited the consumption of alcohol (repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment); and the 1974 law prohibiting driving faster than 55 mph. Neither achieved its goals; both were widely flouted, and the first one engendered unintended consequences, not least of which was criminal behavior.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/200581 > “This election will decide whether your generation inherits a fascist country or a free country—whether you will have the rule of tyrants or the rule of law,” Trump told those gathered, adding “whether Marxist radicals burn our civilization to the ground, which they’re looking to do, or young patriots like you propel America to glorious new heights like never before.”


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/199940 > Despite the repression, many Iranian women continue to disregard the dress code, letting their hair out in public places throughout the country. > > On Sunday, General Saeed Montazerolmahdi, a police spokesman, said the morality police would resume alerting and arresting women not wearing hijab in public. > > In Tehran, the men and women of the morality police are seen patrolling the streets in marked vans.


In May 2024 our countries will vote to allow a single person to dictate border closures and quarantine, and require medical examinations and vaccination of their citizens. They will agree to censor those who protest. Our governments will undertake to make this individual’s recommendations regarding our rights to family life, work, and school effectively binding.


"It is you [WHO] that is the small fringe minority," she continued. "You are the ones who do not have the right to dictate to the people what they want and what they don’t want." "So take it from me ... take it from the millions and millions of people around the world. We will bring you down, and we will not tire until we have done just that. So brace yourselves. We are here, and the fight is on. So let’s have the fight."


You know, for all of the Democrats’ talk about authoritarians and fascism, they sure seem to like using those concepts as political tactics.


Thanks to the 24/7 surveillance being carried out by the government’s spy network of fusion centers, we are all now sitting ducks, just waiting to be tagged, flagged, targeted, monitored, manipulated, investigated, interrogated, heckled and generally harassed by agents of the American police state. Although these precrime programs are popping up all across the country, in small towns and big cities, they are not making us any safer but they are endangering individual freedoms.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/194091 > Court documents revealing the FTC’s attempts to pressure a this top-tier accounting firm, Ernst & Young, into penalizing Elon Musk. > > The situation escalated to the point where the employees at the accounting firm feared they would face repercussions if they failed to act against Musk. > > At times, it’s hard to identify this new totalitarian country as the “America” we once knew.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/175638 > A “global shock” is whatever the U.N.’s leadership says it is, triggered whenever the U.N. desires. > > The emergency platform would centralize an immense amount of power and influence, giving the United Nations greater control over the lives of Americans than it has ever had before. And rather than stand up for Americans’ rights, President Biden has already agreed to sell us out. > > If the emergency platform is approved, the United States as we know it could cease to exist. That sounds dire, but it’s true. We either stand for freedom now or risk everything come September 2024.


We have to remember what happened here in the U.S. when tyrannical governors like Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan got their hands on emergency powers. Almost all of the bad things came out of that and they didn’t want to let them go.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/163503 > The action would also require some Jovem Pan networks to air government-created content. > > The list of allegedly “anti-democratic” content was broadcast between January 1, 2022, and January 8, 2023, the day when thousands of protesters stormed the premises of the nation’s Congress, Supreme Federal Tribunal (STF), and the Planalto presidential palace.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/144334 > This is what happens when a socialist country is run by corrupt dictator


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/139674 > German Leftists moved this month to ban and eliminate their main rival – the Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party. The AfD is currently the largest threat to the socialists in Germany and continues to gather support from the German people who are exhausted from the failed and punishing policies of the ruling elite.


It is now clear that those responsible for the Covid response aren’t looking for amnesty or forgiveness; they seek a government structure that codifies their authoritarian impulses and a legal system that offers citizens no means of demanding accountability from their rulers. Publicly, they are searching for any “emergency” to increase their power. Privately, they are looking to put that system into law. The largely unknown Uniform Law Commission (ULC) has proposed a law that would drastically increase executive power in the United States and reduce citizens’ legal right to resist unconstitutional edicts. The Act threatens to strip Americans of their legal ability to oppose mandates, lockdowns, or other government orders. It offers total deference to governors in deciding what constitutes an emergency. No evidence would be required for state leaders to impose arbitrary and irrational limits on human liberty. Schools, businesses, and churches would be subject to the whims of executive power. Citizens had painful reminders of their leaders’ mammalian flaws of the last three years. Hypocrisy, irrationality, self-interest, and insatiable pursuits of power became commonplace. There were the double standards of governors flaunting their own restrictions and granting blatant political favoritism. Children suffered under cruel and irrational edicts and states criminalized basic human liberties. Governors called on local law enforcement to break into homes to arrest families for gathering at Thanksgiving. Now, the ULC proposes granting governors more power for when the next emergency arrives. There is no reason to expect angelic behavior in the next crisis. The attempt here is to end what most annoyed the ruling elites during the Covid crisis: the relatively decentralized response due to American federalism.


WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says the WHO’s mandate regarding “health emergencies” must extend beyond pandemics to include hunger, poverty, ecological degradation, climate change, and social and economic inequalities. These negotiations are intended to produce legally binding treaties and agreements. They do not prioritize personal civil liberties, such as freedom of speech, assembly, privacy, religious faith, and having a vote in policy decisions, which are all central to America’s founding documents. For example, the current public draft of the IHR amendments, which states how the regulations will be implemented, has deleted the phrase “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons” “The attempt to create a veil of secrecy now surrounding the substantive and technical text-based negotiations on the WHO pandemic treaty sets a dangerous precedent for norm-setting at the multilateral level,”


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/88140 > The rise of the military industrial complex which has turned America into a warfare state abroad and a surveillance state at home.” > > The interview between RFK Jr. and Piers Morgan was cut short however when Kennedy started to talk about the dangers of vaccines.


The pressure to conform to the new “reality” is already intense and it’s going to get worse as vaccination passes, public mask-wearing, periodic lockdowns, etc., become normalized. Those who don’t conform will be systematically demonized, socially and/or professionally ostracized, segregated, and otherwise punished. Our opinions will be censored. We will be “canceled,” deplatformed, demonitized, and otherwise silenced. Our views will be labeled “potentially harmful.” We will be accused of spreading “misinformation,” of being “far-right extremists,” “racists,” “anti-Semites,” “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxers,” “anti-global-capitalist violent domestic terrorists,” or just garden variety “sexual harassers,” or whatever they believe will damage us the most. This will happen in both the public and personal spheres. Not just governments, the media, and corporations, but your colleagues, friends, and family will do this. Strangers in shops and restaurants will do this. Most of them will not do it consciously. They will do it because your non-conformity represents an existential threat to them … a negation of their new “reality” and a reminder of the reality they surrendered in order to remain a “normal” person and avoid the punishments described above.


The “War on Populism” will simply morph into the “New Normal War on Domestic Terror,” which will become one more theater in the “Global War on Terror,” which has been on hiatus, and which will now resume. As I have pointed out repeatedly over the past four years, we appear to be headed toward a dystopian future in which there will essentially be two classes of people: (a) “normals” (i.e., those who conform to global-capitalist ideology and decrees); and (b) the “extremists” (i.e., those who don’t). It will make no difference whatsoever what type of “extremists” these “extremists” are … religious-fundamentalist extremists, Islamic extremists, Christian extremists, right-wing extremists, left-wing extremists, white-supremacist or Black-nationalist extremists, virus deniers, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, anti-maskers, recalcitrant transphobians, anti-transhumanists, pronoun resisters, defiant oppositionalists, or whatever … the names don’t really matter. The point is, conform or be labelled an “extremist,” a “domestic terrorist,” or some other type of “antisocial person” or “social deviant,” or “potential threat to public health.”

Tyranny admin 1y ago 100%
The Great Divide

The folks at GloboCap are right on the verge of permanently implementing their new “reality.” In that “reality,” an apocalyptic virus (with a survival rate of roughly 99.7%) nearly wiped out the entire planet, and would have, if not for the Emergency Health Measures (i.e., mass house arrest, forced conformity rituals, cancellation of constitutional rights, censorship of dissent, official propaganda on a scale that even Goebbels could never have dreamed of, fomenting of mass hysteria and hatred, segregation and persecution of a designated scapegoat underclass) imposed on society by our admittedly imperfect but well-intentioned government and global health authorities. In that “reality,” the “vaccines” they forced on billions of people (who did not need them) are “safe and effective” (despite the fact, which even they now acknowledge, that they have seriously injured or killed millions of people). In that “reality,” a few hundred unarmed Trump supporters horsing around in the Capitol Building was an “insurrection,” or “attempted coup,” or … well, you get the picture. There are no neo-Nazis in the Ukraine. The Russians blew up their own pipelines. And so on.


The three will be prosecuted under France’s abusive criminal code that allows for the arrest of those who engage in speech that “affect the personal dignity or the respect owed to a public official.” It is a breathtaking denial of political speech and invites selective prosecution. If convicted, they could face a fine of 15,000 euros and potentially up to one year in prison, according to La Chaîne Info. Macron has hit a record low in polling, but his government will now enforce respect for him through threats of incarceration.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/87059 > Senate Bill 5599 would allow the state’s Department of Children, Youth, and Families to remove children to a group home if their parents opposed any sort of “gender transition” the child expressed interest in or even an abortion, and they can do so without even informing the parents that it happened. In other words, this is state-sanctioned kidnapping.


This is so close to the truth it is scary


“They could declare an emergency for a pandemic or even the possibility of a pandemic and then nations would be forced to do the bidding of the WHO. And every single human on earth would be given a digital identity, on your phone, there will be a QR code, and if you’re in compliance with what the WHO has mandated for you — testing, shots, boosters — then you get to travel, or you don’t get to travel. And that would be merged with your electronic medical records, and eventually that will be merged with the digital currency, and your whole life will be on your QR code, but it will be run through the World Health Organization, through the U.N. That’s the platform for global governance. We’ve never had this level of control, ever, in history. This would be a first, where we have a global body, and all 194 nations would give up their sovereignty to the World Health Organization.”


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/86954 > Global institutions and governments got just about everything to do with covid wrong. > > To celebrate, they want to give themselves more power over you