Tyranny admin 1y ago 100%

You don’t get to violate people’s First Amendment right, Smith, no matter who the hell you are or no matter how sick you are with Trump derangement syndrome.


If you don’t agree with the regime, they try to disbar you and they try to imprison you.

What does that sound like? Sounds like Communist China to me. Not the United States of America.

This is a violation of his right of free speech. You even have a right to lie under the First Amendment. Now, he (Trump) didn’t. The strange thing here is the people lying are the people bringing this and this count they have here, conspiracy against rights. They should be indicted for conspiracy against rights for bringing this indictment…… I would seriously consider indicting them for 18 USC. Section 241. For indicting a man for exercising his right of free speech, that’s a conspiracy against rights. These people are dangerous.

There’s no way this wasn’t rushed, because it’s also poorly written and has a lot of mistakes in it.

Yesterday, Biden got his head kicked in completely. The false exculpatory statements that were revealed yesterday, 24 of which most lawyers would understand this, completely convict him.

Under the law, a false exculpatory statement is as powerful as a confession that comes right out of evidence, textbooks. What Archer did is prove that for ten years, Biden has been lying completely.

All of that can be used against him as evidence of guilt. It’s very, very powerful. It’s much more damaging than, I think even a lot of the Congressmen realized.

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